For as long as I can
remember, The Old Farmer's Almanac (OFA) has included a set of
Mathematical Puzzles in its annual publication. They range in difficulty from 1
(very easy) to 5 (sometimes quite difficult). Having been a faithful buyer and
reader of the OFA for as long as I can remember, I have spent many hours toiling
with some of the more challenging examples. In fact, there were a lot which I
never did figure out and needed to look up the answers in the back (come to
think of it, I experienced the same dilemma with my college engineering
textbooks). I already had the 1958, 1961, and 1983 issues of the OFA since they
are the years of my birth, Melanie's birth, and our marriage, respectively, but
recently while at a rummage sale we spotted a box filled with about 20 years'
worth of OFAs from the 1970s up through 2000, so we bought the entire lot (for
$10). Because quite a few of the Mathematical Puzzles are worthy of an
engineer's cerebration, contemplation, and deliberation, they will all be
eventually posted here on RF Cafe. There were often a set of Rainy Day
Amusements as well that could be real head scratchers. Enjoy!
See Solutions Below

Posted September 17, 2020