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Here are 2019 press release archive pages:
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ConductRF's close partnership with TE in
its development of its new Nano-miniature RF Solutions for
VITA67.3 has put us in a great position to support your VPX RF cable assembly
needs. Modular solution supports 8 to 18 positions, flexible 0.047" diameter cable,
supports frequency up to 70 GHz, use with standard solutions (SMA, SMPM, etc.),
2x density of Vita67.1. ConductRF's PFT33 Series of Micro Flexible Cable Assemblies
has been designed directly with TE Connectivity involvement and in partnership to
maximize the capabilities of TE's new Vita67.3 NanoRF VPX modular connector system.
ConductRF offers its soft FEP jacketed ø0.047" cable to facilitate maximum flexibility
and provides solutions for jumper cables ...
RF Superstore is proud to announce the
addition of our fifth new product category in 2019. The latest category launch includes
14 new part numbers for small size, low insertion loss
RF power dividers
/ combiners, 3 of which are in stock and ready to ship. Applications include
amplifiers, mixers, antennas. and laboratory testing. If you have interest in pre-ordering
the other model numbers, please contact us for current lead times. Pricing and availability
for all power divider / combiner models can be found on the RF Superstore website.
RF coaxial connectors & adapters, coaxial cable & cable assemblies, surge
protectors, attenuators. Items added daily. Free shipping on orders over $99. We're
leading the way again! ...
Skyworks Solutions is pleased to launch
the SKY85772-11,
a new addition to our family of front-end modules (FEMs) that are designed for growing
retail, carrier and enterprise Wi-Fi 6 applications. The 5 GHz FEM offers
best-in-class power and linearity for devices such as access points, routers and
gateways. The module's logarithmic power detector allows for wide dynamic power
range and its harmonics are FCC compliant, reducing filtering requirements. The
solution also delivers 2 dB higher gain, improving linearity when compared to system-on-chip
(SoC) architectures. The SKY85772-11 is also part of major transceiver reference
designs ...
Modelithics® the leader in providing simulation
models for RF, microwave and mm-wave devices, is pleased to welcome
Chris DeMartino to the company as Sales and Applications Engineer. In this role,
Mr. DeMartino will be responsible for technical support and application development
for Modelithics products and services. He joins the Modelithics team from Informa
PLC (formerly Penton Media), where he served as the editor of Microwaves & RF
magazine. At this position, his responsibilities included generating technical content
to serve the needs of the RF/microwave engineering community. Prior to assuming
the role of editor of Microwaves & RF in May 2015, he was able to gain valuable
experience in RF/microwave design and testing. DeMartino holds a M.S. degree in
Electrical Engineering and has worked for several companies in the RF/microwave
industry ...
A special 25% discount is being offered for
a limited time from Artech House publishers for the purchase of Practical
Antenna Design for Wireless Products, a new book written by Henry Lau of Lexiwave
Technology that features NI AWR software. This comprehensive resource covers the
fundamentals and implementation strategies for practical antenna design and helps
readers understand how to effectively use electromagnetic (EM) simulation for the
design of real-world antenna products. Topics include PCB layout, component placement,
and casing design. Design examples of wearable electronic products are presented.
Available for purchase in hardback or digital download through Artech House (25%
discount with promotional code NI25), or get it from
Center of Telecommunication Technologies
is proud to announce immediate availability of
Antenna Pattern Editor 1.1, a free universal tool to view, create, edit and
convert antenna patterns. The main idea embedded in the program is to provide the
user with the opportunity to quickly create an antenna pattern file using various
methods. Antenna pattern file is a simple text or xml file that describes the main
characteristics of the antennas - radiation patterns, gain, frequency range, name,
manufacturer and other data. These files are used in various radio planning tools
including our RadioPlanner and MLinkPlanner. There are a large number of antenna
pattern file formats, but it often happens that there is no file in the required
format. In this case, using the Antenna Pattern Editor, you can easily convert the
file to the format you need ...
