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Homepage Archive - May 2017 (page 1)

See Page 1 | 2 | 3 of the May 2017 homepage archives.

Wednesday 10

EU Communications Code Changes to Hinder 5G Roll-Out Ambition

EU Electronic Communications Code Changes to Hinder 5G Roll-Out Ambition - RF Cafe"The telecom industry is concerned about the current legislative debate on the future of mobile connectivity and spectrum management in Europe. As the European Parliament and Member States discuss amendments to the European Electronic Communications Code, The European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association (ETNO) and the GSMA fear that legislators have abandoned their ambitions for 5G roll-out in Europe. 5G is set to empower citizens and businesses with widespread ultra-fast connectivity ..."

Virginia's 1st Amateur Radio Vanity License Plate

Mobile Radio License in Virginia, March 1953 Radio & Television News - RF CafeThe very first automobile vanity license plate issued in Virginia for mobile radio was evidently to W4CVO per this news item in the March 1953 edition of Radio & Television News magazine. I could not find W4CVO in the FCC's ULS database, but did find Mr. Thomas Tyson, of Alexandria, Virginia, listed as the assignee of the call sign per the Winter 1973 Radio Amateur Callbook. If anyone out there knows (or knew) him and/or recognizes this photo of him with his license plate, please send me an e-mail to confirm it. Am I correct in thinking Mr. Tyson looks a bit like Tom Hanks? ...

Wirelessly Powered Ingestible Electronic Devices

Wirelessly Powered Ingestible Electronic Devices to Track Vital Information - RF Cafe"Researchers at MIT, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory have devised a way to wirelessly power small electronic devices in the digestive tract indefinitely after being swallowed. Such devices could be used to sense conditions in the gastrointestinal tract, or carry small reservoirs of drugs to be delivered over an extended period. Finding a safe and efficient power source is a critical step in the development of such ingestible electronic devices. This new strategy is based on the wireless transfer of power from an antenna outside the body to ..."

RF & Microwave Magazine Articles for May 2017

A Few Great RF & Microwave Engineering Articles for May 2017 - RF CafeRFMD (now Qorvo) was an early player in the GaN semiconductor field. During the time I was employed there as an applications engineer in the 2000s, the company bought a start-up GaN firm called RF Nitro Communications, and moved their equipment and staff onto RFMD's Greensboro campus. The engineers were struggling to fabricate 2" wafers... I only mention my GaN story because of the prominence that GaN is gaining in the 5G world, as evidenced by the first article in the list ...

The Evolution of GaN: from Defense Applications to 5G

Frequency Synthesis: Current Status, Future Projections <more>

GaN-Based Nanowire LEDs Beat OLEDs

GaN-Based Nanowire LEDs Beat OLEDs - RF Cafe"In a joint research effort at Paris-Sud University, CNRS Orsay (France) and Grenoble's CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission), an international team of researchers have fabricated flexible inorganic LEDs based on gallium-nitride semiconductor nanowires. While bulk semiconductors tend to be brittle and rigid, growing the GaN LEDs as vertical nanowires (NW) only 20µm long and 1 to 3µm in diameter not only provides them with inherent ..."

Cobham Antenna Systems: Countering the Unlawful Use of Drones

Cobham Antenna Systems: Countering the Unlawful Use of Drones - RF CafeCobham Antenna Systems, a market-leading antenna manufacturer, draws on its vast range of resources to provide antenna solutions for systems designed to compromise the unlawful use of drones. A selection of these antennas will be on display on the Cobham Booth, #1631, at Auvisi's XPOnential 2017, 8-11 May, Dallas, Tx. The range consists of four main types of antenna which can be combined or configured in arrays for a multitude of scenarios. The antenna types are: Wideband Omni-Directional; Directional Helix, Directional Flat ...

Tuesday 9

Saelig Intros PicoScope 9300 Sampling Oscilloscopes w/25 GHz BW

Saelig Intros PicoScope 9300 Sampling Oscilloscopes with 25 GHz Bandwidth - RF CafeSaelig Company announces that the Pico Technology PicoScope 9300 family of sampling oscilloscopes has been expanded with two new 25 GHz models - the PicoScope 9301-25 and 9341-25 models. These USB-controlled sampling oscilloscopes, designed for working with repetitive signals, are a low-cost alternative to extremely expensive high-end GHz benchtop scopes. The PicoScope 9300 series offers affordable high-integrity options for viewing and measuring RF and microwave signals, signal paths, and RF networks. These high-speed sampling oscilloscopes ...

