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May 1955 Popular Electronics
Table of Contents

May 1955 Popular Electronics

May 1955 Popular Electronics Cover - RF CafeTable of Contents

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Popular Electronics, published October 1954 - April 1985. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

May 1955

Vol. 2, No. 5


This Month's Cover

Although most R/C fans prefer to install their equipment in swift-flying gas-powered model airplanes or water-churning model boats, the glider is also available for radio control. The month of May, with its gentle breezes, is ideal for the launching of these graceful, swooping birds. One of the most suitable gliders for radio control is the one shown, which is a slightly modified "Thermic 100." This 100-inch wingspread job (8 ft., 4 in.) is manufactured by the Junior Aeronautics Supply Co. (Jasco) and is available at most hobby shops for about $10.00.

The transmitter being used to control the flight of the glider is a home-built unit, as are the receiver and the glider itself. We will bring you a complete construction article on this transmitter by Murray Feigenbaum (who appears on our cover) in next month's issue. We may bring you plans for the receiver too.

Although it may appear to some of our beginning R/C readers that construction and flying of a glider would be a good way to break into the field, it really isn't so. It takes an old hand to build up a glider that will fly successfully, since it is much more sensitive in flight than gas -powered models. However, there are few sports as satisfying as the flying of R/C gliders. Editor

(Ektachrome by Jay Seymour)


How to "Arrest" Lightning, by Elbert Robberson 26
Project Tinkertoy 40
New Military Phone System 45
Carl & Jerry: Transistor Pocket Radio, TV Receivers and Yagi Antennas, by John T. Frye 56
The Boom in R/C Boats, by William Winter 60
Picture Tubes 79
The Electron Microscope 87
Comics with an Electronics Theme, by Carl Kohler 110
After Class: The Faraday Shield, Binary Notation, Tuning Fork Oscillators, and Power Supply Quiz 120


May 1955 Popular Electronics Table of Contents - RF Cafe



Posted August 14, 2019

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