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Antennas - Hardware & Controls
Manufacturers & Services

These companies provide hardware and controls for antenna installations. Many also make antennas, but I thought it would be good to provide a separate page just for hardware and controls, since the Antennas vendor page is so large.

While antenna design is still largely an "black art," truly mastered by a select few practitioners, even rank amateurs can come up with a respectable antenna for most applications by using the sophisticated software available today. Of course, if you need a multi-band antenna that fits inside a cellphone or an omnidirectional antenna for inside a wii controller, then an expert is definitely in order. The folks listed here are just the experts you might need.

AIR802 | 630-428-3108 | Naperville, IL

Manufacturer of antennas, coaxial cable and connectors, lightning protectors, stripping & crimping tools.

Aluma Tower Company | Manufacturer of lightweight aluminum towers, portable & mobile including telescoping, fixed & guyed, single section, meteorological, environmental, trailer shelter, vehicle mounted.

Andrew Corp (now CommScope) | 800-255-1479 | Orland Park, IL

Antennas, filters, diplexers, combiners, frequency planning/design solutions, mobile network design and optimization, RF power amplifiers, steel products, transmission line system products, coaxial, waveguide; free planning software.

Antenna Design & Manufacturing Co | 301-498-1140 | Jessup, MD

Design, development and manufacture of calibrated antennas of all types.

Antenna Test Lab | 919-200-0292 | Raleigh, NC

Fully anechoic chamber, antennas can be quickly developed and RF products refined and deployed. Antenna maximum test size is 24" x 24" with a depth of 24" or less. Spreadsheet results allow easy post processing and custom plots. Photographs of your test setup in the anechoic chamber are always included.

Argon ST | 703-322-0881 | Fairfax, VA

COMINT/ELINT/DF and EW systems, threat simulators, communications systems & antennas, IO and EW systems, telecommunications systems, anti-jam GPS receivers, hyper and multi-spectral imaging systems, towed acoustic torpedo countermeasures, research and development solutions.

Astron Wireless Technologies | 703-450-5517 | Sterling, VA

DISC, microcell, hemi, directional, omnidirectional, 30 MHz to 5.8 GHz, ISM antennas, mounting hardware & cable assemblies, power dividers.

Atenlab | +886 2 2799 8715 | Taiwan City, Taiwan

Hundreds of chambers sold and installed around the world. Over-the-Air (OTA) measurement systems perform comprehensive measurement and test in a controlled environment. Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) with one-touch operation supports multiple systems - 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G - and major instrument brands. Multi-probe OTA measurement systems offer reduced time measurements over single-probe systems.

Damaskos | 610-358-0200 | Concordville, PA

Provider of materials measurement services and products including standard fixture sizes, calibration standards, software for common analyzers, complete systems, ancillary components - cables, interfaces, processors, antennas, planar CS targets testing services.

Electro-Metrics | 518-762-2600 | Johnstown, NY

Antennas, sensors, EMI/EMC instrumentation, broadband RF linear amplifiers.

European Antennas (now Cobham Antenna Systems) | +44 (0)1638 731888 | UK

Specialises in the design & manufacture of antennas from 200 MHz to 18 GHz for military & commercial organisations worldwide to ISO9001 standards.

Fractal Antenna Systems | 781-275-2300 | Bedford, MA

Designs and manufactures antennas for the commercial, military and government sectors.

The Howland Company | 678-546-5680 | Buford, GA

A private engineering firm engaged in the design, construction, integration, operation & evaluation of antenna ranges, anechoic chambers, radar cross-section (RCS) test facilities, electromagnetically shielded facilities, automated instrumentation and measurement systems, and telecommunications systems.

Kathrein-Werke KG | (0 80 31) 184-0 | Rosenheim, Germany

Satellite and terrestrial antenna systems, broadband communication systems, base stations antennas, broadcast antenna system for FM, TV, DAB and DTV filters, combiners and amplifiers.

