2010 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzles
Take a well-deserved break and try your hand at some of these goodies.
Every word in the RF Cafe crossword puzzles is specifically related to engineering,
mathematics, and science. There are no generic backfill words like many other puzzles
give you, so you'll never see a clue asking for the name of a movie star or a mountain
on the Russia-China border.
All of these crossword puzzles were created using the fabulous
Crossword Express (now called "Magnum Opus") software.
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A cruciverbalist is a person who is skilled at creating or solving crossword
puzzles. The term is a combination of "cruci-" from "crucifix," meaning cross, and
"verbalist" from "verbal," indicating a person who deals with words.
cruciverbalists are often responsible for designing
crossword puzzles, and they possess a deep knowledge of wordplay, vocabulary, and
the techniques used in constructing and solving crosswords. They aim to make puzzles
that are both challenging and enjoyable for crossword enthusiasts.
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Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.
1. The '3-finger salute" for a hung PC (3 keys) 4. Magnitude of a value 7. 1/000 of an amp (abbr.)
8. Semiconductor company based in Norwood, MA (2wd.) 15. Bandwidth (abbr.) 17. Peripheral Component
Interface (abbr.) 18. Official Space Shuttle designation (abbr.) 20. Opposite of O.D. 22. Network
department (abbr.)
23. Chemical symbol for tantalum 25. Chemical symbol for silicon 26. Readability, Signal, and Tone
(QoS report type) 27. Send Morse Code 28. FCC's Universal Licensing System (abbr.) 29. BER, 8 bits
at a time 30. Chemical symbol for terbium
32. BS__ - the degree held by many RF Cafe visitors
33. Chemical symbol for ruthenium 35. Coefficient of temperature (abbr.) 36. It can follow an MS
38. Akin to EEs, CEs, AEs, etc. 40. Polymer having the elastic properties of natural rubber
41. Short for "intermodulation" 42. RF connector & cable manufacturer located in Suwon, Korea (and an RF
Cafe advertiser)
46. __ + Power + _______, RF power supply company in Setauket, NY
51. IC killer (abbr.) 53. ELI the ICE ___ 54. Amateur radio abbreviation for the Oceania region
(abbr.) 56. Last stage in a transmitter (abbr.) 57. Chemical symbol for rubidium 59. Morse Code for
"from" 60. 300 MHz to 3 GHz 61. Logic family
62. Mate to a bolt 63. Circuit for firing a radar magnetron (abbr.)
64. Chemical symbol for nickel 66. Chemical symbol for bromine
67. Opposite of I.D. 69. Unit of frequency (archaic, abbr.)
70. 3 GHz to 30 GHz 72. Straight line emanating from a point source 74. 30 kHz to 300 kHz 75. Angle
at which a radio signal is refracted in the ionosphere (2 wds.)
76. Greek letter (micro)
79. Applies too large of a signal 80. System for communicating between areas of a building or vessel
1. _________ Press, technical book
publisher 2. Chemical symbol for lanthanum 3. The distance that light travels in one year (2 wds.)
4. Antenna effective area 5. Boob tube (abbr.) 6. Made or broke circuits 9. Chemical symbol for
neptunium 10. Abbreviation for acknowledge (also a common word used by Bill the Cat) 11. Chemical
symbol for lithium 12. Network department (abbr.) 13. A common RS-232 serial bus command (abbr.)
14. Chemical symbol for einsteinium 16. Point in a circuit that is always at approximately ground
potential (2 wds.) 19. Distance around the boundary of a circle 21. 2 x SSB 22. U.K. equivalent of
the IEEE 24. Arithmetic Logic Unit (abbr.) 25. Adjust a pot 31. Unit of admittance 34. Term used
in soldering to achieve the condition that occurs when the metals being soldered are hot enough to melt the
solder so it flows over the surface
36. Chemical symbol for platinum 37. Decimeter (abbr.) 38. Chemical symbol for manganese 39.
Chemical symbol for selenium
42. Mr. Marconi's first name 43. Front edge of a wing (abbr.)
44. Amplifier Solutions Corporation, located in Colmar, PA (abbr.)
45. Chemical symbol for neodymium 46. He stated the principle that the total energy in a stable fluid
system is constant 47. Type of component package (abbr.) 48. Rotate about the vertical axis 49.
Chemical symbol for tin 50. Range of frequencies (pl.) 52. 2 or more of these are required for matrix
55. Type of distribution, squared 56. Substrate for mounting components (abbr.)
58. Manufacturer of project boxes 59. Design for Manufacturability (abbr.) 65. Greek letter often used
to represent an angle 68. Yttrium Aluminum Garnet 70. Chemical symbol for strontium 71. Unit of
length (abbr.) 72. Chemical symbol for radon 73. Ham-ese for Young Lady 77. Akin to an EE, CE, AE,
etc. 78. Galilean moon
See solution below