Center of Telecommunication Technologies
is proud to announce immediate availability of their
2.1 wireless network software simulation tool for modeling microwave point-to-point
(PtP) and point-to-multipoint (PtMP) links. Perform frequency planning of radio
networks considering co-channel and adjacent channels interference, points calculation
showing the profile of the path, losses, and levels of the signal and interference
on co-channel and adjacent channels. You can import the measurement results of the
received signal power levels for comparison with calculated values and adjust propagation
model parameters, and save the result of the coverage calculation as an interactive
web page or as a raster image. Flexibly adjust the layers on the base map, show
custom vector layers RadioPlanner 2.1 uses propagation models that include ITU-R
P.1812-4 (for mobile and broadcasting), Longley-Rice (ITM) v 1.2.2 (for broadcasting
only, for mobile coming soon), ITU-R P.1546-6 (for broadcasting only), and combined
ITU-R P.528-3 + P.526-14 model (for aeronautical radio only ...
Microwave, a designer and manufacturer of RF and microwave power couplers, dividers,
terminations, and DAS equipment, introduces model C-0218-06-001, a
6 dB
directional coupler covering 2 to 18 GHz, with SMA female connectors. Flatness
is ±1.0 dB and maximum VSWR is 1.5:1 across the entire band. Less than 2 dB
insertion loss and a minimum directivity of 12 dB. Operating temperature is
-55 to +100 °C. Werbel Microwave is bringing electronics manufacturing back
to America! ...
Benzacar of Anatech Electronics, an RF and microwave filter company, has published
his November newsletter that features his short op-ed entitled "My Predictions for
2019: The Reckoning," which is a follow-up on his December 2018 newsletter main
article entitled, "The RF and Microwave Industry in 2019: My Predictions," that
included 5G, IoT, Defense, and rural broadband. Buried within this year's "reckoning"
are a few predictions for 2020. Will Sam be as prescient regarding 2020 as he was
for 2019? Check in this time next year to find out. In other news, Sam includes
a few other items related to our RF industry ...
Teledyne e2v HiRel, producer of the longtime
high voltage cable assembly, this week unveiled a major new addition to the
high voltage product line called Ruggedized PeeWee, or "PWR." Built on decades of
experience developing subminiature, high voltage connectors, the PWR's new robust
design also benefits from Teledyne's extensive experience designing Space-level
products. The new Ruggedized PeeWee line is fully compatible and inter-matable with
all push-pull PeeWee assemblies. Download the Ruggedized PeeWee datasheet. With
this new product, Teledyne has surpassed all previous industry standards for testing ...
Modelithics is pleased to announce the release
of version 19.4.2 of the
Modelithics Qorvo
GaN library for use with Keysight Technologies' Advanced Design System and National
Instruments AWR Design Environment. The Modelithics Qorvo GaN Library is a set of
non-linear models for Qorvo package and die GaN devices, designed for excellent
accuracy, and validated with broadband S-parameters and load pull data at multiple
frequencies. Each model has a detailed datasheet summarizing model features, development
details, and model performance plots. Some devices are also represented with small-signal
and noise models in addition to non-linear models. Version 19.4.2 of the Modelithics
Qorvo GaN Library includes a total of 80 models containing 57 packaged power models,
17 GaN die power transistor products and 6 small-signal models ...
I didn't see this one coming, but it seems
like a great move - Cadence Design Systems and National Instruments Corporation
today announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement pursuant to which
expects to acquire AWR Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of National Instruments
(NI). AWR is an industry leader in high-frequency RF EDA software technology and
will bring a highly talented RF team to Cadence. Concurrently, Cadence and NI also
entered into a strategic alliance agreement to expand their relationship to enhance
electronic system innovation with a focus on communications. AWR software is used
by microwave and RF engineers to design wireless products for complex, high-frequency
RF applications. The technology helps customers accelerate the design and product
development cycle of systems used in communications, aerospace and defense, semiconductor,
computer, and consumer electronics ...
Teledyne e2v HiRel today announced the availability
of a new
RF power limiter, the 2.5 GHz, 100 W TDLM025100. The limiter is a monolithic
integrated circuit based on a Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) technology that is ideal
for use in high reliability aerospace and defense applications. This new integrated
device provides customers with a more reliable and robust power protection solution
compared to the traditional industry alternative, discrete GaAs PIN diode circuits
with multiple external components. The power limiter delivers low insertion loss
and high linearity under non-limiting power levels and extremely fast response time
in a limiting event, ensuring protection of sensitive circuitry ...
