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Electrical Engineering Theme Crossword Puzzle
July 10th, 2022
With few exceptions, I, RF Cafe webmaster Kirt Blattenberger,
have for more than two decades designed a custom crossword puzzle every week for the benefit of website visitors. This Electrical Engineering
Theme Crossword Puzzle was created for July 10th, 2022. All crossword puzzles
use a personally built dictionary of thousands of words and clues related to RF,
microwave, and mm-wave engineering, optics, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and
other technical subjects. As always, this crossword puzzle contains no names of
politicians, mountain ranges, exotic foods or plants, movie stars, or anything of
the sort unless it/he/she is related to this puzzle's technology theme (e.g.,
Reginald Denny or the
event in Siberia). The technically inclined cruciverbalists amongst us will appreciate
the effort. Enjoy!
Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of
RF Cafe is prohibited.
acr. = acronym, abbr. = abbreviation, pl. = plural, wds. = words

1. Charged particles 5. Miniature threaded RF
connector (pl.) 9. Max or min voltage of a waveform (abbr.) 11. Calibrated
a meter so that it shows a value of zero when zero is being measured 13. Causes
circuit path with very low or 0 ohms of impedance 15. Mr. Piper's famous yellow
airplane 17. The stuff in the solder core (pl.) 18. What kind of a force has
a tendency to cause rotation 19. Gun safety and education organization (abbr.)
20. Half of DSB 21. Effective Radiated Power (abbr.) 22. The UK's largest
defense electronics contractor (abbr.) 24. Unix, Linux or Windows (abbr.)
25. Sharp bend in I-V curve 27. Radio signal route (pl.) 29. Terminations
31. Type of data storage IC (pl.) 32. Electronic warfare defense (abbr.) 33.
Miniature RF connector 34. Miniature threaded RF connector 35. ___-AZIMUTH
telescope mount 36. Common average used for sinewaves (abbr.) 39. Unit of
length (abbr.) 40. Finite Element Analysis (abbr.) 41. Crystal filter type
(abbr.) 43. The "D" in CD (pl.) 47. Part of a directive antenna that derives
energy from mutual coupling with the driven element (2 wds., pl.) 50. "Peace
Prize" endowment creator, who made his fortune on the discovery of dynamite 51.
Peak envelope power (abbr.) 52. The "B" in BER 53. Amateur radio abbreviation
for the Oceania region (abbr.) 55. Mate to a bolt 56. Ham's code for "Shall
I send more slowly?" 57. Mathematical basis for calculating noise power for a
given bandwidth and temperature (abbr.) 60. IC killer (abbr.) 62. Numerical
basis for decibels (abbr.) 63. BSEE + 2 years 64. Strong, lightweight wood
66. Programming statement 68. Not hot 69. Chemical symbol for ytterbium
70. ___/IP scheme for networked connectivity 72. Hub of the solar system 73.
Wireless transmitting device that opens a car door remotely 74. Transformer interwinding
connection 76. Its chemical symbol is I 78. Changes from the initial value
due to instability 82. Last statement in a BASIC program 83. Adjusts or tunes
a circuit 84. Keyboard key 85. Type of current 86. What glass device is
used for focusing light 87. Impenetrable physical barrier |
1. U.K. equivalent of the IEEE 2. Type of logic
gate (pl.) 3. The "N" in SNR (pl.) 4. One of four lines used in ferrite core
memories 5. Circuit path with very low or 0 ohms of impedance 6. Changes from
one thing into another 7. Automatic repeat request used in AMTOR (abbr.) 8.
A length of transmission line that is open or shorted at one end 9. The cell
band above DCN 10. Transform type for changing series shorted transmission line
stub into a parallel open line stub 11. Chemical symbol for zirconium 12.
2 x SSB 13. The gaseous state of water 14. Impenetrable physical barrier
16. Frequency band at low end of audio spectrum 23. Electrical overstress (abbr.)
25. Filter type commonly used in phase-locked-loops 26. Nordic Mobile Telephone
27. Cellphone band directly above DCS 28. Miniature RF connector 30. Modulation
type (abbr.) 31. Increase voltage linearly 32. Computer messaging service
36. Flip-flop control input 37. Crystal surfaces 38. Restrain voltage input
40. Facility where semiconductors are manufactured 41. Half of a DIP 42. Wired
Equivalent Privacy (abbr.) 43. Troubleshooting software 44. Adjust a pot
45. Cyanide (abbr.) 46. Retained a charge 48. Read-only (abbr.) 49. Society
of Civil and Structural Engineers (abbr.) 54. Opposite of USB 55. Negation
prefix 56. Ham's code for "Can you acknowledge receipt?" 57. 26.5 GHz to 40
GHz 58. Chemical symbol for thallium 59. Base Station Transceivers (abbr.)
61. The "D" in CAD 62. Geometric entity with only length (pl.) 63. An amateur
radio station installed in a vehicle 64. 8 bits 65. Asynchronous Communication
Interface Adapter (abbr.) 67. Type of microwave diode (pl.) 68. Material used
in the center of an inductor coil (pl.) 71. Query an input for changes 73.
Frequency Division Duplex 75. Personal Digital Cellular 77. Singulated piece
of IC wafer 79. Finite Element Analysis (abbr.) 80. Logic family (abbr.)
81. Chemical symbol for selenium |
See solution below

