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Electronics-Themed Comics
June 1962 Radio-Electronics

June 1962 Radio-Electronics

June 1962 Radio-Electronics Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Electronics, published 1930-1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

This quad of electronics-related comics appeared in the March 1967 issue of Radio-Electronics magazine. Their themes reflect the norms and issues of the era. If you have ever had to re-string the dial cord on a radio where the path turned a few corners and ran around three or four tuning element pulleys, then you will appreciate the comic from page 101. My most challenging dial cord adventure was on a Realistic Patrolman-50 portable radio. It was bought on eBay, and the dial cord broke shortly after I received it. Without a routing diagram, it took a bit of head scratching to get figure out the correct direction for wraps around dials and pulleys. The oscilloscope display on the page 59 comic is pretty funny. Enjoy.

Electronics-Themed Comics

Electronics-Themed Comic (p40), June 1962 Radio-Electronics - RF Cafe

"Ac or dc?"
Page 40

Electronics-Themed Comic (p59), June 1962 Radio-Electronics - RF Cafe

Page 59

Electronics-Themed Comic (p101), June 1962 Radio-Electronics - RF Cafe

"This small sheet includes the description, operating instructions, schematic diagram, alignment procedure and
trouble-shooting chart. The large sheet consists of all the information you need for restringing the dial cord."
Page 101

Electronics-Themed Comic (p102), June 1962 Radio-Electronics - RF Cafe

"The following program is brought to you by the skill and fast work of Ed's TV Repair."
Page 102



Posted June 3, 2024

These Technically-Themed Comics Appeared in Vintage Electronics Magazines. I personally scanned and posted every one from copies I own (and even colorized some). 235 pages as of 6/28/2024

PCB Directory (Manufacturers)
TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe

Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)

withwave microwave devices - RF Cafe