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Werbel Microwave Directional Coupler for 6 to 18 GHz

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Werbel Microwave


Werbel Microwave Directional Coupler for 6 to 18 GHz - RF Cafe

Model WMC-6-18-30dB-S from Werbel Microwave is a directional coupler for 6 to 18 GHz.

April 4, 2024 -- Model WMC-6-18-30dB-S from Werbel Microwave is a directional coupler that covers 6 to 18 GHz with broadband flat coupling response, high directivity, and excellent return loss performance. The high coupling value and short mainline minimizes lost power during the monitoring. Covers the upper half of C band, X band and Ku band in a single package measuring only 1.00 x 0.6 x 0.5 inches. Our unique design approach to couplers provides a maximally flat coupling response across the passband with minimal ripple, typically ±0.5 dB or less. Directivity 14 dB typical. Return loss 21 dB typical. Insertion loss 0.4 dB typical. Assembled and tested in USA using RoHS compliant materials, although lead solder may be used on special order to support military applications.


Werbel Microwave WMC−6−18−30dB−S specifications - RF Cafe

About Werbel Microwave

Werbel Microwave Manufacturing Capabilities - RF Cafe

In-House Manufacturing Capability

Werbel Microwave Made in USA - RF Cafe

Since 2014, Werbel Microwave has designed and produced high performance radio frequency components for military, commercial, test and measurement applications.

Werbel Microwave welcomes customers to submit their customized RF requirements for quotation. Werbel Microwave also welcomes distributors and resellers.

Orders placed online typically ship within 24 hours.

We have expanded in-house engineering capabilities to support and maintain product design with minimal end-of-life risk.

Ernest Werbel, Jr. Werbel Microwave - RF CafeContact:

Ernest T. Werbel, Jr.
President / Chief Engineer
Werbel Microwave LLC
622 NJ-10, Suite 9
Whippany, NJ, 07981 
Tel: (973) 515-3001
Fax: (973) 515-3004
Cell: (973) 900-2480





Posted April 4, 2024

Werbel Microwave Press Releases

RF Cascade Workbook 2018 - RF Cafe
Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs

Rigol DHO1000 Oscilloscope - RF Cafe

TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe