This custom Ham Radio themed Crossword Puzzle for February 27th, 2022, is brought
to you by RF Cafe. All RF Cafe crossword puzzles are custom made by me,
Kirt Blattenberger, and have only words and clues related to RF, microwave, and
mm-wave engineering, optics, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and other technical
subjects. As always, this crossword contains no names of politicians, mountain ranges,
exotic foods or plants, movie stars, or anything of the sort unless it/he/she is
related to this puzzle's technology theme (e.g.,
Reginald Denny or the
event in Siberia). The technically inclined cruciverbalists amongst us will appreciate
the effort. Enjoy!
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acr. = acronym, abbr. = abbreviation, pl. = plural, wds. = words
2. Apollo 11 astronaut ____ Armstrong 3. Chemical symbol for silicon 4.
Temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (abbr.) 5. Unit of frequency 6.
_______ + 22 Across, the highest class Ham radio operator license attainable
9. International phonetic alphabet letter "L" 11. Antenna radiated power measurement
(abbr.) 13. Volt-ohmmeter (abbr.) 14. Chemical symbol for polonium 15.
Vacuum Tube Voltmeter (abbr.) 18. Type of capacitor dielectric 20. One of
the Ws in WWW 21. Ham's code for "Can you acknowledge receipt?" 23. High-speed
logic family 24. Switch position 25. Unit of weight 27. Chemical symbol
for neon 29. The "E" in EHF 31. Grandfathered amateur radio license class
after Novice (pls.) 32. Hz 33. Grandfathered initial class rating for an radio
amateur. 35. Entry level Ham radio class rating 38. Very small aperture terminal
40. One port of an amplifier 43. Chemical symbol for tin 45. Start frequency
(abbr.) 46. Miniature RF connector 47. Computer monitor cable type (abbr.)
48. Summers 50. Chemical symbol for einsteinium 51. Chemical symbol for radon
52. Multifunctional silicon devices (abbr., pl.) 53. Fuse metals together using
heat 56. Numerical basis for decibels (abbr.) 57. BlackBerry or Palm for example
(abbr.) 60. European equivalent to the U.L. 61. Chemical symbol for praseodymium
62. Chemical symbol for chlorine
1. Participating in worldwide Ham Radio operation
events 7. Multifunctional silicon devices (abbr.) 8. An amateur radio station
installed in a vehicle 10. Chemical symbol for xenon 12. Chemical symbol for
lithium 13. Telephony over computer networks 16. Unit of admittance 17.
Term indicating profitability of a company (abbr.) 19. 6 Down + _____, the highest
class Amateur Radio license rating 22. Opposite of local 26. Short for synchronous
28. "Peace Prize" endowment creator, who made his fortune on the discovery of dynamite
30. Radio signals from the cosmos (abbr.) 31. Circuit for maintaining constant
voltage (abbr.) 34. Chemical symbol for platinum 36. Prefix for 10E-18
37. Adjust a pot 38. Special Ham radio call sign other than the ordered sequence
normally assigned by the FCC |
39. A person's specialty (pl.) 41. Cyanide (abbr.)
42. Nearest and furthest points to the center of gravitational attraction for a
body in orbit 44. Newest buzz phrase for ubiquitous remote control and monitoring
of everything (abbr.) 45. A BPF specification (abbr.) 46. Chemical symbol
for scandium 48. Chemical symbol for arsenic 49. Type of coaxial transmission
line with solid outer shielding 54. Move in a raster pattern 55. Digital pattern
coding type (abbr.) 58. Impenetrable physical barrier 59. Amateur radio abbreviation
for the Oceania region (abbr.) 61. Personal Digital Cellular 63. Amateur radio
class level coming after Novice 64. Chemical symbol for selenium |
See solution below