Antenna design and interfaces are some of the most varied and difficult topics
to cover in any one venue, whether it be a book, application note, or classroom
session. Unlike amplifier and filter design that has a relatively limited parameter
set and defined well-defined input and output expectations, antennas, being so dependent
on their operational environment, end up having to be satisfied with a set of trade-offs
that come reasonably close to meeting expectations. Unless you are operating in
a fully controlled environment such as an anechoic chamber, the presence of multipath
alone can break even the best antenna design. The aforementioned amplifier and filters
and most other RF components have the luxury of performing their individual functions
from within the protective safety of some sort of shield from outside influences.
Even with sophisticated optimizations software, antenna design is still largely
a "black art." That, undoubtedly, is why you are here looking for someone to do
the job for you.

AeroSat | 603-673-4014 | Amherst,
Design and manufacture of highest efficiency Ku broadband airborne antenna systems.
Airwave Advisors
| 858-216-2649 | Carlsbad, CA
Accredited cell tower lease experts. We assist private landowners, commercial
real estate owners, municipalities, and anyone else who either has a cell tower
lease, or has been contacted for a new cell tower lease.
Alaris USA | 207-892-0011
| Windham, ME
Designs, manufactures and distributes antenna products for the global defense,
homeland security and specialized antenna market sectors, including international
electronic warfare (EW) system houses and also include semi- and governmental organizations.
Specialized military and defense products including EMC, tactical communications,
vehicle-mounted, fixed site, switched beam, direction finding, and mission adaptive
antennas. Part of the Alaris Holding Group which also includes mWave and COJOT antenna
design companies.
Alaris Antennas
| +27 11 034 5300 | Centurion, South Africa
Formerly Poynting Antennas, Designs, manufactures and distributes antenna products
for the global defence, homeland security and specialised antenna market sectors,
including international electronic warfare (EW) system houses and also include semi-
and governmental organizations. Products used for military defence, security, VIP
protection (commercial) and general communication markets. Test and measurement
field products include the DF-A0047.
AMT Microwave Corp
| 805-384-1560 | Camarillo, CA
Designing, testing, and manufacturing of RF | Microwave antennas and antenna
systems for the military and aerospace industries for over 25 years. Appropriate
for a variety of platforms including military attack and communication aircraft,
munitions, UAVs, and shipboard and submarine applications.
| 1-800-Anritsu (1-800-267-4878) | Allen, TX
Attenuators & terminations; coaxial cables, connectors & adapters; o-scopes;
power meters & sensors; signal generators; antenna, signal, spectrum, &
vector network analyzers (VNAs); calibration kits; Bluetooth & WLAN testers;
PIM testers; amplifiers; power dividers; antennas.
Antenna Design & Manufacturing
Co | 301-498-1140 | Jessup, MD
Design, development and manufacture of calibrated antennas of all types.
Antenna Development Corp
| 575-541-9319 | Las Cruces, NM
Custom and standard antennas for spacecraft. Specialize in low-gain antennas.
Antenna Products Corp
| 940-325-3301 | Mineral Wells, TX
Antennas - RF spectrum from kHz to GHz, support mission critical military, air/sea
navigation, ILS and voice/data communications applications. Accessories - towers,
telescoping masts, rotators, rotator controls, HF baluns and tower safety climbing
Antenna Research Associates (A.R.A.)
| 301-937-8888 | Beltsville, MD
Omnidirectional, microstrip, tactical, UHF/VHF/HF, integrated, directional, tripods,
masts, military, telecom, ELINT/SIGINT. | 954-0975-2712
| Margate, FL
Antennas for military, mobile radio, GPS, EMS, satellite/terrestrial, ISM, WLAN/Wi-Fi/WiMax,
Ham, AM/FM/satellite radio. Cable assembly, connectors, diplexers & filters,
software, measurement services.
Antenna Technology Communications Inc.
(ATCI) | 480-844-8501 | Chandler, AZ
Antennas, fiber optics, test equipment.
Antenna Test Lab | 919-200-0292 | Raleigh, NC
Fully anechoic chamber, antennas can be quickly developed and RF products refined
and deployed. Antenna maximum test size is 24" x 24" with a depth of 24" or less.
Spreadsheet results allow easy post processing and custom plots. Photographs of
your test setup in the anechoic chamber are always included.
