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Axiom Test Equipment Blog:
Selecting Spectrum and Network Analyzers

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February 2, 2024 - Vista, California - Axiom Test Equipment, an electronic test equipment rental and sales company has published a new blog post that covers the functions of Spectrum and Network analyzers to better understand which type of test equipment is better suited to support your project requirements. Instrumentation-level analyzers come in many shapes and sizes, including as signal, spectrum, and network analyzers. Knowing what each analyzer does will help find the best one for the job.

Spectrum analyzers measure signal magnitude as a function of frequency. They detect known signals, such as radio waves, and unknown signals, such as interference and noise. Spectrum analyzers work with antennas for over-the-air (OTA) measurements of wireless communications signals and radar pulses. While signal and spectrum analyzers offer extensive measurement results on OTA signals, they lack the capabilities of network analyzers (NAs) for studying the effects of electronic networks on signals. Various types of NAs, such as scalar network analyzers (SNAs) and vector network analyzers (VNAs), help evaluate high-speed digital and high-frequency analog circuits.

When comparing spectrum/signal analyzer specifications, frequency range is a good place to start, with the cost of an analyzer typically increasing with frequency. Learn more about the other features to look for when starting a new project by reading the full blog post on Axiom's website.

Agilent E8364C, Keysight E8364C, HP E8364C - RF Cafe

Agilent E8364C, Keysight E8364C, HP E8364C Network Analyzer, 10 MHz - 50 GHz

Selecting Spectrum and Network Analyzers 

Analysis of electronic products can be performed in many ways, from visual checks to sophisticated measurements. The appropriate analyzer can be invaluable when checking components, circuits, and systems, but finding the right analyzer can be challenging. Instrumentation-level analyzers come in many shapes and sizes, including as signal, spectrum, and network analyzers. Knowing what each analyzer does helps in finding the best one for a job.

Spectrum analyzers measure signal magnitude as a function of frequency. They detect known signals, such as radio waves, and unknown signals, such as interference and noise. Spectrum analyzers work with antennas for over-the-air (OTA) measurements of wireless communications signals and radar pulses. As electronic systems grow in complexity, spectrum analyzers must also gain measurement capabilities to detect and display complex signals. Often, spectrum analyzers integrate signal analyzers capable of deciphering advanced modulation formats. Analyzers are also increasingly gaining coverage into the millimeter-wave range (above 30 GHz) as higher-frequency signals are being used in more applications. Units can be installed in a rack or benchtop, as in a factory or laboratory, or in portable housings for in-field measurements.

While signal and spectrum analyzers offer extensive measurement results on OTA signals, they lack the capabilities of network analyzers (NAs) for studying the effects of electronic networks on signals. Various types of NAs, such as scalar network analyzers (SNAs) and vector network analyzers (VNAs), help evaluate high-speed digital and high-frequency analog circuits. By appreciating the different capabilities of NAs and spectrum analyzers, both types of units can form an effective solution for evaluating the performance of an electronic design.


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Whatever your project requires testing of, rent or buy quality test equipment from Axiom Test Equipment. For over 15 years Axiom Test Equipment has rented, sold, repaired and accepted trade-in of test equipment to support your test & measurement needs. If you would like help selecting any type of test equipment for your next project, contact Axiom Test Equipment's sales department at sales@transcat.com, call 760-806-6600, or browse Axiom Test Equipment's inventory online at www.axiomtest.com.


About Axiom Test Equipment

Josh Shilts Axiom Test Equipment July 2020 - RF CafeGet Exactly What You Need. Rent - Buy - Repair - Trade-In

Established in 2005, Axiom Test Equipment strives to continually improve itself and offer the best value for its customers. We offer our customers several practical, efficient and cost effective solutions for their business or projects' test equipment needs. Whether you need to rent & buy test equipment, repair test equipment, sell or trade equipment, we are committed to providing superior customer service and high quality electronic test equipment.

At Axiom Test Equipment we provide several services. We rent electronic test and measurement equipment. We also sell test equipment. If you have a piece of malfunctioning or broken test equipment we also have an in-house repair lab. For anyone seeking a way to offload their surplus or obsolete equipment, we offer a trade-in program or we can buy the equipment from you.

We stock a comprehensive inventory of equipment and can use our extensive network to find you those hard to get items. We believe in getting equipment to you quickly and at a competitive price.



Fabian Garcia
Marketing Coordinator
Axiom Test Equipment
2610 Commerce Way 
Vista, CA  92081
Phone: (760) 806-6600

Web: www.axiomtest.com

E-Mail: fgarcia@transcat.com



Posted February 5, 2024

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