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Axiom Test Equipment Blog:
Spectrum Analyzers Help Find Harmful Interference

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Rohde & Schwarz FSW13 Signal and Spectrum Analyzer, 2 Hz - 13.6 GHz - RF Cafe

Rohde & Schwarz FSW13 Signal and Spectrum Analyzer, 2 Hz - 13.6 GHz

Agilent N9960A, Keysight N9960A FieldFox Handheld Microwave Spectrum Analyzer, 5 kHz - 32 GHz - RF Cafe

Agilent N9960A, Keysight N9960A FieldFox Handheld Microwave Spectrum Analyzer, 5 kHz - 32 GHz

July 3, 2023 - Vista, California - Axiom Test Equipment, an electronic test equipment rental and sales company has published a new blog post that helps users find a spectrum analyzer with the functionality needed to simplify interference hunting in a desired frequency range. The growing number of wireless applications and signals creates increased opportunities for interference when signals are not properly monitored. When interference does take place, it degrades system performance and inevitably must be detected and eliminated. This requires spectrum monitoring and interference hunting with the right tools and the best equipment for that job is the spectrum analyzer.

With a spectrum or signal analyzer teamed with a suitable antenna, it is usually possible to detect and measure a source of RF interference. By measuring as many as the signals within a frequency range of interest, such as around 2.4 GHz for Bluetooth and wireless local area network (WLAN) signals and any additional, unwanted signals, potential interference can be detected and displayed with a spectrum analyzer. At present, higher frequencies are being employed for applications such as automotive radars and Fifth Generation (5G) cellular wireless communications networks.

The trick is finding a spectrum analyzer with the performance and functionality to speed and simplify interference hunting in a desired frequency range. To learn more read the full blog post on Axiom’s website: https://www.axiomtest.com/blog/Spectrum-Analyzers-Help-Find-Harmful-Interference/

Spectrum Analyzers Help Find Harmful Interference

Frequency spectrum is filling steadily with growing numbers of wireless devices. Many of the wireless devices operate within short distances at narrow frequency bands, such as Bluetooth and wireless local are network (WLAN) equipment. However, as more users make wireless cellular radios their principal telephones, longer-distance wireless applications, including satellite communications (satcom) systems, are occupying more of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. Cellular communications networks are evolving from Fourth Generation (4G) technology to Fifth Generation (5G) technology and higher frequencies, well into the millimeter-wave frequency range above 24 GHz.

This growing number of wireless applications and signals creates increased opportunities for interference when signals are not properly monitored. When interference does take place, it degrades system performance and inevitably must be detected and eliminated. This requires spectrum monitoring and interference hunting with the right tools and the best equipment for that job is the spectrum analyzer. With a spectrum or signal analyzer teamed with a suitable antenna, it is usually possible to detect and measure a source of RF interference. In addition, with a portable unit running on battery power, it can be carried close enough to the source of the interference for accurate and repeatable measurements. The trick is finding a spectrum analyzer with the performance and functionality to speed and simplify interference hunting in a desired frequency range.

Spectrum analyzers employ several methods to find signals. They may operate as superheterodyne receivers that mix inputs with a tunable local oscillator (LO) and then process the resulting lower-frequency intermediate-frequency (IF) signals for their content. This type of spectrum analyzer is well suited for detecting continuous-wave (CW) signals but can miss on and off intermittent signals if they are not present when the analyzer tunes past that section of spectrum. The other main type of spectrum analyzer, the real-time analyzer (RTA), relies on analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) to digitize sections of spectrum and detect CW as well as short-term spurious and pulsed signals...

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Whatever type of testing your project requires, rent or buy quality test equipment from Axiom Test Equipment. For over 15 years Axiom Test Equipment has rented, sold, repaired and accepted trade-in of test equipment to support your test & measurement needs. If you would like help selecting any type of test equipment for your next project, contact Axiom Test Equipment's sales department at sales@transcat.com, call 760-806-6600, or browse Axiom Test Equipment's inventory online at www.axiomtest.com.


About Axiom Test Equipment

Josh Shilts Axiom Test Equipment July 2020 - RF CafeGet Exactly What You Need. Rent - Buy - Repair - Trade-In

Established in 2005, Axiom Test Equipment strives to continually improve itself and offer the best value for its customers. We offer our customers several practical, efficient and cost effective solutions for their business or projects' test equipment needs. Whether you need to rent & buy test equipment, repair test equipment, sell or trade equipment, we are committed to providing superior customer service and high quality electronic test equipment.

At Axiom Test Equipment we provide several services. We rent electronic test and measurement equipment. We also sell test equipment. If you have a piece of malfunctioning or broken test equipment we also have an in-house repair lab. For anyone seeking a way to offload their surplus or obsolete equipment, we offer a trade-in program or we can buy the equipment from you.

We stock a comprehensive inventory of equipment and can use our extensive network to find you those hard to get items. We believe in getting equipment to you quickly and at a competitive price.



Fabian Garcia
Marketing Coordinator
Axiom Test Equipment
2610 Commerce Way 
Vista, CA  92081
Phone: (760) 806-6600

Web: www.axiomtest.com

E-Mail: fgarcia@transcat.com



Posted July 3, 2023

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