Antenna World | 305-471-9507
| Miami, FL
Offers a wide selection of antennas, cable, connectors and antenna accessories
for various applications and markets. Also provides testing and design services.
Antenova | 847 551 9710
| Elgin, IL
Developer and supplier of high performance antennas and RF antenna modules for
mobile handsets, portable devices and laptop computers.
AN Wireless | 717-465-0519
| Johnstown, PA
Self supporting tower systems for wireless communications, wireless internet,
wireless networking, microwave, paging, broadcast, two-way radio and amateur radio.
Arctic Antennas | +47 55
52 95 00 | Bergen, Norway
ARTA microwave antennas (ETSI EN 301126-3-1) and
reflectors are designed for extreme environments. Waveguide components include bends,
filters, flexible, transitions and custom designs. Customers include defence, telecom
equipment providers, service operators and industrial manufactures.
Atenlab |
+886 2 2799 8715 | Taiwan City, Taiwan
Hundreds of chambers sold and installed around the world. Over-the-Air (OTA)
measurement systems perform comprehensive measurement and test in a controlled environment.
Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) with one-touch operation supports multiple systems
- 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G - and major instrument brands. Multi-probe OTA measurement systems
offer reduced time measurements over single-probe systems.
BAZ Spezialantennen
| Bad Bergzabern, Germany
We produce directional antennas (quad, Yagi, dual band, cross Yagis) for 2m,
70cm,23cm and 13cm,also WLAN antennas. In addition we produce ferrite antennae for
VLF, LF,MF, HF, Sferics, 137 MHz, Navtex.
BlueSky Mast | 877-411-6278
| Tampa, FL
Light weight, portable mast systems from 2 - 20 meters, Designed for one-man
portability and light weight, they easily deploy in the harshest of environments
with no need for external supports such as shelters or vehicles.
Cobham Antenna Systems
| +44(0)1638 732177 | Suffolk, UK
High gain, printed circuit arrays, ultra wide-band spirals, multi-octave bicones
and collinear omni-directional antennas between 100 MHz and 40 GHz. Custom designs.
WLAN, RFID, WiMAX, TETRA, telemetry.
Compliance Engineering Pty Ltd
| +(613) 9763 3079 | Knoxfield Australia
A single source for all of your EMC requirements including EMC compliance testing,
EMR surveys, consultancy, EMC equipment sales, EMC test system integration, RF shielded
enclosures, and antennas.
CommsAudit | +44 (0)124
225 3131 | Cheltenham, England
RF and digital equipment and subsystems for Defence, Telecommunications, Military,
and broadcast communications applications. Frequency range 10 kHz to 60 GHz including
digital control and digital signal processing (DSP). COTS, quadrature I/Q Receivers,
multi-channel receiver systems, RF switching matrix, RF multicouplers, antenna matrices &
multicoupler distribution units, masthead amplifiers, RF filters.
Continental Microwave & Tool
(now Cobham) | 603-775-5200 | Exeter, NH
Antennas, solid state switches, attenuators, microwave switch filter assemblies,
high power switches, PIN-diode control components, and GaAs microwave devices, waveguide
components, assemblies and subsystems, integrated assemblies.
Corry Micronics | 724-940-7556
| Corry, PA
Dielectric resonators, bandpass filters, LC filters, VCOs, PLLs, patch antennas,
power dividers, connectorized lumped element power dividers, directional couplers,
isolators/circulators, high power hybrids, diplexers & multiplexers, attenuators,
switches, cavity filters, waveguides, standard gain horn antennas.
Custom Microwave
Inc. (CMI) | 303-651-0707 | Longmont, CO
Antennas for space and ground applications. Experts in designing and manufacturing
high-quality, high-performance antennas, feeds, and components from 1 GHz to 1 THz.
Design, manufacture (machining, electroplating, electroforming), and test (including
near and far field radiation patterns, and PIM) in-house at a 54,000 sq. ft. facility.
Credowan | +44 (0) 1243
670711 | UK
Manufacturer and supplier of microwave equipment including waveguides, couplers,
diplexers, anechoic chambers, antenna rotary joints, antenna, radar & satellite
communications subsystems and components for commercial and military applications.
DBL Antennas
| (+44) 07806 935495 | UK
Offers up-to-date antenna system design, by the application of modern computer-modeling,
and use of novel techniques for very cost-effective solutions for high-performance
Do-It-Yourself 2.4ghz Antenna
| Free Do-It-Yourself information.
