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As a systems partner and integrator for enhanced situational awareness and network monitoring, Rohde
& Schwarz will present its latest and innovative portfolios of cutting-edge electronic warfare (EW) solutions for spectrum dominance and mission success.
Geneva/Munich, May 15, 2023 -- This "Wireless
Device Testing Fundamentals" webinar introduces the many components and characteristics
of a modern wireless device that need to be verified before a commercial launch.
It includes an overview of the various test phases (from R&D to production),
plus the types of testing challenges that occur when developing a modern wireless
device. An overview of the key terminology used within the wireless device test
industry, for example: Non-Signaling vs. Signaling & Callbox vs. Protocol test.
In this webinar, you will learn more about:
- Typical test requirements from R&D to production
- Testing challenges for modern wireless devices
- Key terminology unique to the wireless device industry
Date: Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Time: 2:00pm Eastern Time Speaker: Mike Thorpe,
Product Manager, Wireless Device test solutions
Rohde & Schwarz
The Rohde & Schwarz technology group is among the trailblazers when it comes
to paving the way for a safer and connected world with its leading solutions in
test & measurement, technology systems, and networks & cybersecurity. Founded
nearly 90 years ago, the group is a reliable partner for industry and government
customers around the globe. On June 30, 2022, Rohde & Schwarz had around 13,000
employees worldwide. The independent group achieved a net revenue of EUR 2.53 billion
in the 2021/2022 fiscal year (July to June). The company is headquartered in Munich,
Rohde & Schwarz Aerospace and Defense Testing
Rohde & Schwarz offers an extensive product range for testing radar, electronic
warfare, satellite, navigation, guidance, military radiocommunications and radio
monitoring systems in all relevant frequency bands. Outstanding performance and
application-tailored measurement functions address the specific needs of the A&D
sector in R&D, validation, production and in the field. This includes RF and
microwave T&M instruments for lab and field measurements, turn-key systems,
a full range of EMC measuring equipment as well as antennas and RF accessories.
Sustainable product strategies ensure that Rohde & Schwarz products keep up
with advances in technology throughout the long lifecycles customary.
R&S® and CERTIUM® are registered trademarks of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
Co. KG. All press releases, including photos for downloading, are available on the
internet at
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Posted May 1, 2023