Custom MMIC is excited to announce a new
product category, adding to its growing list of high performance MMICs, with the
introduction of three new
GaAs Sub-Harmonic
Mixers. The CMD303, CMD310/C3 MMICs cover frequency ranges of 13-21 GHz and
20-32 GHz respectively, with excellent conversion loss and isolation. Sub-harmonic
mixers are driven by a local oscillator (LO) signal that is an integer fraction,
or sub-harmonic, of the desired LO frequency. This eases the design, layout and
cost of the LO source for microwave frequency designs. These new mixers operate
with a x2 LO, meaning the user needs to provide the mixer with an LO at half the
desired mixing frequency ...
Anatech Electronics offers the industry's
largest portfolio of high-performance standard and customized
RF and microwave
filters and filter-related products for military, commercial, aerospace and
defense, and industrial applications up to 40 GHz. In their December Product
Update, Anatech has introduced three new hybrid directional coupler designs good
for use in amplifier combiner and attenuator circuits as well as in other applications.
One is a 6 to 40 GHz hybrid coupler with SMA connectors, another is a 0.5 to
3 GHz hybrid coupler with SMA connectors, and the other is a 3 to 3.5 GHz hybrid
coupler with N connectors. Custom RF power directional coupler designs can be designed
and produced when a standard cannot be found ...
ERZIA Technologies S.L. today announced that
it has entered into a
franchise agreement with Richardson RFPD, an Arrow Electronics company. The
agreement covers ERZIA's commercial off-the-shelf products, including high-power
/ driver amplifier (HPA) modules and low noise amplifier (LNA) modules. ERZIA's
broad product offering covers DC to 100 GHz, with connectorized and wave guide
interfaces. All of ERZIA's COTS products are ITAR-free designs and offer a high
degree of customization. "We are excited about ERZIA's broad capabilities, flexibility,
quality and reliability," said Rafael R. Salmi, Ph.D., Richardson RFPD's president.
"This product range is a good fit for Richardson RFPD's customers and target markets.
Many customers today prefer to purchase amplifiers ..."
Bittele Electronics, with facilities in Canada,
The United States, and China, has an ability to perform "selective soldering" on through-hole
mounted components to target individual pins as opposed to exposing the entire PCB
to a wave soldering process. As described on the Bittele website, selective soldering
is used on assemblies where through-hole components are distributed across the PCB,
as opposed to a high density connector pin array where applying a single blob of
solder (using a "fountain" stream - see image to the right) would be difficult.
In some instances both wave soldering and selective soldering is used. Since the
vast majority of printed circuit assemblies use surface mounted components, selective
soldering and/or wave soldering is performed first for through-hole component, and
then surface mount components are added and a solder reflow pass ...
Exodus Advanced Communications model
AMP2080B-1 high power 10 kHz to 100 MHz amplifier produces 150 W
minimum, and >200 W nominal power. The minimum power gain is >52 dB
with excellent gain flatness. Optionally, Exodus offers monitoring parameters for
forward/reflected power and VSWR, as well as voltage, current and temperature sensing
for optimum reliability & ruggedness for all applications. Nominal weight is
35 lbs, and dimensions of 19"W x 22"L x 5.25"H. Class A/AB linear LDMOS design
Rack mounted system Designed for broadband EMI/RFI, Lab, Communication applications ...
Atenlab Corporation has updated their list
of global sales representatives for the company's large variety of
antenna measurement systems. Atenlab has developed four major categories of
Over-the-Air (OTA) measurement systems to meet various requirements - A2 light type,
A3 compact type, A6 standard type and A8 professional type. OTA measurement facilities
are widely used in the communication system and device manufacturing industry. With
the advancement of the OTA measurement system, customers are able to perform more
comprehensive measurement and test, staying ahead in the market. Please contact
one of our representatives today to learn how Atenlab can help your project succeed.
Compact Antenna Test Ranges (CATR) are able to measure up to 100 GHz. The larger
the compact range reflector, the larger Network Analysis the Device Under Test (DUT)
Mountain Technologies (CMT), a USB vector network analyzer manufacturer in Indianapolis,
IN, USA, is proud to achieve
ISO 9001:2015 certification. International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) 9001:2015 is the original quality management standard and the world's most
widely recognized quality management system certification. The standard ensures
that businesses continuously improve their processes and comply with ISO 9001:2015's
stringent requirements that help products and services provided meet and exceed
customer expectations. Achieving ISO 9001:2015 certification demonstrates that CMT
has implemented quality management systems and processes that support its core mission
- extending the reach of engineers it serves. Following the ISO standard will ensure
that our customers continue to get vector network analyzer solutions ...