Elboxrf | +48 (32) 754
25 43 | Poland
WLAN 2.45GHz/5.8GHz directional microstrip antennas, RF design services.
Eletec Broadcasting Equipment
Company | + 0033 0493019999 | Nice, France
Designs, manufactures and markets radio-TV broadcasting and telecommunication
systems including antennas, FM amplifiers, exciters, power combiners, rebroadcast
receivers, transmitters.
everything RF | 312-436-0084
Find RF & microwave components, equipment and services - 216,401 products
from over 1143 manufacturers listed in 275 categories. Download hundreds of vendor
white papers. Test equipment amplifiers, antennas, attenuators, bias-Ts, & terminations,
RF connectors & adapters, RF filters, power combiners, couplers, & dividers,
RF switches, waveguide, Bluetooth & RFID.
Filtronic | +358 8
8806 122 | Kempele Finland
Wireless cellphone antennas: stand alone, internal multiband, external multiband,
non-cellular and integrated modules.
GeoTool |
714-403-2026 | Newport Beach, CA
Rick Curtis, WA6JKH. Heavy duty pickup truck antenna mounts were developed to
provide Amateur, CB, and commercial radio operators a very strong, easily installed
antenna mount for several types of antennas. Eliminates the need to drill holes
in the exterior body of your truck, and will maintain a mounting location optimal
for long distance communications.
GreenWave Scientific
| 919-876-6220 | Raleigh, NC
Develops unique form, fit and function antennas for unique applications and requirements.
Very simply, we design and manufacture antennas unlike any other antennas in the
world. Custom designs available.
Huber+Suhner | 866-482-3778
| Essex VT
Coax, S-parameter and PIM test data available on every cable, RF connectors,
adapters, antennas, fiber-optic products.
Instruments for Industry (IFI)
| 631-467-8400 | Ronkonkoma, NY
Amplifier configurations such as tetrode tubes, TWTs, klystrons, and solid state
devices. Standard horn antennas and TEM cells.
Johanson Technology
| 805-389-1166 | Camarillo, CA
LTCC chip antennas for Bluetooth, WLAN, 2.45 GHz ISM band, ceramic filters, diplexers,
baluns, inductors, capacitors, couplers, laser trim, JTIsoft® modeling software.
Kathrein-Werke KG | (0
80 31) 184-0 | Rosenheim, Germany
Satellite and terrestrial antenna systems, broadband communication systems, base
stations antennas, broadcast antenna system for FM, TV, DAB and DTV filters, combiners
and amplifiers.
Technologies | St. Louis, MO
Designer and manufacturer of antenna, electromagnetic interference [EMI], telematics
and thermal management solutions for the telecommunications, data-communications,
computer, general electronics, network equipment, aerospace, defense, automotive
and medical equipment industries.
Linx Technologies Corp
| 800-736-6677 | Grants Pass, OR
Antennas, 90 degree SMA connectors, PCB-mount, long range wireless RF modules,
pre-certified transmitters, receivers in ISM band, transceivers.
Lun'tech | (33)
4 67 55 69 56 | Perols, France
For more than 40 years, Lun'tech designs, develops, manufactures, repairs and
sales passive and active reflectors (Luneberg lens, trihedral reflector, active
system) and antennas as well as microwave measurements in anechoid chamber (3.5
to 40 GHz). ISO9001:2008 certification.
Luxconn Technology |
82-2-2026-7500 | Seoul, Korea
Manufactures RF connectors, coaxial cable, and passive components including power
splitters, power dividers, directional couplers, surge arrestors, terminators, duplexers,
M2 Antenna Systems | 559-432-8873
| Fresno, CA
Yagi, helical, discone, log periodic, satcom, wireless, az/el, turnkey systems.
Microwave Products and Technology
(MPT) | 714-316-7300 | Fullerton CA
Core capabilities include phased array components and subsystem for communication
and radar. SiGe, GaN, and GaAs RF circuit design and packaging. Also information
security products and managed information security services.
Microwave Specialty Company
| 760-744-1544 | San Marcos, CA
Arrays, Autotrack, Cassegrain, dipole, DF, dual mode horn, fan beam, feed horn,
helical, line sources, lens type, lobing, parabolic, pencil beam, reflector, radomes,
spiral, shaped beam, scanning, slot, patch, standard gain, tracking, waveguide feed,
corner reflectors.
mWAVE Industries, LLC
| 207-892-0011 | Windham, ME
Antenna & antenna component design, development & manufacturing, antenna
testing, consulting, build to print, volume manufacturing, antenna improvement studies.
