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KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe

Werbel Microwave Teams with Canada's Global Electromarketing

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Werbel Microwave


April 12, 2024 -- Werbel Microwave, located in Whippany, New Jersey, is a producer of high quality passive power RF and microwave components across a worldwide customer base. A partnership has recently been established with Canada's Global Electromarketing, a sales representative agency which focuses on market research, competitive analysis, and brand positioning. Werbel's founder and president Ernest Werbel says, "We are looking forward to growth and success together." Werbel Microwave designs and manufactures RF directional and bidirectional couplers (6 dB to 50 dB) and RF power dividers / combiners (2- to 16-way) with select models operating up to 26.5 GHz and 100 W of CW power (3 kW peak). All are RoHS and REACH compliant and are designed and manufactured in our Whippany, NJ, location. Custom products and private label service available.

Werbel Microwave also partners with Beacon Technical Sales and EOX Sales in the United States.

About Werbel Microwave

Werbel Microwave Manufacturing Capabilities - RF Cafe

In-House Manufacturing Capability

Werbel Microwave Made in USA - RF Cafe

Since 2014, Werbel Microwave has designed and produced high performance radio frequency components for military, commercial, test and measurement applications.

Werbel Microwave welcomes customers to submit their customized RF requirements for quotation. Werbel Microwave also welcomes distributors and resellers.

Orders placed online typically ship within 24 hours.

We have expanded in-house engineering capabilities to support and maintain product design with minimal end-of-life risk.

Ernest Werbel, Jr. Werbel Microwave - RF CafeContact:

Ernest T. Werbel, Jr.
President / Chief Engineer
Werbel Microwave LLC
622 NJ-10, Suite 9
Whippany, NJ, 07981 
Tel: (973) 515-3001
Fax: (973) 515-3004
Cell: (973) 900-2480





Posted April 12, 2024

Werbel Microwave Press Releases

KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe
Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe

ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs