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Module 14 - Introduction to Microelectronics
Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series (NEETS)
Chapter 1:  Pages 1-51 through 1-56

Module 14 - Introduction to Microelectronics

Pages i, 1-1, 1-11, 1-21, 1-31, 1-41, 1-51, 2-1, 2-11, 3-1, 3-11, 3-21, 3-31, 3-41, Index


LEVEL III - Drawers - RF Cafe


LEVEL IV - Cabinets.


LEVEL IV - Cabinets - RF Cafe


The most common Methods of INTERCONNECTION are the conventional pcb, the multilayer pcb, and modular assemblies.








Three methods of interconnecting circuitry in multilayer printed circuit boards are the CLEARANCE-HOLE, the PLATED-Through-HOLE, and LAYER BUILD-UP.


MODULAR ASSEMBLIES were devised to achieve high circuit density. Modular assemblies have progressed from CORDWOOD MODULES through MICROMODULES. Micromodules consist of film components and discrete components to integrated and hybrid circuitry.


ENVIRONMENTAL Factors to be considered are temperature, humidity, shock, vibration, and RF interference.








ELECTRICAL Factors are overcome by using shielding and ground planes and by careful placement of components.






ELECTRICAL Factors - RF Cafe


Answers to Questions Q1. Through Q50.


A1.   Size, weight, and power consumption.


A2.   The transistor and solid-state diode.


A3.   Technology of electronic systems made of extremely small electronic parts or elements.



A4.   The Edison Effect.


A5.   Transformers, capacitors, and resistors.


A6.   "Rat's nest" appearance and unwanted interaction, such as capacitive and inductive effects.


A7.   Rapid repair of systems and improved efficiency.


A8.   Differences in performance of tubes of the same type.


A9.   Eliminate heavy chassis and point-to-point wiring.


A10.   Components soldered in place.


A11.   Cordwood module.


A12.   Elements inseparably associated and formed in or on a single substrate.


A13.   Monolithic, film, and hybrid.


A14.   Monolithic ICs contain active and passive elements. Film ICs contain only passive elements.




A15.   Combination of monolithic ICs and film components.


A16.   1,000 to 2,000.


A17.   Circuit design, component placement, suitable substrate, and depositing proper materials on substrate.


A18.   Complex.


A19.   Control patterns of materials on substrates.


A20.   Glass or ceramic.


A21.   Crystal is sliced into wafers. Then ground and polished to remove any surface defect.


A22.   Diffusion; epitaxial growth.


A23.   Diffusion penetrates substrate; epitaxial does not.


A24.   Electrical separation of elements.


A25.   Evaporation and cathode sputtering.


26.   Screening.


A27.   Combination of monolithic and film elements.


A28.   Circuit flexibility.


A29.   Protect the IC from damage; make handling easier.


A30.   TO, flat pack, DIP.


A31.   Flip-chip, beam lead.


A32.   Left.


A33.   Counterclockwise.


A34.   Reference mark.


A35.   Clockwise.


A36.   Identify the type of IC.


A37.   Communication.


A38.   Integrated circuits.


A39.   Miniature.


A40.   Level 0.


A41.   Level I.


A42.   Level II.




A43.   Conventional printed circuit boards, multilayer printed circuit boards and modular assemblies.


A44.   Clearance hole, plated-through hole, and layer build-up.


A45.   Difficulty of repair of internal connections.


A46.   Cordwood modules.


A47.   Procurement specifications.


A48.   Military Standards.


A49.   Equipment designers (planners).


A50.   Ground planes, shielding, component placement.




NEETS Modules
- Matter, Energy, and Direct Current
- Alternating Current and Transformers
- Circuit Protection, Control, and Measurement
- Electrical Conductors, Wiring Techniques, and Schematic Reading
- Generators and Motors
- Electronic Emission, Tubes, and Power Supplies
- Solid-State Devices and Power Supplies
- Amplifiers
- Wave-Generation and Wave-Shaping Circuits
- Wave Propagation, Transmission Lines, and Antennas
- Microwave Principles
- Modulation Principles
- Introduction to Number Systems and Logic Circuits
- - Introduction to Microelectronics
- Principles of Synchros, Servos, and Gyros
- Introduction to Test Equipment
- Radio-Frequency Communications Principles
- Radar Principles
- The Technician's Handbook, Master Glossary
- Test Methods and Practices
- Introduction to Digital Computers
- Magnetic Recording
- Introduction to Fiber Optics
Note: Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series (NEETS) content is U.S. Navy property in the public domain.
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Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe

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