Lothar Stern: Some "Technical Terms" Aren't

Lothar Stern: Some "Technical Terms" Aren't, June 1969 Electronics World - RF CafeMr. Lothar Stern was a fairly prolific publisher of books and magazine articles during his long career at Motorola. What remains of the Motorola brand these days is mostly associated with cellphones, with the venerable Razr model being the most famous. China-based Lenovo now owns even that aspect of Motorola (after a short-lived ownership by Google). In its heyday prior to the 2000s, Motorola was a major manufacturer of analog, RF, and digital semiconductors, radios, televisions, telephones, vacuum tubes, medical equipment, and more. It is interesting to note ...

Please Welcome IPP as a New Advertiser on RF Cafe!

Please click here to visit the Innovative Power Products websiteInnovative Power Products (IPP) has over 30 years of experience designing & manufacturing RF & IPP RF power dividers, couplers, terminations - RF Cafemicrowave passive components. Their high power, broadband couplers, combiners, resistors, baluns, terminations and attenuators are fabricated using the latest materials and design tools available, resulting in unrivaled product performance. Take a couple minutes to visit their website and see how IPP can help you today ...

Skyworks Releases 5G Technology Paper

Skyworks Releases 5G Technology Paper - RF Cafe"Skyworks Solutions today released a new white paper, '5G in Perspective - A Pragmatic Guide to What's Next,' providing the company's insights into the quickly evolving fifth generation (5G) global telecommunications standard. The paper examines the current state of LTE networks, discusses ways it could evolve to deliver a 5G user experience, and identifies the tools and techniques required to support a 100x improvement in data throughput. Current projections suggest 5G data rates will approach 10 times the fastest 4G speeds of today. Leveraging its technology ..."

Many Thanks to Electro-Photonics for Their Continued Support

Electro-PhotonicsElectro-Photonics LLC is a global supplier of RF & Microwave components. Our products include SMT hybrid and directional couplers, wire bondable passive components, filters, and very useful test boards for evaluating components (spiral Electro-Photonics components - RF Cafeinductors, single-layer capacitors). The Electro-Photonics team can support your small R&D design requirements with RF & Microwave test fixtures and save you valuable design and characterization time. Please take a moment to visit their website and see how your project might benefit ...

EW Europe 2017

EW Europe 2017 - RF CafeJune 6-8, Olympia, London. "AOC EW Europe will be held in perhaps the world's most iconic city – London. It will consider the future of EW and EM Operations in the changing light of current and emerging threats, including Hybrid Warfare and Anti Access / Area Denial (A2/AD) where potential opponents are out-performing the West. It will consider the possible responses, how thinking and attitudes must change, and examine the new capabilities that will be required across all lines of development, by all services, in all countries in the free world. The conference will include plenary ..."

Monday 8

App Note: Testing & Matching PCB Antennas

Testing & Matching PCB Antennas App Note - RF CafeCopper Mountain Technologies ha published a white paper titled Testing & Matching PCB Antennas: Switches and Other Options. "Connecting to an Antenna Under Test (AUT) integral to a Device (DUT) may involve some tradeoffs between measurement accuracy, electrical considerations, and mechanical ruggedness. In this paper, we describe some aspects of this connection with practical advice for such test and measurement scenarios. A test port will usually be at a 50 ohm point. If the design includes a coax switch for inspection and final test purposes, an antenna test sample can be produced ..."

U.S. Radio War Effort, September 1942, Radio-Craft

U. S. Radio War Effort, September 1942, Radio-Craft - RF CafeRadio-Craft magazine founder, editor, and publisher Hugo Gernsback wrote this piece in the Fall after the United States officially entered into World War II. I say officially because to some extent we were participating for many months prior to the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Recall how FDR justified his March 1941 Lend Lease program by comparing the action to lending your hose to a neighbor whose house was burning. We were providing equipment and training to Allied nations in Europe almost immediately after Hitler's army ...

