2010 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzles
Take a well-deserved break and try your hand at some of these goodies.
Every word in the RF Cafe crossword puzzles is specifically related to engineering,
mathematics, and science. There are no generic backfill words like many other puzzles
give you, so you'll never see a clue asking for the name of a movie star or a mountain
on the Russia-China border.
All of these crossword puzzles were created using the fabulous
Crossword Express (now called "Magnum Opus") software.
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A cruciverbalist is a person who is skilled at creating or solving crossword
puzzles. The term is a combination of "cruci-" from "crucifix," meaning cross, and
"verbalist" from "verbal," indicating a person who deals with words.
cruciverbalists are often responsible for designing
crossword puzzles, and they possess a deep knowledge of wordplay, vocabulary, and
the techniques used in constructing and solving crosswords. They aim to make puzzles
that are both challenging and enjoyable for crossword enthusiasts.
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Jan 24, Jan 17,
Jan 10, Jan 3
Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.
1. Opposition to the flow of an electrical current (pl.) 9. Early predecessor to an online forum (abbr.)
10. U.S. Spectrum allocation agency 11. Below ELF 12. Pure carrier (abbr.)
13. Centimeter (abbr.) 17. Chemical symbol for polonium 19. 1.602E-19 Joules
21. Electromagnetic surveillance thwarting technology 23. Chemical symbol for niobium
24. 3G_________, RF shield vendor in Concord, Ontario 27. Chemical symbol for arsenic
29. Negation prefix 31. The constellation in which Canopus is located 32. Chemical symbol for nobelium
33. Chemical symbol for silicon 37. Engineering Change Order (abbr.) 38. Type of component package
(abbr.) 39. That which has mass and occupies space 43. Describes when a synchronous motor loses phase
44. A number which divides another number without remainder 47. RF connector & cable connector
manufacturer located in Taiwan 49. Moon of Saturn discovered in 1672 51. Answer to a mathematical
problem (pl.) 56. European equivalent to the U.L. 57. Degree of IC sophistication (abbr.) 58.
Chemical symbol for aluminum
59. Greek letter (micro) 60. Trigger diode that conducts current only after its breakdown voltage has
been exceeded momentarily
61. Ham's code for "Are my signals fading?" 66. Chemical symbol for tin 67. Electro-_________, RF
components & design services company in Palm City, FL 71. PC follower 72. _______ Faraday, English
chemist after whom the unit of capacitance is named 74. Chemical symbol for ruthenium 75. Type of
current 76. Army-Navy specification prefix 78. Related to FM by a differential 79. Design for
Manufacturability (abbr.) 82. 10 decibels 84. Computer monitor resolution measure (abbr.) 86.
Audiovisual devices
1. Chemical symbol for rubidium 2. A
keyboard key 3. Band between RF and BB 4. Threaded fastener 5. Coefficient of temperature (abbr.)
6. Chemical symbol for nickel 7. Chemical symbol for einsteinium 8. Describes when a synchronous motor
loses phase lock (pl.)
9. Bandwidth (abbr.) 12. Chemical symbol for cobalt
14. Very large unit of apparent power (abbr.) 15. Chemical symbol for helium 16. Early instrument for
measuring the positions of the heavenly bodies 17. Chemical symbol for lead 18. Front edge of a wing
(abbr.) 20. Voice-operated transmit (abbr.) 21. Stock symbol for Texas Instruments 22. ELI the ICE
___ 23. Unit of capacitance (pl.) 25. Chemical symbol for thallium 26. 30 kHz to 300 kHz 28.
Vector multiplication that returns a vector value 30. Optical cross-connect (abbr.)
31. Applied Computational Sciences, in Escondido, CA (abbr.) 33. Surface Mount Technology 34. Chemical
symbol for lutetium 35. Start frequency (abbr.) 36. Chemical symbol for lanthanum 38. Electrical
circuit diagram 39. Chemical symbol for strontium
40. The "B" in BGA 41. The "T" in ATE 42. 10^-9 numerical prefix 45. Switch position 46. Next to
47. JavaScript (abbr.) 48. High-speed logic family 50. Amplifier Solutions Corporation, located in
Colmar, PA (abbr.) 52. Method of connecting redundant power supplies (pl.) 53. Unit of time (abbr.)
54. One port of an amplifier 55. Unit of time (abbr.)
61. Ham's code for "Answer in prearranged order." 62. Method of sending high-speed digital signals on
electric distribution wires (abbr.) 63. Aircraft navigation system (abbr.) 64. Galilean moon 65.
Semiconductor and calculator company (abbr.) 66. Metal or plastic rod that connects a potentiometer wiper
to a knob
68. Tweaks a filter for the correct response 69. Gun safety and education organization (abbr.) 70.
"Calling any amateur radio station" 71. Type of current flow (abbr.) 73. Chemical symbol for europium
75. Decimeter (abbr.) 77. Silicon transistor type (abbr.) 78. Ratio of circumference to diameter
80. Akin to an EE, CE, AE, etc. 81. Electronics manufacturer with "meatball" logo 82. Chemical symbol
for bismuth 83. Chemical symbol for lithium 85. Unit of time (abbr.) |
See solution below