Spectrum Instrumentation has added six new
Waveform Generators (AWGs) to its recently released M2p.65 xx series of PCIe
cards. The new AWGs extend the product family's capabilities by boosting the available
output range, so that waveforms can be generated with amplitude swings of up to
±12 V into 1 MΩ or ±6 V into 50 Ω. To achieve the higher output
voltage ranges, the cards have been fitted with additional amplification and larger
cooling plates. This makes the cards a little wider, so that they occupy two PCIe
slots, but they are still just 168 mm in length. The small size allows them
to fit into almost any PC, turning it into a powerful and flexible waveform generator.
The M2p.65xx series AWGs use the latest 16-bit Digital-to-Analog Converters and
feature a fast PCIe x4 interface with up to 700 MByte/s streaming speed ...
Sam Benzacar of Anatech Electronics, an RF
and microwave filter company, has published his November newsletter that features
his short op-ed entitled "Is 5G Safe for Humans?
No One Knows." The controversy over whether or not RF radiation from wireless
devices - cellphones, notebook computers, tablets, smart meters, et al, is harmful
to human body cells has been with us since the early 1990s, when the Wireless Revolution
began. Industry standards groups have defined Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) levels
for exposure that model human anatomy and cell structure in order to scientifically
assess the effects of RF radiation. As with studies done with other controversial
topics like tobacco and pharmaceuticals, the "truth" is as much subjective as it
is objective, and the two side of the argument will never agree ...
Axiom Test Equipment, an electronic test equipment
rentals and sales company headquartered in San Diego, has published a blog post
entitled "Turn on
the Temperature with Thermal Test Systems," explaining the need to properly
evaluate product function across the full range of expected ambient temperature
conditions. Doing so helps guarantee favorable customer experiences and online ratings,
as well as reduces costs of warranty service. It begins: "Electronic device performance
is sensitive to temperature, with most electronic devices and components specified
according to operating and storage temperature ranges. Those ranges differ according
to the type of component and application, with electronic products for industrial
and military applications usually ..."
Skyworks is pleased introduce the SKY66318-11,
a new addition to our family of high-efficiency power amplifiers (PA) that are designed
for the stringent requirements of enterprise small cell applications. The PA offers
wide instantaneous bandwidth (100 MHz) and is fully input/output matched with
high gain and efficiency. On-chip active biasing circuitry is also integrated to
compensate for PA performance over temperature, voltage, and process variations.
The device comes in a compact 5 x 5 mm package, operates from a single 5 V
power supply, and is ideal for 4G LTE and 5G NR systems from 3300 to 3600 MHz.
The SKY66318-11 is also part of major transceiver reference designs ...
Exodus Advanced Communications' model
AMP2070C power amplifier designed for broadband EMI/RFI, lab, communications
and EW applications. Class A/AB linear design for all modulations and industry standards.
Covers 700 MHz - 6.0 GHz, produces 100 W minimum, 50 W P1dB,
50 dB gain. Excellent gain flatness, optional monitoring parameters for forward
/ reflected power, voltage, current and temperature sensing for superb reliability
and ruggedness. Suitable for CW, pulse and all single channel modulation standards
Built-in protection circuits ...
Anatech Electronics offers the industry's
largest portfolio of high-performance standard and customized
RF and microwave
filters and filter-related products for military, commercial, aerospace and
defense, and industrial applications up to 40 GHz. In their November Product
Update, Anatech has introduced a surface mount 5G/LTE Band 66 / extended
AWS band downlink ceramic bandpass filter, a 5G / LTE Band 48 / CBRS Band cavity
bandpass filter with N-type connectors, and a 5G/LTE frequency Band 30(WCS) / Band
41 / Band 66(Extended AWS) /Band 71 multiplexer with N-type connectors. Custom RF
power directional coupler designs can be designed and produced when a standard cannot
be found, or the requirements are such that a custom approach is necessary ...