USAF Evaluates Commercial Options for EW Aircraft

USAF Evaluates Commercial Options for EW Aircraft - RF Cafe"The Air Force is exploring commercial aircraft models for its next generation EW aircraft to replace the EC-130H Compass Call with a smaller, self-defending, and more powerful jet. With plans to field the first EX-C Compass Call in 2020, the Air Force hopes to have 10 operational EX-Cs by 2029. According to a spokesperson for the Air Force, the EX-C will be developed using commercial off-the-shelf hardware technology for the EX-C airframe. L3 Communications, the developer responsible for integrating EW software with the C-130H airframe to create the EC-130H ..."

Pasternack Free-Running Reference Oscillators at 10, 50, and 100 MHz

Pasternack Introduces New Line of Free-Running Reference Oscillators with Output Frequencies of 10 MHz, 50 MHz and 100 MHz - RF CafePasternack has released six new free-running reference oscillators that generate a highly stable and accurate output frequency response with low phase noise and spurious performance levels, making them ideal in phase locked loops, function generators, frequency synthesizers and receivers for communication, radar, navigation, surveillance and test and measurement applications. These free-running, fixed-tuned oscillators use a high-stability internal crystal reference as an integral part of the phase-locked assembly with a buffered amplifier output stage for improved ...

3-D Graphene Boosts Electronics

3-D Graphene Boosts Electronics - RF Cafe"A three dimensional form of graphene is being explored as a next-generation electronics material by a pair of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) researchers who won a Nobel Prize for graphene research in 2010. Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov discovered the new three-dimensional form of graphene - called Weyl Semimetals - which was predicted by the late German physicist Hermann Weyl. The promise of 3-D graphene is that electrons in them have no mass - like photons ..."

Sunday 7

Radar & Radio Engineering Crossword Puzzle for May 7

Radar & Radio Engineering Crossword Puzzle for May 7, 2017 - RF CafeThis week's radar and radio engineering-themed crossword puzzle, as is the case every week, contains only words pertaining to science, engineering, amateur radio, physics, mechanics, mathematics, etc. Herein you will never find words having to do with numbnut actors or world leaders, mountains in places nobody has ever heard of, or portmanteaus constructed from words describing freakish social behavior. ...

Please Welcome evissaP as a New Banner Advertiser

evissaP Banner Ads on RF CafeevissaP (that's Passive in reverse) upgraded from the Maximum Exposure plan to occupying both 160x600-px and 728x90-px banner slots on RF Cafe. evissaP is an interconnect technology company that designs and manufactures millions of coaxial cable assemblies, connectors and adapters each year. evissaP offers a wide variety of RF cable assemblies. Incorporating highly repeatable and high quality cable and connectors covering DC to 50 GHz. Please visit evissaP today to see how they can assist your project ...

Friday 5

Why Are Circuit Boards Very Important for Aerospace Industry?

Why Are Circuit Boards Very Important for Aerospace Industry? - RF Cafe"The aerospace industry is one sector that requires sturdier PCBs than those needed for average everyday electronics. The components used in planes, space shuttles, satellites and control towers need to be extremely reliable in extreme conditions. They're exposed to some unusual circumstances that would put more stress on standard PCBs than they could handle. And if these essential components fail, the results could be disastrous. That's why circuit board producers take extreme precautions and use extra durable materials when it comes to aerospace. ..."

A Quiz Test Your Knowledge of the Wireless Industry

A Quiz Test Your Knowledge of the Wireless Industry - RF Cafe"How well do you know your wireless history? Do you know your CDMA from your GSM? Do you remember T-Mobile before it was called T-Mobile? Have you used phones that weren't smart? If you've answered yes to any of these questions, it's time for you to pit your knowledge of the wireless industry against the editors of FierceWireless. In the below quiz, we've assembled 15 of the most challenging questions we could come up with. These 15 questions cover the full gamut, from wireless events to technologies to companies. Good luck! And no cheating ..."

