December 1958 Popular Electronics
of Contents
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Popular Electronics,
published October 1954 - April 1985. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.
Here is a Christmas-themed
"Carl & Jerry" episode from the December 1958 issue of Popular Electronics
magazine. Carl & Jerry, if you are not familiar with them, are a couple electronics-savvy
teenagers who, in the style of The Hardy Boys, manage to get involved in a series of criminal investigations.
With headquarters based in their parent's basement, the two friends cobble up strategies
and contraptions for snaring bad guys, bedazzling unsuspecting neighbors and classmates,
and assisting people in need of techno-capable assistance. They have quite an impressive
collection of test equipment and radio gear at their disposal per the one drawing herein.
In this episode we are introduced to the word "osculation." If you already knew its definition, you're one up on
Carl and Jerry, Under the Mistletoe
By John T. Frye
"For the last time, no!" Carl shouted at his friend, Jerry, sprawled on the old leather
divan of the basement laboratory; "I'm not going to take your visiting cousin Patricia
to the Christmas party."
"And why not?" Jerry demanded truculently. "With those blue eyes, black hair, and
dimples, she isn't exactly a crow, you know. And didn't she win the science award? She
knows darned near as much about electronics as we do. Lots of guys would jump at the
"Let 'em jump," Carl said firmly. "I'll not deny she's easy on the eyes, quite hep,
and nice, too, for a girl. It's simply that I've had it as far as these Christmas party
capers are concerned."
Jerry exchanged a knowing look with his chum. "Mistletoe?" he asked sympathetically.
Carl nodded vigorously. "Yep. Last year Cindy
Hawkins, who goes around with her lips pursed all the time like a goldfish, got me talking
about radio and somehow maneuvered me under a sprig of the stuff. Before I realized it,
she was looking up into my face expectantly and batting her eyes like a toad in a hailstorm.
Then some joker spied us and yaks, 'Gwan; kiss her, Carl. You chicken or somethin?' I
was trapped like a rat," he finished with a shiver as he drew the back of his hand across
his mouth as if to erase the thought.
Jerry's round face took on the bland, cherubic look it got when the little wheels
inside his head were racing like mad. "If I help you give Kissing Cindy the cure, will
you take Pat to the party?" he asked rather hopefully.
Carl's face wrinkled into a suspicious frown. "Let's hear your idea before we make
any deals."
"It's beautifully simple. You'll wear a few of these miniature B- batteries connected
in series to produce about 130 volts; a current-limiting resistor will be inserted between
the positive terminal and an electrode taped to your skin. The negative lead will connect
through a small wire to your metal wrist-watch band. We'll spray the inside of this band
with plastic spray to insulate it from your arm. Now, when Osculation Hawkins corners
you under the mistletoe, you casually bring the wristband in contact with her arm and
let her have it right smack on the kisser. Do you get the picture?"
"Yeah-h-h-h," Carl breathed with mounting enthusiasm for the picture in his mind's
eye. "Girls are afraid of electricity anyway. Man, I'll take the curl right out of her
hair. We'll cure her of this smooching habit, but good!"
"Then you'll take Pat?"
"Sure, why not? But let's get started on this mistletoe antidote."
The boys had been so interested in their conversation they failed to notice a slender,
blue-eyed girl who had started down the basement steps in the other room a few minutes
before and had paused to listen to their conversation. Now, with a thoughtful look on
her face, she turned around and tiptoed back up the stairs and out of the door.
Once his word was given, Carl did things up brown. A pretty little corsage was delivered
to Pat the afternoon of the party, and Carl showed up that evening looking scrubbed,
handsome, and dressed in his best. Pat was lovely in a deceptively simple dress with
Carl's corsage at her shoulder, and her only jewelry was a heavy silver bracelet. Jerry's
"date," a neighbor girl from across the street, was already there; and the four young
folks set out for the party in high spirits.
"It's beautifully simple," Jerry said. "You'll wear a few of these miniature B- batteries
connected in series to produce about 130 volts"
The party was in full swing when they arrived.
As the boys helped the girls off with their coats, Carl caught sight of a sprig of mistletoe
fastened to the chandelier and favored Jerry with a broad knowing wink. Blonde Cindy
Hawkins, her scarlet mouth standing out starkly in her white face, spied Carl and started
making her way in his direction immediately; but before she reached him Pat intercepted
her and practically dragged her off up the stairs. This struck Jerry as a little odd
at the time, but he had no time to think about it because he and Carl were caught up
in a boisterous "ice-breaker" game that was just starting.
A few minutes later, though, he glanced up to see Cindy and Pat descending the stairs
with their arms about each other's waists. In passing he idly noticed that they had exchanged
bracelets. Pat's heavy silver bracelet was on Cindy's right arm.
The hostess had planned the party well, and for almost the entire evening everyone
was kept so busy with interesting, hilarious activity that the mistletoe got no play
at all. But finally, after refreshments, Jerry saw Cindy artfully guiding an innocent-looking
Carl under the chandelier. They stopped beneath it, and Carl allowed his gaze to follow
the girl's to the branch of mistletoe; then, with a wicked smile of anticipation on his
face, he slowly lowered his face to hers as his left arm casually searched for her right.
