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Modelithics & IMS Expanding Collaboration w/6 Year Plan

International Manufacturing Services - IMS

Tampa, Florida and Portsmouth, Rhode Island (March 14, 2023) -- Modelithics and International Manufacturing Services (IMS) have expanded their long term collaboration commitment for an additional six (6) years, which includes development of simulation models for several additional IMS device families, as well as renewing their Sponsoring Modelithics Vendor Partner (MVP) status. Additional high frequency Modelithics Microwave Global Models™ for multiple IMS resistor and attenuator families are planned under the extended agreement.

J.J. Silvia III, IMS Vice President, General Manager, states: "IMS is excited to continue this partnership. Applying bench-test data to scalable models found in their library not only provides valuable performance validation, but also benefits our customer design speed and capabilities. High tech customers design with high tech tools that are supported by Modelithics' software. Modelithics helps our customers gain access to IMS products and data we know can help solve problems in circuit design easily and with accuracy in pre-prototype development."

Modelithics is delighted to continue the great collaboration with IMS and is looking forward to developing the new models for IMS components to expand the Modelithics COMPLETE Library and mmWave & 5G Library. "It's great to see some of our partners taking the "long view" with confidence in our combined value-add for customers" stated Larry Dunleavy, President and CEO of Modelithics.

As a Sponsoring MVP, IMS is sponsoring FREE 90-day use of all available Modelithics models for IMS components. The Modelithics COMPLETE Library and the mmWave & 5G Library are available for Keysight Technologies' PathWave Advanced Design System (ADS), Keysight Technologies' PathWave RF Synthesis (Genesys), Cadence® AWR Design Environment®, and other simulators. For a free trial, please visit: https://www.modelithics.com/mvp/ims.

Watch for announcements about the new models as there are released. Visit the IMS landing page on the Modelithics website to see the full list of Modelithics models that are available for IMS components and available to request the free use: https://www.modelithics.com/mvp/ims


About Modelithics, Inc.

Modelithics, Inc. (www.Modelithics.com) was formed in 2001 to address the industry-wide need for high-accuracy RF and microwave active and passive simulation models for use in Electronic Design Automation (EDA). Modelithics' premium product is the Modelithics® COMPLETE Library, which includes the CLR Library™, containing measurement-based Microwave Global Models™ for a multitude of commercially-available passive component families, as well non-linear diode models, non-linear transistor models, and system level component models. Modelithics' services also address a wide range of custom RF and microwave measurement and modeling needs. Modelithics product offerings also include the Modelithics mmWave & 5G Library, Modelithics System Components Library™ the Modelithics COMPLETE+3D Library. Modelithics® is a registered trademark of Modelithics, Inc. Microwave Global Models™, System Components Library™ and CLR Library™ are also trademarks of Modelithics, Inc. The Modelithics Vendor Partner (MVP) Program allows for collaboration and open communication during the development of advanced data sets and models for commercially available microwave components and devices, with flexible sponsorship and distribution arrangements for the resulting data and models. An example of such an arrangement is the Modelithics Qorvo GaN Library, a fully sponsored library distributed for free by Modelithics under sponsorship of Qorvo®. Modelithics also offers a Standard & Custom Test Fixture and Accessory Product Line, including legacy parts from J Micro Technology for a family of thin film Alumina substrate components.



Angie Rogers
Vice President, Marketing & Sales
Modelithics, Inc.
3802 Spectrum Boulevard, Suite 130
Tampa, Florida  33612
Phone: 813.866.6335
E-Mail: sales@modelithics.com
Web: modelithics.com



Posted March 20, 2023

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