Malibu Research (now CPI Malibu Division) | 805-383-1829 | Camarillo, CA

Full line of harmonic drive pedestals to support standard parabolic reflectors up to 8-meters in diameter and significantly larger FLAPS™ antennas.

MDS | Moultrie, GA

Microsystems Design Services president and CEO Glen Bankston (K4KV) announces our RC-1 Rotor Control. It is designed to save the amateur radio operator money, and give computer control of many rotor systems. Our new Digital Control Box will work as a direct replacement for the Yaesu Series G-450A, G-800, G-800DXA, G-800SA, G-1000DXA, G2800DXA control box, with digital display and computer control. We also have a model of the RC-1 Digital Control for the Ham II, IV, T2X, Yaesu, CDE, HyGain, Wilson, and many other common antenna rotators.

MI Technologies | 800-854-3660 | Suwanee, GA

Supplier of RF and Microwave antenna test and measurement products, systems and services.

Pepro, LLC | 1-814-676-5688 | Oil City, PA

A faraday cage protection system offering protection from lightning strikes, Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), lessens effects of Passive Inter-Modulation (PIM) when equipment is installed/maintained properly. Mobile radio sites designed for emergency temporary & portable mobile communicationsident command posts, remote base stations, Cell on Wheels (COWS), Site on Wheels (SOWS), Tower on Wheels (TOWS), Mobile Tower Units (MTU), Cell site On Wheels (cellular emergency services) and other unique applications.

Q-par Angus Ltd | +44 (0) 1568 612138 | UK

Discrete antennas & components and complete systems across the radio frequency spectrum, microwave design and consultancy including research and development through to manufacture, tests and field trials, Antenna Calculator.

Radio Waves | 978-459-8800 | Billerica, MA

A proven supplier of high quality microwave antennas for cellular base station interconnects, internet service providers, hospitals and campus environments, Wi-Fi, private networks, disaster recovery and many other applications.

Rantec Microwave Systems | 818-223-5000 | Calabasas, CA

Rantec produces antennas for utilization in prime radar systems, missile guidance, navigation, weather detection, SIGINT, satellite communications and other applications. Rantec designs and manufactures reflector-feed and waveguide slot array antennas in both mechanically- or electrically-scanned configurations.

Rohde & Schwarz | 888-837-8772 | Columbia, MD

Test & measurement, radio communications, broadcasting, antennas, IT security, signal intelligence, spectrum monitoring, trunked radio.

Rotating Precision Mechanisms (RPM) | 818-349-8680 | Northridge, CA

Our goal is to provide the best solution in meeting antenna, optical and sensor positioning systems and components requirements in the field of Telemetry, RADAR, Electro-Optics, and related areas.

Skymasts Antennas Limited | 00 44 1604 494132 | Northampton, UK

Design, manufacture and worldwide distribution of professional wireless base station antennas, specialised low profile antenna products, power splitters, duplexers, filters and antenna installation hardware. ISO9001 certified and all products RoHSS compliant.

TECOM Industries | 805-267-0100 | Thousand Oaks, CA

Wideband antennas ranging from 20Hz to 40GHz including directional antennas such as log periodic and horn, omni directional.

VertexRSI (now General Dynamics) | 828-464-4141 | Newton, NC

Offers the full range of earth station and base station communications products and installation services, specializing in fixed and mobile satellite communication gateways, antennas, high power amplifiers, baseband products, frequency converters, controls and microwave components - as well as offering design, engineering, integration, installation, & commissioning services.

Related Pages on RF Cafe

- Antenna Patterns

- Antennas - Hardware & Controls

- Antennas - Manufacturers & Services

- Test Equipment & Calibration - Antenna Measurement

- Antenna Introduction / Basics

- Antenna Radiation Patterns

- Antenna Near Field

- Near-Field / Far-Field Transition Distance

- Intro to Wave Propagation, Transmission Lines, Antennas

- Antenna, Electromagnetics & X-mission Line Simulators

- Satellite Communications - Antennas

- Short Wire Antennas

Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe
Temwell Filters