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RF Cafe Science & Engineering Crossword Puzzle
February 9, 2020

As with my hundreds of previous science and engineering-themed crossword puzzles, this one for February 9, 2020, contains only clues and terms associated with engineering, science, physical, astronomy, mathematics, chemistry, etc., which I have built up over nearly two decades. Many new words and company names have been added that had not even been created when I started in the year 2002. You will never find a word taxing your knowledge of a numbnut soap opera star or the name of some obscure village in the Andes mountains. You might, however, encounter the name of a movie star like Hedy Lamarr or a geographical location like Tunguska, Russia, for reasons which, if you don't already know, might surprise you.

cruciverbalist: [noun]  cruci- ("cross") +‎ verbal ("words") +‎ -ist ("agent, person") -- A person who constructs or works crosswords.

Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.

acr. = acronym, abbr. = abbreviation, pl. = plural, wds. = words

Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle February 9, 2020 - RF Cafe 

<click for full size to print>

1. A type of jet fighter

8. Mathematical relationship of voltage, resistance, and current in a circuit (2 wds.)

15. Energy possessed by a body in motion

16. Digital transmission figure of merit (abbr.)

18. Measured

20. Largest broadcaster in the UK (abbr.)

21. Test point (abbr.)

22. Relating to the sun

24. Chemical symbol for gallium

25. World's largest yearly convention of gadget and device manufacturers (abbr.)

26. Chemical symbol for lead

27. Number is defined as a one followed by 100 zeros

28. Aircraft tracking system (pl.)

30. 1,000 seconds (abbr.)

31. Greek letter (micro)

32. Sent a file over a network (abbr.)

34. Unit of volume (abbr.)

36. Introduce unintended amplitude changes

39. Put a new program on a computer

43. Applies a lubricant

44. National Television System Committee (abbr.)

45. International Amateur Radio Union (abbr.)

46. Light

47. Helium, iron, silicon, or uranium, for example

49. Electromagnetic surveillance thwarting technology

51. Network department (abbr.)

52. Relating to sound

55. Unit of time (abbr.)

57. __ + 56 Down, this website's title

59. The ringed planet

62. Frequency band at high end of audio spectrum

65. 1/000 of an amp (abbr.)

66. Electrical overstress (abbr.)

68. Chemical symbol for polonium

69. The Brits call them valves

71. Chemical symbol for selenium

72. Electromotive force (abbr.)

73. Analog multimeter company

76. Stock symbol for National Semiconductor

77. Vacuum tube with five electrodes

79. Named a software object

80. Digital counter input line to set an initial value (pl.)

1. Service-Independent Building Blocks

2. RF connector type

3. BS__ - the degree held by many RF Cafe visitors

4. Prefix for 10E-18

5. High power density battery chemistry (abbr.)

6. Coefficient of temperature (abbr.)

7. 10 decibels

9. 1/100 meter (abbr.)

10. 1000000 prefix

11. Network configuration type

12. Front edge of a wing (abbr.)

13. Flash caused by an electric current ionizing a gas or vapor

14. 5 work days

15. 1E3 bits per second (abbr.)

16. Threaded fastener

17. ____ earth elements

19. Type of spread spectrum that does not use frequency hopping (abbr.)

22. Power-up with gradual application of current and/or voltage

23. Antenna driven element (pl.)

27. Triangular joint filler added for strength (pl.)

29. A triangle that has all three sides unequal in length

31. 1/1000 prefix

33. Unit of capacitance (abbr.)

35. Object orientated programming term

36. Singulated piece of IC wafer

37. Exponent that returns the original number

38. Stock symbol for Raytheon

40. The design component of total product cost (abbr.)

41. Add two or more inputs

42. Stock symbol for Lockheed Martin

48. Chemical symbol for cadmium

50. Amateur Radio Emergency Service (abbr.)

53. Balun with both ports unbalanced

54. Thing in a bill of material

56. 57 Across + ____, the world's best engineering website

58. Thin metallic shield material around coax cable

60. Nearest and furthest points to the center of gravitational attraction for a body in orbit

61. Device to assist in the performance of a chore

63. RF engineer's degree

64. Glass device is used for focusing light

65. Multichannel multipoint distribution service

67. Miniature threaded RF connector

70. Broadband Signal Intrusion (abbr.)

72. End of transmission (abbr.)

74. Chemical symbol for lead

75. Chemical symbol for neon

77. Chemical symbol for praseodymium

78. Test equipment (abbr.)

See solution below


2020 Crossword Puzzle Archive

Visit the Crossword Express website - RF CafeTake a well-deserved break and try your hand at some of these goodies. Every word in the RF Cafe crossword puzzles is specifically related to engineering, mathematics, and science. There are no generic backfill words like many other puzzles give you, so you'll never see a clue asking for the name of a movie star or a mountain on the Russia-China border.

All of these crossword puzzles were created using the fabulous Crossword Express (now called "Magnum Opus") software.

2024 | 2023 |2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000


A cruciverbalist is a person who is skilled at creating or solving crossword puzzles. The term is a combination of "cruci-" from "crucifix," meaning cross, and "verbalist" from "verbal," indicating a person who deals with words. cruciverbalists are often responsible for designing crossword puzzles, and they possess a deep knowledge of wordplay, vocabulary, and the techniques used in constructing and solving crosswords. They aim to make puzzles that are both challenging and enjoyable for crossword enthusiasts.

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Engineering & Science Crossword Solution February 9, 2020 - RF Cafe

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe
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