Stacked Array for Television

Stacked Array for Television, October 1948 Radio & Television News - RF CafeTV antennas in the early days of broadcast television were typically fairly simple designs that worked well for city dwellers and anyone living within a few tens of miles of the tower, but rural dwellers struggled for a good signal. Even urban and suburban TV owners had problems with multipath reception that created ghost images on the display. The farm folks needed the high gain of a more complex antenna for pulling small signals out of the noise, while urbanites needed high directivity to be able to reject signals that were bouncing off buildings and bridges before combining in the receiver ...


High-Speed Circuit Board Signal Integrity - RF CafeHot off the press is Stephen C. Thierauf's new book High-Speed Circuit Board Signal Integrity. "This thoroughly updated leading-edge circuit design resource offers the knowledge needed to quickly pinpoint transmission problems that can compromise the entire circuit design. This new edition demonstrates how to apply EM theory to solve signal integrity problems with a practical application-oriented approach. Discussing both design and debug issues at gigabit per second data rates, the book serves as a practical reference for projects involving high-speed serial signaling on printed wiring boards ..."

NuWaves Engineering Expands State of the Art in Multipaction

NuWaves Engineering Team Expands State of the Art in Multipaction Performance - RF CafeHere is a note on multipaction. NuWaves Engineering, a veteran-owned small business providing advanced radio frequency (RF) and microwave solutions, announced today that the bandpass filter designed for the Global Positioning System's (GPS) L1 band as part of the Air Force Research Lab's (AFRL) Technologically Advanced N-plexer for GPS III Operation (TANGO) Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase II project has successfully completed multipaction testing. The results of the testing proved that NuWaves' TANGO design will raise the bar for space qualified components. "NuWaves is extremely proud of our progress to help AFRL ...

CST E3 Simulation Workshop

CST E3 Simulation Workshop - RF CafeMay 11, Washington, D.C. "Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) can arise from a variety of natural or man-made electromagnetic sources. These sources may include Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), High Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF) from transmitters and radars and Lightning Strikes. Other concerns include the hazards of electromagnetic radiation (RADHAZ) to personnel (HERP), ordnance (HERO) and volatile materials (HERF). The vehicles of today have a large number of antennas installed for communications, guidance, radar and other telemetry. Co-site interference (EMI) is a major concern for ..."

Thursday 4

Space Tech Expo USA 2017

Space Tech Expo USA 2017 - RF CafeMay 23 - 25, Pasadena, CA "Space Tech Expo USA is America's engineering and manufacturing meeting place for space technology, attracting industry leaders, decision makers, engineers, specifiers, buyers and SMEs to meet OEMs and the entire space supply chain, including sub-systems suppliers, manufacturers and components through to systems integrators for civil, military and commercial space. Launch market and reusability ..."

4,5000 MPH 'Star Wars' EM Railgun Projectiles Destroys Truck

4,5000 MPH 'Star Wars' Electromagnetic Railgun Projectiles Destroys Truck - RF Cafe"Terrifying footage has emerged of an electromagnetic railgun blowing a truck to pieces with projectiles travelling at 4,500 mph. Described by researchers as 'Star Wars technology', these powerful missiles don't rely on chemical propellants and are fuelled by electricity alone. Strong magnetic fields are created by electricity on the ship and a 'pulse power system'. New test footage shows the enormous weapon, known as the multi-mission Medium Range Railgun Weapon System, fire projectiles into the side of a military-standard vehicle." ...nice, yet we never seem to be actually winning the war ...

Radio Amateur Course - Alternating Current

Radio Amateur Course - Alternating Current, September 1935 Short Wave Craft - RF CafeAuthor George Shuart published this first of a multipart series of basic electronics theory in the September 1935 issue of Short Wave Craft magazine. He began with alternating current and the familiar analogy to various forms of mechanical oscillations, specifically, waves on the surface of water when agitated in a sinusoidal manner. Translating a point on a rotating disc into a time-varying plot is also demonstrated. His transformer analogy of voltage and current ratios as a function of power conservation between primary and secondary windings uses a hydraulic system that exploits a mechanical ...

Electronics -Themed Comics from Vintage Magazines

Electronics-Themed Comics February 1948 Radio & Television News - RF CafeThis posting make my 67th page of electronics-themed comics from vintage electronics magazines like Radio & Television News, Radio Craft, Electronics World, Popular Electronics, and others. Probably due to fear of offending the sensibilities of some member of Generation Snowflake curled in the fetal position in a Safe Space, it is rare to find a comic in a trade magazine these days. Some people have no sense of humor ...

