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Extensive formulas for lumped elements, design trade-offs
February 2023 - Dr. Inder J. Bahl's latest book from Artech House, "Lumped Elements for RF and Microwave
Circuits," is fully updated and including entirely new chapters, this Second
Edition provides in-depth coverage of the different types of RF and microwave circuit
elements, including inductors, capacitors, resistors, transformers, via holes, air
bridges, and crossovers. Featuring extensive formulas for lumped elements, design
trade-offs, and an updated and current list of references, the book helps you understand
the value and usefulness of lumped elements in the design of RF, microwave and millimeter
wave components and circuits. You'll find a balanced treatment between standalone
lumped elements and their circuits using MICs, MMICs and RFICs technologies. You'll
also find detailed information on a broader range RFICs that was not available when
the popular first edition was published.
The book captures - in one consolidated volume - the fundamentals, equations,
modeling, examples, references and overall procedures to design, test and produce
microwave components that are indispensable in industry and academia today. With
its superb organization and expanded coverage of the subject, this is a must-have,
go-to resource for practicing engineers and researchers in industry, government
and university and microwave engineers working in the antenna area. Students will
also find it a useful reference with its clear explanations, many examples and practical
modeling guidelines.
Artech House Order Department 685 Canton Street Norwood, MA 02062
Phone: (781) 769-9750, ext. 4030 FAX: (781) 769-6334
Posted April 28, 2023