Custom MMIC is proud to introduce a new
GaAs Distributed
Amplifier operating in the popular DC - 20 GHz frequency range, targeting
Instrumentation and EW applications. The CMD244K5 offers very flat gain and low
noise figure across the band. This MMIC also has high P1dB and IP3, yielding a high
dynamic range. All this performance is neatly integrated in a small 5mm x 5mm plastic
air-cavity surface mount QFN package. This new, high performance distributed amplifier
continues Custom MMIC's aggressive efforts to deliver the best performing GaAs and
GaN MMICs in the industry ...
Custom MMIC continues the rapid expansion
of its standard product portfolio with three new additions to its
mixer portfolio. The CMD312, CMD313 and CMD253 are wideband GaAs double balanced
mixers, operating from 4 to 28, 6 to 45 and 6 to 14 GHz respectively. These
new MMICs are intended to support emerging wide bandwidth applications in Test Equipment,
Instrumentation, Aerospace and Defense. All three mixers feature low conversion
gain and high isolation performance. They are offered in die form, with a packaged
version already available in the CMD253 and planned for the CMD312 and CMD313 ...
Artech House today announced the publication
Emitter Detection and Geolocation for Electronic Warfare, by Nicholas O'Donoughue.
This comprehensive resource provides theoretical formulation for detecting and geolocating
non-cooperative emitters. Implementation of geolocation algorithms are discussed,
as well as performance prediction of a hypothetical passive location system for
systems analysis or vulnerability calculation. Comparison of novel direction finding
and geolocation algorithms to classical forms are also included. Rooted in statistical
signal processing and array processing theory, this book also provides an overview
of the application of novel detection and estimation algorithms to real world problems
in EW ...
Artech House today announced the publication
Introduction to Radar
with Python and MATLAB®, by Andy Harrison. This comprehensive resource provides
readers with the tools necessary to perform analysis of various waveforms for use
in radar systems. It provides information about how to produce synthetic aperture
(SAR) images by giving a tomographic formulation and implementation for SAR imaging.
Tracking filter fundamentals, and each parameter associated with the filter and
how each affects tracking performance are also presented. Various radar cross section
measurement techniques are covered, along with waveform selection analysis through
the study of the ambiguity function ...
Bittele, a turn-key PCB assembly services
provider for prototype and low volume electronic contract manufacturing, has posted
a tutorial entitled, "How to
Design Cost-Effective PCBs." It begins, "A design engineer should consider all
the things that affect the total cost of manufacturing of PCB. Frequently, new PCB
design engineers often do not consider the cost of PCB fabrication. The things that
affect the cost per PCB that many young design engineers don't plan for include
the cost of tooling, the size of a PCB and the spacing of board components. To ensure
that your production costs are as low as possible, including the costs of tooling,
here are some guidelines to follow: 1. Select the smallest size of the PCB that
is practical. 2. Standard rectangular and square PCB shapes always cost less than
non-standard shapes. Furthermore, do not incorporate slots or cutouts unless they
are completely necessary ..."
Teledyne Paradise Datacom (Paradise), part
of the Teledyne Defense Electronics Group, is unveiling a new
Pulsed Radar
SSPA that is designed for Operators of defense-related tactical radar systems.
The solid state technology provides an ideal pathway for customers seeking to upgrade
or replace their existing legacy radar platforms with a newer generation of technology,
one that delivers superior SWaP, power density, scalability, and performance over
a longer life cycle. Additionally, it reduces the risk of complete loss of service
for the Operator. Importantly, the new 4kW X-band SSPA is configurable to
meet diverse radar platform requirements, and scalable either up or down to effectively
address other power levels as desired. It provides operators of legacy TWT, magnetron,
or klystron ...
Exodus Advanced Communications'
18.0 to 40.0 GHz, 40W+ Solid State Amplifiers (SSA) are designed for general
EMC testing applications as well as Mil-Std 461(RS103) standards. Models AMP4065-LC
(18.0-26.5 GHz) and AMP4066-LC (26.5-40.0 GHz) compact designs provide
superb RF performance with unprecedented P1dB power as compared to TWT's. The SSA's
exhibit 46 dB minimum gain, monitoring parameters for forward and reflected
power, VSWR, and voltage, current and temperature sensing for outstanding reliability
and ruggedness. Suitable for all single channel modulation standards. Rack mounted
system ...