Products: Parabolic antennas, shaped beam, sector, omni, horns, helical, microstrip,
patch, waveguide, embedded. Antenna Feeds: (waveguide, coax, multi-band, conscan,
monopulse, Cassegrain).
North East
RF | 508-654-0050 | Greater Boston area, MA
Linear | circular polarized antenna measurements and OTA cellular device pre-compliance.
Up to 18" diameter and <10 kg weight. Antennas can be rapidly evaluated and optimized
using our fast near field spherical system. Test results supplied in data file with
pattern viewer software. A picture of the test configuration is included to help
aligned axis. Our selection of human head and hand phantoms are ideal for verification
of body worn devices. Turnaround time is usually 3-days.
Parsec Technologies |
972-804-4600 | Plano, TX
Amplifier chips for various wireless and mobile antenna markets. HDTV, M2M, LTE,
GPS, WiFi, CATV / broadband, VHF / UHF, digital audio broadcast (DAB), macro
cell & small cell, cognitive radio, software defined radio (SDR), & TV whitespace.
Patriot Antenna Systems
(now Cobham) | 800-470-3510 | Albion, Michigan
Antennas, feeds, LNB's.
PCTEL | 800-323-9122 |
Bloomingdale, IL
Provides antenna solutions for multiple wireless applications including land
mobile radio, broadband wireless access, RFID, in-building wireless, aeronautical
navigation, GPS, and satellite communications. We produce the industry leading antenna
brand MAXRAD.
PK's Loop Antennas
| +61 412 302 939 | Croydon, Victoria Australia
Manufacturersof RF converters, filters, amplifiers
and loop antennas for longwave, mediumwave, and shortwave radio reception.
Powerwave Technologies
| 888-797-9283 | Santa Ana, CA
Designs, manufactures and markets antennas, boosters, combiners, filters, repeaters,
multi-carrier RF power amplifiers, tower-mounted amplifiers and advanced coverage
solutions, all for use in cellular, PCS and 3G networks throughout the world.
Poynting Antennas (Pty) Ltd
| +2711 262 5155 | Wendywood, South Africa
DF and monitoring range of antennas cover the 20MHz to 3GHz spectrum, military
and EMC, ISM/WLAN, GSM/Cellular.
Q-par Angus Ltd | +44 (0)
1568 612138 | UK
Discrete antennas & components and complete systems across the radio frequency
spectrum, microwave design and consultancy including research and development through
to manufacture, tests and field trials, Antenna Calculator. Visit our Web Shop.
Quantum Microwave
| 857-499-0071 | Cohasset, MA
Millimeter-wave waveguide components including attenuators, detectors, diplexers,
power amplifiers, mixers, isolators & circulator, multipliers, antennas, switches,
probe adapters, terminations, and filters. Waveguide sections include straight,
bends, twists, transitions, and adapters. Patented "GuideLock" connector eliminates
screws. Cryogenic components available. Designed and manufactured at their Massachusetts
QuinStar Technology | 310-320-1111
| Torrance, CA
Designs and manufactures millimeter-wave products for communication, scientific,
and test applications including millimeter-wave products, microelectronic assembly,
rapid prototyping, and mass customization.
attenuators, circulators & isolators, filters,
antennas, and
shifters, and
transceiver &
radar subsystems are offered.
Radiotronix | 405-794-7730
| Oklahoma City, OK
A premier manufacturer of high performance wireless embedded radio modules and
network solutions design platforms for applications in industrial, medical, commercial,
automatic meter reading (AMR) and wire replacement markets.
Radio Waves | 978-459-8800
| Billerica, MA
A proven supplier of high quality microwave antennas for cellular base station
interconnects, internet service providers, hospitals and campus environments, Wi-Fi,
private networks, disaster recovery and many other applications.
Randtron Antenna Systems
(now L-3 Communications) | 650-326-9500 | Menlo Park, CA
Antennas designed for surveillance, high-resolution, ultra-wide frequency bands,
detection of low radar cross section (LRCS) targets, LRCS installations, severe
environmental applications and polarization diversity.
