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RF Cafe Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle
May 13, 2018

Each week, for the sake of all avid cruciverbalists amongst us, I create a new technology-themed crossword puzzle using only words from my custom-created lexicon related to engineering, science, mathematics, chemistry, physics, astronomy, etc. You will never find among the words names of politicians, mountain ranges, exotic foods or plants, movie stars, or anything of the sort. You might, however, see someone or something in the exclusion list who or that is directly related to this puzzle's theme, such as Hedy Lamar or the Bikini Atoll, respectively. Enjoy!

cruciverbalist: [noun]  cruci- ("cross") +‎ verbal ("words") +‎ -ist ("agent, person") -- A person who constructs crosswords.

Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.

acr. = acronym, abbr. = abbreviation, pl. = plural, wds. = words

RF Cafe Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle May 13, 2018

1. Type of calculation preformed by RF Cafe's Wireless System Designer - only $45 (2 wds.)

6. Television Interference (abbr.)

7. 1E6 nanoseconds

9. A class of subatomic particles that are composed of quarks and take part in the strong interaction (pl.)

11. Unit of heat

13. Chemical symbol for polonium

14. Chemical symbol for xenon

16. Having power applied (slang)

17. Impenetrable physical barrier

20. Hub of the solar system (pl.)

23. Substrate for mounting components (abbr.)

26. National Bureau of Standards radio station (time signals)

27. Very large unit of apparent power (abbr.)

29. Online service

30. Chemical symbol for erbium

32. Equipment

34. Variable Frequency Oscillator

36. Filter type that blocks frequencies below and above a specified band (abbr.)

37. Sound frequency in the human hearing range (abbr.)

38. CRT electron beam scan type (pl.)

40. Finite Element Analysis (abbr.)

41. Time taken for one complete oscillation of a vibrating object

44. Causes circuit path with very low or 0 ohms of impedance

45. Chemical symbol for neon

46. Method of sending high-speed digital signals on electric distribution wires, a Ham's nemesis (abbr.)

47. Precision landing system (abbr.)

48. Circuit or mechanical designer with a Bachelor's or higher degree

51. Component that only allows RF signal flow in one direction

52. Unit of current

53. Common shorthand reference for a capacitor

54. In-phase

56. Physical quantity defined as force per unit area

58. Anatech Electronics Inc., (abbr.)

59. Multifunctional silicon devices (abbr., pl.)

61. BS__ - the degree held by many RF Cafe visitors

62. Reserves for

66. Degrade or destroy performance

70. Type of distribution, squared

71. The "D" in RFID (pl.)

76. Multifunctional silicon devices (abbr.)

77. Decimeter (abbr.)

78. Government program to bring electricity to farms (abbr.)

79. Web page language

81. Chemical symbol for lithium

82. Current-voltage phase mnemonic

84. Greek letter

86. Abbreviation for acknowledge (also a common word used by Bill the Cat)

88. ELI the ICE ___

89. Reliability measure (abbr.)

90. Considered the 4th dimension

91. Resistive component of a capacitor's lumped element model (abbr.)

93. Chemical symbol for manganese

94. Home state of Los Alamos lab (abbr.)

95. Alternative name for Alpha Scorpii

98. Electrical connection surface

102. Chemical symbol for bismuth

103. International Telecommunications Union

104. Radio receiver scheme which mixes a second frequency (LO) with the incoming radio signals

1. A gaseous process that deposits insulating films or metal onto a wafer at elevated temperature (abbr.)

2. Powers pneumatic devices

3. One port on a BJT (pl.)

4. Describes a charge with an excess of electrons

5. Specialized mobile radio (abbr.)

6. Chemical symbol for tantalum

8. Chemical symbol for silicon

9. Change out a plug-in module while power is still applied (2 wds.)

10. A very good conductor of electricity

11. The entire Universe

12. Multiplies out a factored expression

13. Chemical symbol for polonium

15. Engineering Change Order (abbr.)

16. Founder of the ARRL (3 wds.)

18. Modern battlefield technique (abbr.)

19. Conductor size unit (abbr.)

21. PCB mask exposing ray (abbr.)

22. 1e-6 mA

24. Large-value resistor connected across the filter capacitor in a power supply to discharge the filter capacitors when the supply is turned off (2 wds.)

25. Equipment

28. Longitudinal shape-forming structural element

31. Radio frequency interference (abbr.)

33. A common battery cell size

35. Chemical symbol for francium

36. Chemical symbol for beryllium oxide

39. Uppermost surface

40. Type of spread spectrum that does not use direct sequence spreading (abbr.)

42. Exponent that returns the original number

43. Adjusts the specification for temperature

44. Describes when a synchronous motor lost "lock"

49. Stock symbol for Hewlett Packard

50. Engineering Change Notice (abbr.)

55. Stock symbol for National Instruments

57. Government program to bring electricity to farms (abbr.)

60. Printer output resolution unit (abbr.)

62. RF radiating structure

63. Smartphone display (abbr., pl.)

64. Unit of resistance

65. Semiconductor device type (abbr.)

67. 1/000 of an inch

68. Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter (abbr.)

69. Helium, iron, silicon, or uranium, for example

71. Changes from the initial value due to instability

72. BS__ - the degree held by many RF Cafe visitors

73. Data declaration type in software

74. Half of table salt

75. Energy at rest

80. Peripheral Component Interface (abbr.)

83. Person responsible for program spending (abbr.)

84. Chemical symbol for platinum

85. Chemical symbol for antimony

87. Unit of length (abbr.)

92. Type of component package (abbr.)

96. Chemical symbol for niobium

97. Service of the ARRL that helps hams solve technical problems (abbr.)

99. Chemical element abbreviated Sn

100. Automated Test Equipment (abbr.)

101. Chemical symbol for copper

See solution below


2018 Crosswords Archive

Visit the Crossword Express website - RF CafeTake a well-deserved break and try your hand at some of these goodies. Every word in the RF Cafe crossword puzzles is specifically related to engineering, mathematics, and science. There are no generic backfill words like many other puzzles give you, so you'll never see a clue asking for the name of a movie star or a mountain on the Russia-China border.

All of these crossword puzzles were created using the fabulous Crossword Express (now called "Magnum Opus") software.

2024 | 2023 |2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000


A cruciverbalist is a person who is skilled at creating or solving crossword puzzles. The term is a combination of "cruci-" from "crucifix," meaning cross, and "verbalist" from "verbal," indicating a person who deals with words. cruciverbalists are often responsible for designing crossword puzzles, and they possess a deep knowledge of wordplay, vocabulary, and the techniques used in constructing and solving crosswords. They aim to make puzzles that are both challenging and enjoyable for crossword enthusiasts.

December 30

December 23

December 16

December 9

December 2

November 18

August 5

July 29

July 22

July 15

July 8

July 1

June 24


June 10

June 3

May 27

May 20

May 13

May 6

April 29

April 22

April 15

April 8

April 1

March 25

March 18

March 11

February 25

February 18

February 11

February 4

January 28

January 21

January 14

January 7
















RF Cafe Engineering & Science Crossword Solution May 13, 2018

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