2010 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzles
Take a well-deserved break and try your hand at some of these goodies.
Every word in the RF Cafe crossword puzzles is specifically related to engineering,
mathematics, and science. There are no generic backfill words like many other puzzles
give you, so you'll never see a clue asking for the name of a movie star or a mountain
on the Russia-China border.
All of these crossword puzzles were created using the fabulous
Crossword Express (now called "Magnum Opus") software.
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A cruciverbalist is a person who is skilled at creating or solving crossword
puzzles. The term is a combination of "cruci-" from "crucifix," meaning cross, and
"verbalist" from "verbal," indicating a person who deals with words.
cruciverbalists are often responsible for designing
crossword puzzles, and they possess a deep knowledge of wordplay, vocabulary, and
the techniques used in constructing and solving crosswords. They aim to make puzzles
that are both challenging and enjoyable for crossword enthusiasts.
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Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.
1. Soaks up RF energy 7. Opposite of transmit 13. Connector ____, RF connector manufacturer in
Merlin, OR 14. Once around a circuit 16. Adds two or more inputs
17. Last stage in a transmitter (abbr.) 19. Unit of time (abbr.) 20. __ Power Systems, RF power supply
and amplifier vendor in Setauket, NY 21. Filter type that blocks frequencies below and above a specified
band (abbr.) 22. Computer communication scheme (abbr.) 25. Intermodulation distortion (abbr.) 28.
Ham's code for "Shall I increase power?" 29. Quickly changing portions of waveforms 33. Radio Amateur
Satellite Corporation (abbr.) 36. Chemical symbol for erbium 38. Chemical symbol for bismuth 39.
Chemical symbol for platinum 40. European equivalent to the U.L. 41. Type of data conversion device
(abbr.) 42. 36 inches (pl.) 43. BASIC looping keyword
44. 1e-6 mA 45. Chemical symbol for cobalt 47. Electrical safety organization (abbr.) 48. Mate to an
RX 49. Portion of a circle 50. Voltage-controlled crystal oscillator (abbr., pl.) 51. Method of
self-detection and self-fixing transmission of digital data (abbr.) 53. Unit of time (abbr.) 54.
Chemical symbol for tin 55. One type of electron spin 57. Front edge of a wing (abbr.) 58. Sets of 5
work days
60. Strong cable covering 63. End of transmission (abbr.) 65. Planar Monolithics Industries, in
Frederick, MD (abbr.) 67. Semiconductor device type (abbr.) 69. Chemical symbol for neodymium 70.
Abbreviation for peak voltage 72. Chemical symbol for helium 74. __ Electronics, RF filter company
located in Avenel, NJ 75. Area on a shaft for accommodating a setscrew 77. Wire diameter unit (abbr.)
79. Type of data conversion device (abbr., pl.) 81. Movement of air 82. Type of propagation above 30 MHz
by means of refraction by highly ionized regions around the Earth’s poles
1. _______ Computational Sciences, makers of the Linc2 RF simulation software
company 2. Chemical symbol for scandium 3. Output intercept point (abbr.) 4. A common RS-232 serial
bus command (abbr.) 5. Next to 6. Chemical symbol for lanthanum 8. Chemical symbol for einsteinium
9. Mr. Piper's famous yellow airplane 10. Electromagnetic compatibility (abbr.) 11. Network department
(abbr.) 12. _______ + RF Systems, RF amplifier maker in Inglewood, CA 14. Family of ICs with a certain
component density level (abbr.) 15. Attenuator 18. A common battery cell size 21. Filter type that
blocks frequencies in a specified band (abbr.) 23. Chemical symbol for neon 24. Akin to an EE, CE, AE,
etc. 26. RF / microwave filter manufacturer located in Poway, CA 27. Modulation type (abbr.) 28. Unit
of liquid measure (abbr.) 30. Collection of electronic records (abbr.) 31. RF connector & cable
manufacturer located in Suwon, Korea (and an RF Cafe advertiser) 32. Radio signal that is reflected back to
earth from one of the layers of the ionosphere (2 wds., pl.) 33. Horizontal Cartesian coordinate 34.
________ Microwave, RF components & systems manufacturer w/HQ in Fairview, PA 35. PC follower 37.
Aircraft tracking system (pl.) 40. RF & DC power supply manufacturer located in Gloucester, MA 44. Greek
letter used for frequency 46. Shorthand for oxygen 49. _______ Factor, antenna manufacturer in Merlin,
OR; also, an EM radiating structure 52. In the middle 54. Chemical symbol for selenium 56. Chemical
symbol for polonium 58. Weight (abbr.)
59. Unit for 1,000 watt-seconds (abbr.) 61. Chemical symbol for radium 62. Chemical symbol for rubidium
64. Opposite of I.D. 65. Modulation technique (ABBR.) 66. FCC Part 15 rules apply in this band (abbr.)
68. Type of flip flop 70. 3 kHz to 30 kHz
71. Programmable logic device (abbr.) 72. High Data Rate 73. Engineering Change Order (abbr.) 75.
Chemical symbol for francium 76. Part of a FOR loop 78. "Calling any amateur radio station" 79.
Astronomical Unit (93E6 miles) 80. Chemical symbol for strontium |
See solution below