RCD Radiokomunikace | +420-466-415-755
| Česká Republika
Design, manufacture, and test high-quality RF components and systems - attenuators,
couplers, dividers, filters, amplifiers. Custom RF or mechanical designs including
high port-to-port isolation requirements, low ohmic losses, high power, and low
PIM levels. 70 MHz – 5 GHz.
rfLyncs | 857-244-0145 |
Waltham, MA
Custom antenna design, wireless and RF design consultancy service for IOT and
M2M devices. Experts in GPS, WiFi, cellular, LTE connected devices. Our aim is to
provide support when your project needs it.
RF Superstore |
888-443-3427 | Denver, Colorado
Launched in 2017 by the founder of Pasternack Enterprises. RF coaxial connectors &
adapters, coaxial cable & cable assemblies, surge protectors, attenuators. Items
added daily. Free shipping on orders over $99. Same day shipping on orders received
by 3 PM MT.
Saelig Company | 888-772-3544
| Fairport, NY
Sells and supports a wide range of electronic control and instrumentation equipment
and components to customers ranging from Fortune 500 industrial users, military,
educational institutions and hospitals to individual end-users.
SAMCO Antennas |
817-36-4351 | Fort Worth, TX
Full line of Yagi antennas for frequencies from 88 to 1000 MHz and custom made
antennas to your specifications.
SCAN Antenna A/S |
+45 43 33 16 20 | Skovlunde, Denmark
Antennas for GPS, Wi-Fi, Iridium, satellite, land & marine mobile, base stations.
Skymasts Antennas Limited
| 00 44 1604 494132 | Northampton, UK
Design, manufacture and worldwide distribution of professional wireless base
station antennas, specialised low profile antenna products, power splitters, duplexers,
filters and antenna installation hardware. ISO9001 certified, RoHSS compliant.
Spectral Isopole Antennas
| 949-296-0360 | Santa Ana, CA
High-end VHF&UHF antennas for military, commercial and amateur applications.
Stella Doradus |
+353-51-387-145 | Waterford, Ireland
352-465-2181 | Dunnellon, FL
Solid & wire mesh parabolic, planar, quarter-wave, base station antennas
Taoglas | +353 53 9169500 |
Ireland | +1 858 7760587 | Escondido, CA
Designs, manufactures, and supplies ceramic and PCB based antennas and other
wireless components such as patches, chip antennas, PIFA antennas, helix antennas,
multi-band antennas, stamped metal. Quad-band GSM antennas.
TELSA | +390354876000 |
Osio sotto (BG) Italy
Basestation antennas, combiners, couplers, circulators, filters, duplexers, power
splitters and components for the air traffic control, private mobile radio, cellular,
wireless communications and tactical markets.
Token Passive Components
| +886-2-2981 0109 | Taiwan
Ceramic resonators, filters, dielectric patch antennas, resistors.
Twin Antennas | 00912652652628
| India
Antennas, WLAN, GSM, CDMA, custom built, accessories.
Ultra-Crea Oy | +358
50 444 9100 | Finland
Specializes in the design, development and manufacture of custom designed/specialty
antennas and RF filters from 10 MHz to 6 GHz.
Vector Telecom | +61
3 9607 8357 | Melbourne , Australia
Waveguide components and assemblies, coaxial components and antennas.
Wisewave Technologies (now
Ducommun Technologies) | 310-513-7200 | Carson, CA
Amplifiers, antennas, attenuators, PIN diode switches, phase shifters, isolators/circulators,
frequency converters, oscillators, couplers, magic tees, coax power dividers, bandpass,
low pass, high pass filters, waveguide diplexers, transitions, waveguide to
coax adapters, waveguide components, integrated assemblies.
Yortec | 514-331-3660 | Quebec,
Precision machining in small or large lots. Catering to the telecommunications
industry, we understand the quality and tollerancing requirements involved in machining
housings and components for microwave filters, LNAs, diplexers, SSPAs, receivers,
amplifier housings, circulators and isolators, waveguide, antennas, and custom components
to your specifications.
Related Pages on RF Cafe -
Antenna Patterns -
Antennas - Hardware & Controls -
Antennas - Manufacturers & Services -
Test Equipment & Calibration - Antenna Measurement
Antenna Introduction / Basics -
Radiation Patterns -
Near Field - Near-Field
/ Far-Field Transition Distance -
to Wave Propagation, Transmission Lines, Antennas -
Antenna, Electromagnetics & X-mission
Line Simulators -
Satellite Communications - Antennas -
Short Wire Antennas