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Digital Theme Crossword Puzzle May 29th, 2022
This custom Digital Engineering themed crossword puzzle for May 29th, 2022, is
brought to you by RF Cafe. Clues for words relevant to the theme are marked
with asterisks (*). I do believe this is the first digital electronics crossword
I have ever made. All RF Cafe crossword puzzles are custom made by me, Kirt
Blattenberger, and have only words and clues related to RF, microwave, and mm-wave
engineering, optics, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and other technical subjects.
As always, this crossword contains no names of politicians, mountain ranges, exotic
foods or plants, movie stars, or anything of the sort unless it/he/she is related
to this puzzle's technology theme (e.g.,
Reginald Denny or the
event in Siberia). The technically inclined cruciverbalists amongst us will appreciate
the effort. Enjoy!
Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of
RF Cafe is prohibited.
acr. = acronym, abbr. = abbreviation, pl. = plural, wds. = words
1. A concern of 90 Across equations* 6. Part
of this website's title 7. Flip-flop control input* 13. Electrically Alterable
Read Only Memory* 15. Data safeguard 17. Galilean moon 18. The "O" in ROM*
21. Chemical symbol for helium 22. Readability, Signal, and Tone (QoS report
type) 24. Low- to mid- frequency RF connector 26. Chemical symbol for erbium
27. Term given to a digital "0"* 28. International Telecommunications Union
30. Chemical symbol for nickel 32. Type of flip-flop* 34. Mathematical table
whose entries come from a fixed finite set of symbols (abbr.) 36. A common battery
cell size 37. Chemical symbol for silver 38. Chemical symbol for magnesium
40. Sequence of events in digital circuitry* 43. Electromagnetic (abbr.) 44.
Network department (abbr.) 45. Volts, meters, pints, pounds, eg. 47. Type
of logic gate* 48. 1/1000 prefix 50. 12 Down + ___, used to minimize Boolean
equations* 53. Local Oscillator (abbr.) 54. A digital "high"* 56. 1e-6
mA 58. Audible volume level 61. Chemical symbol for radon 62. A digital
"1"* 63. Very small aperture terminal 65. Type of high frequency circuit substrate
(abbr.) 66. State _______ - A type of drawing used in computer science and related
fields to describe the behavior of systems (pl.)* 70. Adjust 72. Radio signals
from the cosmos (abbr.) 73. Greek letter 74. A common battery cell size
75. Unit of capacitance (abbr.) 77. Chemical symbol for nickel 78. Point in
an revolving object's orbit that is farthest to the body it is orbiting 81. Low-
to mid- frequency connectors 83. A series of numbers where there are as many
numbers above it as below it in the series 86. Chemical symbol for californium
87. Unit of length (abbr.) 88. Front edge of a wing (abbr.) 90. Logic equation
named after mathematician George Boole (pl)* 95. Modulation type (abbr.) 96.
1.602E-19 Joules 98. Chemical symbol for einsteinium 100. Opposite of a LO*
101. MS's server-side script engine for dynamically-generated web pages (abbr.)
103. A logic "Low"* 105. Akin to EEs, CEs, AEs, etc. (abbr., pl.) 107. Answer
to a mathematical problem 108. Reduce in amplitude |
1. Front edge of a wing (abbr.) 2. Mathematical
table whose entries come from a fixed finite set of symbols (abbr.) 3. Started
as HPIB 4. Its chemical symbol is Fe 5. Chemical symbol for cobalt 7. Chemical
symbol for radium 8. International phonetic alphabet letter "E" 9. Term for
asymmetry of a statistical distribution 10. Chemical symbol for europium 11.
Test point (abbr.) 12. ________ + 50 Across, used to minimize Boolean equations*
14. Chemical symbol for molybdenum 15. Word used in describing 2-D and 3-D object
dimensions; i.e., 10 mm __ 25 mm 16. A 90 Across + ________ mathematically describes
logic functions* 19. Chemical symbol for neon 20. Chemical symbol for lawrencium
23. One bit of a real number in software* 25. Type of computer display (abbr.)
27. Be behind in phase 29. Loose end of a cable 31. Stock symbol for Lockheed
Martin 33. Chemical symbol for silicon 34. Switch position 35. Electromagnetic
interference (abbr.) 39. Global System for Mobile Communications (abbr.) 41.
Form into a specific shape 42. Its chemical symbol is Fe 43. Using Earth's
natural satellite as a passive reflector to establish a signal path (abbr.) 46.
Having to do with charged particles 49. Pertaining to the moon 51. Chemical
symbol for aluminum 52. Chemical symbol for polonium 54. Unix, Linux or Windows
(abbr.) 55. Unit of time (abbr.) 57. Feedback system used to maintain constant
signal level (abbr.) 59. Country of RF Cafe's residency 60. Governmental agency
that monitors pollution (abbr.) 61. Readability, Signal, and Tone (QoS report
type) 62. Web page language 64. Telecommunications Information Network Architecture
(abbr.) 65. Like a surface mount component 66. Singulated piece of IC wafer
67. Gallium nitride chemical symbol 68. Radio Amateurs of Canada (abbr.) 69.
Add two or more inputs 71. Reduce a Boolean equation to its simplest form*
73. Chemical symbol for xenon 76. Chemical symbol for iron 79. Amateur radio
abbreviation for the Oceania region (abbr.) 80. Ground fault interrupter (abbr.)
81. Chemical symbol for beryllium oxide 82. Miniature threaded RF connector
84. Direct Memory Access (abbr.)* 85. Intermodulation (abbr.) 89. 1.602E-19
Joules 91. Opposite of I.D. 92. Mr. de Forest's first name 93. Resistive
component of a capacitor's lumped element model (abbr.) 94. Greek letter used
for frequency 95. ampere-hour (abbr.) 97. Base Station Transceivers (abbr.)
99. Digital transmission figure of merit (abbr.)* 101. Chemical symbol for gold
102. Ratio of circumference to diameter 103. Chemical symbol for zinc 104.
Opposite of I.D. 105. Unit of frequency (archaic, abbr.) 106. Chemical symbol
for selenium |
See solution below