Just before their lips met, he heard a little "clink" as his watchband touched her bracelet.
"All the better contact!" he thought gleefully, bracing himself for the shock that he
knew was coming.
None came! In a panic he felt her warm clinging lips against his. Maybe the lipstick
was acting as an insulator! Deliberately he rocked his head from side to side so as to
reach an unprotected area. There was still no shock; but he could hear hollowly ringing
in his ears the jeers and admiring wolf whistles of the other kids, "Break it up, Lover
Boy...that will never get past the censor...hey, how about coming up for air!"
Carl stepped back and looked around with glazed eyes at the ring of grinning faces.
Then he bolted for the kitchen, pausing only long enough to grab Jerry by the coat collar
and drag him along. Inside the kitchen, Carl slammed the door shut and leaned against
it as he used his handkerchief to scrub the crimson lipstick from his mouth.
"You and your stupid ideas!" he grated as he scowled down at Jerry. Suddenly he grabbed
his rotund friend and roughly pushed his wrist watch against Jerry's right cheek while
he pressed his lips firmly against the left cheek. "Testing, testing, testing!" he muttered.
"Hey! Cut that out! Quit slobbering on me!" Jerry said indignantly as he jerked himself
free. "What's the matter with you? Did you catch Cindy's kissing bug?"
"Did you feel anything? Did you feel a shock?" Carl asked intently.
"Sure I did. Why shouldn't I?"
"I felt it then, too, but there was nothing when I kissed Cindy. What could have gone
Carefully the boys checked every connection of their electronic mistletoe antidote.
Everything was in perfect order. Mystified, they finally went back to the party, only
to discover that it was breaking up. In spite of himself, Carl let his eyes meet Cindy's
and flinched at the amused mocking expression in them. He glanced away quickly and saw
almost the same look in Pat's blue eyes, but there it seemed to be tempered with sympathy.
As the boys and girls put on their wraps, they were still razzing "Hot Lips Carl"
about his sizzling technique under the mistletoe. He did his best to take it good-naturedly,
but Jerry knew he was writhing inside.
As the four of them walked home through a gently falling snow, the girls tried to
keep up a lively chatter about how beautiful the lighted Christmas trees looked in the
windows and how sweet the muffled Christmas music that seeped out of nearly every home
sounded in the night; but the boys had little to say. Carl was morose; Jerry seemed to
be miles away and buried in thought.
After seeing Jerry's companion to her door, the other three crossed the street and
went into Jerry's kitchen, where his mother had left a plate of cookies and some hot
chocolate for them. They still had little to say until suddenly Jerry reached over and
spun the silver bracelet Pat was again wearing on her arm.
"Cousin Pat," he exclaimed, as he stared down at the bracelet curiously, "You are
a traitor!"
The girl opened her blue eyes wide as she set down her cup of chocolate. "Whatever
can you mean, Jerry?"
"This is what I mean," Jerry said, and he touched a little broken end of fine wire
that had been fastened to the bracelet with a speck of solder.
For a long second the two cousins looked straight into each other's eyes, and then
they simultaneously collapsed into peals of laughter.
"If someone would tell me what was so funny,
maybe I'd laugh, too - and I could use a laugh," Carl said plaintively, still somewhat
"I may as well confess," Pat said, wiping her eyes with a wisp of a handkerchief.
"I happened to overhear you boys cooking up that deal on Cindy. I didn't object to that
in the least, for her type has it coming; but I did mind very much, Carl, your acting
so stuffy about taking me to the party. I don't like to think that any of my escorts
have to be bribed."
A wave of red came up out of Carl's collar and spread over his face.
"I decided to get even, and it was very nice of you boys to furnish all the details
I needed about polarity, voltage, etc. Since I knew that if two equal sources of potential
are connected together, positive-to-positive and negative-to-negative, no current flows,
all I had to do was rig up a battery identical with the one Carl was wearing and persuade
Cindy to wear it. The negative lead was connected with a very fine piece of wire to this
bracelet of mine which is insulated in the same way your watch-band is."
Suddenly he grabbed his friend and roughly pushed his wrist watch against Jerry's
right cheek while he pressed his lips against the left cheek.
"I get it!" Carl exclaimed. "Cindy maneuvered so that my watch touched that bracelet
instead of her skin. That connected our separate batteries positive-to-positive and negative-to-negative."
"That's it," Pat said, her face sobering; "and let me say, Carl, that I am sorry.
I do feel like a traitor. I want you to know, though, that your precious woman-hating
reputation is intact. By this time everyone at the party knows that you were double-crossed
and that you didn't suddenly change character under the mistletoe. Only your pride is
Carl stared down at his wrist watch for several seconds, but when he raised his head
his blue eyes were twinkling behind the horn-rimmed glasses. Swiftly the twinkle spread
into a grin, and in a moment all three were laughing together at the memory of the evening.
