2010 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzles
Take a well-deserved break and try your hand at some of these goodies.
Every word in the RF Cafe crossword puzzles is specifically related to engineering,
mathematics, and science. There are no generic backfill words like many other puzzles
give you, so you'll never see a clue asking for the name of a movie star or a mountain
on the Russia-China border.
All of these crossword puzzles were created using the fabulous
Crossword Express (now called "Magnum Opus") software.
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A cruciverbalist is a person who is skilled at creating or solving crossword
puzzles. The term is a combination of "cruci-" from "crucifix," meaning cross, and
"verbalist" from "verbal," indicating a person who deals with words.
cruciverbalists are often responsible for designing
crossword puzzles, and they possess a deep knowledge of wordplay, vocabulary, and
the techniques used in constructing and solving crosswords. They aim to make puzzles
that are both challenging and enjoyable for crossword enthusiasts.
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Jan 24, Jan 17,
Jan 10, Jan 3
Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.
1. Nuclear explosion byproduct harmful to electronic (abbr., pl.) 4. Logarithmic unit of voltage (abbr.)
6. Innovative Power Products, Holbrook, NY (abbr.) 7. The UK's largest defense electronics contractor
(abbr.) 9. Release control over 13. Co-channel rejection ratio (abbr.) 15. Speed necessary to become
free of the Earth's gravitational force (2 wds.) 18. Chemical symbol for francium 19. Chemical symbol for
cesium 20. Ham's code for "What is the name of your station?" 22. ___-AZIMUTH telescope mount
23. Volts divided by resistance 24. Real estate where equipment is located 25. International phonetic
alphabet letter "P" 28. The constellation in which Canopus is located 30. Hub of the solar system 31.
Direct memory access (abbr.) 33. Start frequency (abbr.) 34. Amateur radio abbreviation for the Oceania
region (abbr.) 37. Relationship between the maximum change in RF-carrier frequency and the highest
modulating frequency used in an FM transmitter (2 wds.) 40. Switch configuration (abbr.) 41. Last keyword
in a BASIC subroutine (pl.) 43. 3-phase transformer configuration 44. Ham's code for "Shall I stop
sending?" 45. Signal-to-noise ratio (abbr.) 46. Move in a raster pattern
1. Electromotive Force (abbr.) 2. Chart types 3. Absence of extraneous frequency content (2 wds.) 4.
10^-1 numerical prefix
5. The "V" in VLF 8. Device used to measure change in velocity (pl.)
10. Government program to bring electricity to farms (abbr.) 11. Filter type (abbr.)
12. Precision landing system (abbr.) 14. Stock symbol for Raytheon 16. Unit of energy (pl.) 17.
Official engineering change document (abbr., pl.) 21. Modulation type (abbr.)
22. PC follower 26. Army-Navy specification (abbr.) 27. American National Standards Institute (abbr.)
28. Microwave products supplier in San Jose, CA 29. Chemical symbol for gadolinium 32. Peak envelope
power (abbr.) 33. Network file transfer protocol (abbr.)
35. Error checking scheme (abbr.) 36. U.S. military organization (abbr.) 37. Class of spread spectrum
(abbr.) 38. Measure of source/load match 39. Stock symbol for Intel
42. Archaic Japanese unit of length equal to 30.3 mm |
See solution below