Anatech's New LC LPF, LC Multiplexer, and WiFi Outdoor BPF Filter

Anatech Electronics Offers New LC Lowpass Filter, LC Multiplexer, and WiFi Cavity Band Pass Filter for Outdoors - RF CafeAnatech Electronics offers the industry's largest portfolio of high-performance standard and customized RF and microwave filters and filter-related products for military, commercial, aerospace and defense, and industrial applications up to 40 GHz. Anatech has introduced 3 new products for your convenience: a surface mount 12 MHz LC lowpass filter, a 10-900 MHz LC multiplexer , and a 2,412 MHz WiFi cavity bandpass filter for outdoors ...

Iridium Hails Performance of New Satellites

Iridium Hails Performance of New Satellites - RF Cafe"Eight of Iridium's first ten upgraded communications satellites launched in January started providing voice and data relay service ahead of schedule, and SpaceX says it can launch up to 40 more Iridium spacecraft by the end of the year, Iridium officials reported Thursday. 'I'm happy to report that our initial batch of Iridium Next satellites are now fully operational and working very well,' said Matt Desch, CEO of Virginia-based of Iridium Communications. Engineers are repositioning the other two ..."

Wednesday 3

Rohde & Schwarz RF & Bench Reference Guide

Rohde & Schwarz RF & Bench Reference Guide - RF Cafe"Oscilloscopes, Spectrum Analyzers, Power Supplies, Signal Generators, VNAs and more. Their use is as broad and diverse as the devices developed with them. Numerous documents exist about what they are and which ones are 'the best'. RF & Bench Essentials Reference Guide takes a step back and covers the Essentials of RF and bench instrumentation including vertical resolution, sample rate and memory depth. What is phase noise, resolution bandwidth or demodulation? Why should I care about frequency setting time or ..."

Understanding Decibels, April 1974 Popular Electronics

Understanding Decibels, April 1974 Popular Electronics - RF CafeSince new people are constantly entering the field of electronics, there is a constant need to post articles covering some of the basics of the craft. Just as the seasoned practitioner looked to currently published magazines and books for guidance, so too do contemporary technician and engineer fledglings. Decibels have long been a cause of confusion for many - even some who have been in the field for many years. I have seen on many occasions engineers who are way smarter than me routinely mix units of dB (dimensionless) with units of dBm and dBV (power and volts, respectively) when writing. ...

Have Need of a Fanout 'Fuffer'?

Have NEed of a Fanout 'Fuffer'? - RF CafeBeing the reigning king of the online typos myself, I had to laugh (from a sense of oneness) when I saw this headline on the eeNews Europe website for 'fanout fuffers.' Let's see how long it takes the editor to correct it. The time now is 11:20 am EST ...

Many Thanks to MECA Electronics for Their Long-Time Support!

MECA ElectronicsSince 1961, MECA (Microwave Electronic Components for America) has manufactured an extensive line of RF & microwave components for in-building, satellite, radar, radio, telemetry, mobile radio, aviation & ATC. Attenuators, directional & hybrid couplers, isolators & circulators, power MECA Electronics V-Line componentsdividers & combiners, loads, DC blocks, bias Ts and adapters & cables. MECA has long been the 'backbone' of high performance wired and air-interfaced networks. Please visit MECA today to learn how they can help with your projects ...

Southwest Antennas Omnidirectionals for HMS Military Radio Systems

Southwest Antennas Omnidirectional Antennas for NextGen HMS Military Radio Systems - RF CafeSouthwest Antennas, an industry leader in innovative rugged antenna products, has released a new line of omnidirectional antenna solutions designed specifically for existing and upcoming JTRS military radio waveform standards that utilize the UHF, L, and S Bands, such as the Wideband Networking Waveform (WNW) and Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW). Designed for use on handheld or manpack radio systems, these antennas are focused on the band-specific needs of current warfighters and are fully compatible with deployed radio units currently in use, in addition ..."