"All is forgiven, Pat," Carl said at last. "Any time a girl can make fools out of
a couple of guys who like to think they are electronic hot-shots - and at their own game,
mind you - she's all right. From now on Jerry and I want you down in the laboratory instead
of up here. You belong with us."
They went back to chatting and laughing and drinking chocolate. Even though December
25th was still a few days away, the beautiful, warm, companionable feeling of Christmas
swirled about the three young people in the kitchen.
"This is what I mean," Jerry said, and he touched a little broken end of fine wire
that had been fastened to the bracelet with a speck of solder.
Carl & Jerry, by John T. Frye

Carl and Jerry Frye were fictional characters in a series of short stories that
were published in Popular Electronics magazine from the late 1950s to the
early 1970s. The stories were written by John T. Frye, who used the pseudonym "John
T. Carroll," and they followed the adventures of two teenage boys, Carl Anderson
and Jerry Bishop, who were interested in electronics and amateur radio.
In each story, Carl and Jerry would encounter a problem or challenge related
to electronics, and they would use their knowledge and ingenuity to solve it. The
stories were notable for their accurate descriptions of electronic circuits and
devices, and they were popular with both amateur radio enthusiasts and young people
interested in science and technology.
The Carl and Jerry stories were also notable for their emphasis on safety and
responsible behavior when working with electronics. Each story included a cautionary
note reminding readers to follow proper procedures and safety guidelines when handling
electronic equipment.
Although the Carl and Jerry stories were fictional, they were based on the experiences
of the author and his own sons, who were also interested in electronics and amateur
radio. The stories continue to be popular among amateur radio enthusiasts and electronics
hobbyists, and they are considered an important part of the history of electronics
and technology education.
Little "Bug" with Big Ears - January 1959
Lie Detector Tells All - November 1955
The Educated Nursing - April 1964
- Going Up - March 1955
Electrical Shock - September 1955
- A Low Blow - March 1961
- The Black Beast - May 1960
- Vox Electronik, September 1958
- Pi in the Sky and Big Twist, February 1964
The Bell Bull Session, December 1961
- Cow-Cow Boogie, August 1958
- TV Picture, June 1955
- Electronic Eraser, August 1962
- Electronic Trap, March 1956
- Geniuses at Work, June 1956
- Eeeeelectricity!, November 1956
- Anchors Aweigh, July 1956
- Bosco Has His Day, August 1956
- The Hand of Selene, November 1960
- Feedback, May 1956
- Abetting or Not?, October 1956
Electronic Beach Buggy, September 1956
Extra Sensory Perception, December 1956
- Trapped in a Chimney, January 1956
- Command Performance, November 1958
- Treachery of Judas, July 1961
- The
Sucker, May 1963
Stereotaped New Year, January 1963
- The Snow Machine, December 1960
Extracurricular Education, July 1963
Slow Motion for Quick Action, April 1963
- Sonar Sleuthing, August 1963
- TV Antennas, August 1955
- Succoring a Soroban, March 1963
- "All's Fair --", September 1963
Operation Worm Warming, May 1961
- Improvising - February 1960
The Electronic Bloodhound - November 1964
Great Bank Robbery or "Heroes All" - October 1955
Operation Startled Starling - January 1955
- A Light Subject - November 1954
- Dog Teaches Boy - February 1959
- Too Lucky - August 1961
- Joking and Jeopardy - December 1963
Santa's Little Helpers - December 1955
- Two Tough Customers - June 1960
Transistor Pocket Radio, TV Receivers
and Yagi Antennas, May 1955
- Tunnel Stomping, March 1962
- The Blubber Banisher, July 1959
- The Sparkling Light, May 1962
Pure Research Rewarded, June 1962
- A Hot Idea,
March 1960
- The Hot Dog Case, December 1954
- A New Company is Launched, October 1956
- Under the Mistletoe, December 1958
- Electronic Eraser, August 1962
- "BBI",
May 1959
Ultrasonic Sound Waves, July 1955
- The River Sniffer, July 1962
- Ham Radio, April 1955
- El Torero Electronico, April 1960
- Wired Wireless, January 1962
- Electronic Shadow, September 1957
- Elementary Induction, June 1963
- He Went That-a-Way, March1959
- Electronic Detective, February 1958
- Aiding an Instinct, December 1962
- Two Detectors, February 1955
Tussle with a Tachometer, July 1960
- Therry and the Pirates, April 1961
- The Crazy Clock Caper, October 1960
Carl & Jerry: Their Complete Adventures
is now available. "From 1954 through 1964, Popular Electronics published 119 adventures
of Carl Anderson and Jerry Bishop, two teen boys with a passion for electronics
and a knack for getting into and out of trouble with haywire lash-ups built in Jerry's
basement. Better still, the boys explained how it all worked, and in doing so, launched
countless young people into careers in science and technology. Now, for the first
time ever, the full run of Carl and Jerry yarns by John T. Frye are available again,
in five authorized anthologies that include the full text and all illustrations." |
Posted December 24, 2021 (updated from original post on 12/20/2013)