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A Freedom of Speech Issue?

Engineering & Science Humor - RF CafeThese engineering and science tech-centric jokes, song parodies, anecdotes and assorted humor have been collected from friends and websites across the Internet. I check back occasionally for new fodder, but it seems all the old content is reappearing all over (like this is). The humor is light-hearted and clean and sometimes slightly assaultive to the easily-offended, so you are forewarned. It is all workplace-safe.

Humor #1, #2, #3

A sign at a business establishment in Philadelphia, PA:




This sign was prominently displayed in the window of a business in Philadelphia. You are probably outraged at the thought of such an inflammatory statement.!

One would think that anti-hate groups from all across the country would be marching on this business... And that the National Guard might have to be called to keep the angry crowds back.

But, perhaps in these stressful times one might be tempted to let the proprietors simply make their statement . . . We are a society who holds Freedom of Speech as perhaps our greatest liberty . . . And after all, it is just a sign.

You may ask what kind of business would dare post such a sign? (look below)











Answer:  A Funeral Home    (Who said morticians have no sense of humor?)

--- thanks to Steve for submitting this!

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RF Cascade Workbook 2018 by RF Cafe

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LadyBug RF Power Sensors