IEEE 2017 Radar Conference

IEEE 2017 Radar Conference - RF CafeMay 8-12, 2017 in Seattle, WA. "For 2017, the IEEE Radar Conference returns west after eight years and arrives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest for the first time. The conference timing coincides with the 100th anniversary of incorporation of Boeing; our theme, 'Building on a Century of Innovation,' unites the past and future. Looking back, we highlight seminal radar developments including the development of one of, if not the, first high PRF, pulse Doppler test radars, advances in civil aviation, and the world's first digitally-processed Synthetic Aperture ..."

2D Materials Go Ferromagnetic, Creating a New Scientific Field

2D Materials Go Ferromagnetic, Creating a New Scientific Field - RF Cafe"Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have successfully demonstrated that two-dimensional (2D) layered crystals held together by van der Waal forces—these include graphene and molybdenum disulfide—can exhibit intrinsic ferromagnetism. Not only did the team demonstrate that it exists in these materials, but the researchers also demonstrated a high degree of control over that ferromagnetism. The discovery could have a profound impact for applications including magnetic ..."

Tuesday 2

Dawn of Organic Single Crystal Electronics

Dawn of Organic Single Crystal Electronics - RF Cafe"Researchers at the Institute for Molecular Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences (Japan) have developed a method for high performance doping of organic single crystal. Furthermore, they succeeded in the Hall effect measurement of the crystal - the world's first case. The research has been published in the Advanced Materials. Controlling 'holes' and 'electrons' responsible for electric conduction of p-type and n-type semiconductors by doping - adding a trace amount of impurity ...

Two New Vintage Radio Service Data Sheets Added to collection

Radiola "28" Super and "104" Power Speaker Radio Service Data Sheet, May 1931 Radio-Craft - RF CafeThese schematics, tuning instructions, and other data are reproduced from my collection of vintage radio and electronics magazines. This particular Radio Radiola "28" Super and "104" Power Speaker Radio Service Data Sheet, May 1931 Radio-Craft - RF CafeService Data Sheet is for the Radiola "28," which is a very unique-looking radio set in the fashion of a small writing desk. As back in the era, similar schematic and service info was available for purchase from sources such as SAMS Photofacts, but these printings were a no-cost bonus for readers ...

Silvertone "F," "FF," "G," "H," "J"

Radiola "28" Super and "104"

FCC Personal Radio Service Revisions Affect GMRS, FRS, CB Part 95

FCC Personal Radio Service Revisions Will Affect GMRS, FRS, CB, Other Part 95 Devices - RF Cafe"In a lengthy Report and Order (R&O) in a proceeding (WT Docket No. 10-119) dating back 7 years, the FCC has announced rule changes affecting the General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS), the Family Radio Service (FRS), the Citizens Band Radio Service (CBRS or 'CB'), as well as other applications that fall under the FCC's Part 95 Personal Radio Services (PRS) rules and regulations. Part 95 devices typically are low-power units that communicate over shared spectrum and, with some exceptions, do not require an individual user license from the FCC. As the R&O explains, common examples of PRS devices ..."

RCL Microwave Characterizes 32 GHz Broadband Dielectric

RCL Microwave Achieves 32 GHz Broadband Dielectric Characterization - RF CafeMicrowave engineers at RCL Microwave have executed their first successful test and dielectric measurement of a thin, flexible 200 micron thick glass material using novel measurement fixtures and methods capable of broadband dielectric material characterization. The test was performed and successfully completed using unique broadband measurement fixtures and the phase difference method, which provides 10,000 data points from 1 MHz to 32 GHz. A 32 GHz broadband test fixture has been combined with the Phase Difference Dielectric Characterization Method to generate data across the entire frequency spectrum of interest ...

Please Thank Windfreak Technologies for Supporting RF Cafe

Windfreak TechnologiesWindfreak Technologies designs, manufactures, SynthNV: 34 MHz – 4.4 GHz RF Signal Generator w/ Power Detectortests and sells high value USB powered and controlled radio frequency products such as RF signal generators, RF synthesizers, RF power detectors, mixers, up/downconverters. Worldwide customers include Europe, Australia, SynthUSBII: 34 MHz – 4.4 GHz Low Cost RF Signal Generatorand Asia. Please contact Windfreak today to learn how they might help you with your current project ...

