Norwood, MA -
Artech House
today announced the publication
Introduction to Radar with Python and MATLAB®,
by Andy Harrison. This comprehensive resource provides readers with the tools necessary
to perform analysis of various waveforms for use in radar systems. It provides information
about how to produce synthetic aperture (SAR) images by giving a tomographic formulation
and implementation for SAR imaging. Tracking filter fundamentals, and each parameter
associated with the filter and how each affects tracking performance are also presented.
Various radar cross section measurement techniques are covered, along with waveform
selection analysis through the study of the ambiguity function for each particular
waveform from simple linear frequency modulation (LFM) waveforms to more complicated
coded waveforms.
The text includes the Python tool suite, which allows the reader to analyze and
predict radar performance for various scenarios and applications. Also provided
are MATLAB® scripts corresponding to the Python tools. The software includes a user-friendly
graphical user interface (GUI) that provides visualizations of the concepts being
covered. Users have full access to both the Python and MATLAB source code to modify
for their application. With examples using the tool suite are given at the end of
each chapter, this text gives readers a clear understanding of how important target
scattering is in areas of target detection, target tracking, pulse integration,
and target discrimination.
Introduction to Radar with Python and MATLAB® is available now from Artech House,
a leading publisher of books for professionals in high-technology industries.
Introduction to Radar with Python and MATLAB®
Andy Harrison Artech House 2019 Print ISBN: 978-1-63081-597-4 $159
About Artech House
A leading technical book publisher, Artech House provides today's professionals
and students with cutting-edge books and software from the world's top authorities.
From RF/microwave design, wireless communications, radar engineering, and electronic
defense, to GPS/GNSS, power engineering, computer security, and building technology,
Artech House publishes the forward-looking titles that engineers and managers need
to excel. Artech House is a subsidiary of Horizon House Publications, Inc., publisher
of the internationally acclaimed magazine Microwave Journal®.
Artech House operates two full service offices: the main headquarters in suburban
Boston, and a European division located in Central London. Both offices offer full
publishing capabilities, from sales and distribution, to acquisitions and editorial,
to promotion and marketing functions.
Contact Info
Kati Klotz Artech House 685 Canton Street Norwood, MA 02062 Phone:
(781) 769-9750 x4053 FAX: (781) 769-6334 Web:
Posted November 4, 2019