Solid State Batteries Aim to Top Li-Ion

Solid State Batteries Aim to Top Li-Ion - RF Cafe"Batteries could be transformed from our slowest growing technology to our fastest growing advanced technology if Ilika Technologies Ltd. (University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton U.K.) can realize its dream of self-powered systems-on-chip (SoCs). By eliminating the liquid cores of every other battery technology under the sun - especially the flammable lithium ion (Li-ion) - into the solid-state micron-thin-layers of an SoC, each chip in an electronic circuit could become self-powered, simplifying printed circuit boards and eliminating the big-iron power supplies required today ..."

Monday 1

Building Flexible Microprocessors from 2D-Material Transistors

Building Flexible Microprocessors from 2D-Material Transistors - RF Cafe"Using transistors made from layers of molybdenum disulphide (MoS2), a 2D material, researchers from the Graphene Flagship have devised an ultra-thin processor chip integrating 115 transistors and capable of 1-bit logic operations, all in a 0.6mm2 area. The device can execute user-defined programs stored in an external memory, perform logical operations and communicate with its periphery. What's more, the design is readily scalable to multi-bit data, the researchers claim, hoping these ultra-thin devices, flexible Their paper 'A microprocessor based ..."

Radio Seeks Black Gold

Radio Seeks Black Gold, July 1948 Radio News - RF CafeDiscovering new oil reserves usually takes more than the good fortune of being out shoot'n at some food, when up from the ground come a bubbl'n crude - oil that is, black gold, Texas tea. Over the decades, chance has been replaced by high tech prospecting methods including ground-penetrating radar, radio and acoustic wave sounding, ultrasonic transponders, and even satellite sensors that discern telltale variations in gravitational pull, and magnetic fields. This article from a 1948 issue of Radio News describes the use of radio for coordinating activities between the point of ...

Saelig Intros Economical 6½ Digit Benchtop Multimeter

Saelig Intros Economical 6½ Digit Benchtop Multimeter - RF CafeSaelig Company has introduced the Siglent SDM3065X - an economical 6½ digit dual-display digital multimeter that is suited to high-precision, multifunction, and automation measurement applications. It combines basic high-accuracy measurement functions, with multiple math and display choices, and special features including histogram, trend chart, bar chart, statistics, hold measurement, dBm, etc. The SDM3065X multimeter's front panel features a 4.3" (480 x 272) high resolution color TFT-LCD display ...

MIT Graduate Falls to Death While Scaling Campus Dome

MIT Graduate Falls to Death While Scaling Campus Dome - RF CafeMIT engineering students' history of pranks took a macabre turn this weekend. "A 24-year-old Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate and New Jersey native reportedly plunged to his death while climbing the school's iconic dome. Nicholas Paggi reportedly fell multiple stories from the 'Great Dome' while scaling the prank hot spot on Tuesday night, according to WBZ-TV. The victim's mother said on Thursday her son and a pal 'jimmied a lock' to access the century-old rooftop. Helga Paggi told the Boston television station that her son 'slipped going back up to the other side of the roof ..."

15 Member States Oppose EU 25 Year Spectrum Licenses

15 Member States Oppose EU 25 Year Spectrum Licences - RF Cafe"Reuters reports that EU plans to try and standardize on a minimum 25-year lifetime for spectrum licenses are opposed by 15 out of the 28 member states. The 15 are: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the UK. The refuseniks have produced a position paper saying the EU proposal is 'disproportionate and insufficiently flexible to be able to respond to market developments.' It says that over-long license periods run the risk of 'preventing innovation if relevant frequency bands are ..."

Sunday 30

Wireless Engineering Crossword Puzzle for April 30, 2017

Wireless Engineering Crossword Puzzle for April 30, 2017 - RF CafeThis week's wireless engineering-themed crossword puzzle, as is the case every week, contains only words pertaining to science, engineering, amateur radio, physics, mechanics, mathematics, etc. Making a special appearance is the name of the most recent company to support RF Cafe through advertising. You will see their banner graphical ad appearing in the right page border sometime this week ...



RF Electronics Shapes, Stencils for Office, Visio by RF Cafe
ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe

Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe

KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe