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Electrical Engineering Theme Crossword Puzzle
September 25th, 2022
This custom made Electrical Engineering theme crossword puzzle for September
25th is provided compliments of RF Cafe. It's a big one with more than 240
words - good for a long
flight. All RF Cafe crossword puzzles
are custom made by me, Kirt Blattenberger, and have only words and clues related
to RF, microwave, and mm-wave engineering, optics, mathematics, chemistry, physics,
and other technical subjects. As always, this crossword puzzle contains no names
of politicians, mountain ranges, exotic foods or plants, movie stars, or anything
of the sort unless it/he/she is related to this puzzle's technology theme (e.g.,
Reginald Denny or the
event in Siberia). The technically inclined cruciverbalists amongst us will appreciate
the effort. Enjoy!
Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of
RF Cafe is prohibited.
acr. = acronym, abbr. = abbreviation, pl. = plural, wds. = words

1. Connector vendor, now owned by FCI in St. Louis,
Missouri 4. Describes a servo, accelerometer, solenoid, etc. 15. Military
Auxiliary Radio System 18. File name extension for an ASCII file 20. Read-only
(abbr.) 21. Unit of apparent power (abbr.) 22. Part of a FOR loop 23. Chemical
symbol for ruthenium 24. One state of matter 25. Modulation type (abbr.)
26. Unit of admittance 28. Semiconductor On Insulator (abbr.) 30. CPS 31.
Front edge of a wing (abbr.) 33. On-the-air meeting of hams at a set time, day
and radio frequency 35. Heatsink feature 36. 3 MHz to 30 MHz 38. Unit of
energy 39. Infrared (abbr.) 41. Unit of time (abbr.) 42. Numerical basis
for decibels (abbr.) 44. Optical storage media 46. Elemental compound used
for microwave frequency reference oscillators (abbr.) 48. The scalar component
of velocity 51. Digital pattern coding type (abbr.) 53. Proportions of two
numbers (pl.) 55. Peripheral Component Interface (abbr.) 56. Type of high-tech
data gathering system (abbr.) 58. Stock symbol for Harris Communications 59.
Chemically reacted to harden 61. The UK's largest defense electronics contractor
(abbr.) 62. Abbreviation for minimum voltage 64. Person responsible for program
spending (abbr.) 66. A type of average (pl.) 68. Polling line state 70.
Common gateway interface (abbr.) 72. 10E1 numerical prefix 73. Chemical symbol
for europium 74. 10E1 numerical prefix (pl.) 75. Chemical symbol for calcium
76. Related to FM by a differential 78. European equivalent to the U.L. 79.
Last stage in a transmitter (abbr.) 81. Coordinated Universal Time (abbr.)
83. Filter type that blocks frequencies in a specified band (abbr.) 84. Number
in a set of products 87. Radio navigation system (abbr.) 90. Subjects a circuit
to extreme operation 93. Type of logic gate 94. Minutes of Use (abbr.)
95. Chemical symbol for lead 97. Measure of source / load mismatch (abbr.)
98. 1,000 seconds (abbr.) 99. Logic family 100. Filter type that blocks upper
frequencies (abbr.) 102. Type of logic gate 104. American space agency (abbr.)
106. Substrate for mounting component (abbr., pl.) 108. Wireless local loop (abbr.)
110. Input winding of a transformer (pl.) 111. Centimeter (abbr.) 112. Chemical
symbol for lanthanum 113. Duration to transfer data to a disk (2 wds.) 114.
Temporary Engineering Change document (abbr.) 115. Waveform limit definition
119. Stock symbol for Dell Computer 122. Unit of weight 123. End of transmission
(abbr.) 124. Digital transmission figure of merit (abbr.) 126. Intermodulation
(abbr.) 127. Type of digital filter (abbr.) 129. Chemical symbol for manganese
130. FCC Part 15 rules apply in this band (abbr.) 132. Term used in soldering
to achieve the condition that occurs when the metals being soldered are hot enough
to melt the solder so it flows over the surface 134. Fundamental electrical component
w/units of ohms 137. Added an impurity to a semiconductor 139. Reads from
disk 143. Chemical symbol for rubidium 145. Government program to bring electricity
to farms (abbr.) 146. Home state of Los Alamos lab (abbr.) 147. Logarithmic
ratio (abbr.) 148. Chemical symbol for erbium 150. BS__ - the degree held
by many RF Cafe visitors 151. Precision approach radar (abbr.) 152. Chemical
symbol for selenium 153. Shorthand for oxygen 154. Opposite of USB 156.
Apple's popular media playing device (pl.) 159. Describes an open fuse 161.
Stock symbol for National Semiconductor 162. Multifunctional silicon devices
(abbr.) 163. Singulated piece of IC wafer 165. Emitted a flash during electrical
discharge 167. One port of an amplifier 169. Joined a male and a female connector
171. Stock symbol for Advanced Micro Devices 174. Company that markets Teflon
176. Effective Radiated Power (abbr.) 177. Unwanted 60- or 120- Hz modulation
due to poor power supply filtering (2 wds.) 179. World's largest yearly convention
of gadget and device manufacturers (abbr.) 180. Color code for the number 3
181. U.K. equivalent of the IEEE 182. Switch position 183. Cyanide (abbr.)
184. Greek letter often used to represent an angle 185. Sound frequency in the
human hearing range (abbr.) 186. Hub of the solar system 187. Ham's code for
"Your net frequency is Low." 189. Filter type that blocks upper frequencies (abbr.)
191. Decimeter (abbr.) 192. Digital Signal Processor (abbr.) 194. Maximum
Usable Frequency 196. 1E6 nanoseconds 197. Unit of atmospheric pressure (abbr.)
198. Network department (abbr.) 199. Unix, Linux or Windows (abbr.) 201. 1e3
uV 202. "Calling any amateur radio station" 204. 1/000 of an inch 206.
Adds solder to the tip of a soldering iron 207. Part of a directive antenna that
derives energy from mutual coupling with the driven element (2 wds., pl.) 208.
Slang for transmitter and/or receiver (pl.) |
1. CB slang for police station (2 wds., pl.)
2. Chemical symbol for radium 3. Global System for Mobile Communications (abbr.)
5. Chemical symbol for lawrencium 6. Electrical overstress (abbr.) 7. Television
Interference (abbr.) 8. Chemical symbol for radium 9. 1E6 cycle per second
10. Curly-Q type light bulb (abbr.) 11. PC follower 12. Negation prefix
13. Type of computer display (abbr.) 14. Chemical symbol for gold 15. ELI
the ICE ___ 16. Chemical symbol for arsenic 17. Power-up with gradual application
of current and/or voltage (2 wds.) 19. Alcohol, epoxy or gasoline, for example
24. Packet of 10^9 digital "0" or "1" symbols (pl.) 27. Type of logic gate (pl.)
29. _______ noise matching 30. Stock symbol for Harris Communications 32.
Last statement in a BASIC program 34. Hide data within a message 35. BASIC
looping keyword 37. Ham's code for "Shall I decrease power?" 40. BER, 8 bits
at a time 43. Type of chart 45. Amateur radio abbreviation for the Oceania
region (abbr.) 46. Ham-ese for Young Lady 47. Exponent that returns the original
number 49. Personal Handy Phone System (abbr.) 50. Resistive component of
a capacitor's lumped element model (abbr.) 51. Manufacturer of project boxes
52. Morse Code for "from" 54. Chemical symbol for tantalum 56. Electromagnetic
(abbr.) 57. Transformer interwinding connection 59. Software engineering tool
(abbr.) 60. Type of current 63. Greek letter (micro) 65. Material testing
organization (abbr.) 67. Nordic Mobile Telephone 69. Engineering Change Notice
(abbr.) 71. Sudden, brief increase in wind speed 72. Logarithmic ratio (abbr.)
74. Instrument for measuring hardness 75. Intel 8086 or Motorola 6800 (abbr.)
77. Organization requiring 25 years of amateur service for membership, abbr.
80. Amateur Radio Association (abbr.) 82. Ubiquitous antenna structure along
interstate highways (2 wds.) 84. CRT or LCD, for example 85. Adds or removes
charged particles such as electrons from an atom or molecule 86. Governmental
agency that monitors pollution (abbr.) 88. Chemical symbol for arsenic 89.
Chemical symbol for argon 90. Half of DSB 91. Occlusion of one heavenly body
by another 92. Continuous curve constructed so as to pass through a given set
of points (pl.) 96. Filter type that blocks frequencies in a specified band (abbr.)
98. Unit of frequency (archaic, abbr.) 101. Compressed image file format 103.
Radio Amateurs of Canada (abbr.) 104. Stock symbol for National Semiconductor
105. Abbreviation for acknowledge (also a common word used by Bill the Cat) 106.
Attenuator 107. Shortwave listener (abbr.) 108. Term used in soldering to
achieve the condition that occurs when the metals being soldered are hot enough
to melt the solder so it flows over the surface 109. Adjust a pot 116. Powers
pneumatic devices 117. Type of component package (abbr.) 118. Halves of DIP's
120. Electromagnetic (abbr.) 121. Low Noise Amplifier (abbr.) 124. Steady-state
voltage reference 125. Stock symbol for Raytheon 127. Satellite of Jupiter
discovered by Galileo 128. One component of a complex number (abbr.) 130.
Current-voltage phase mnemonic 131. Million samples per second 133. Transmit
a signal 135. Its chemical symbol is Se 136. Greek letter 137. Decibels
above or below a dipole antenna (abbr.) 138. Keyboard key 140. Adjusts the
design to accommodate tolerances 141. Its chemical symbol is Sm 142. Reduces
in amplitude 144. Armored cable type 147. U.S. military organization (abbr.)
149. Type of memory 152. Chemical symbol for silicon 155. Stock symbol for
Boeing 157. Peak envelope power (abbr.) 158. System On Chip 159. Unit of
heat 160. Ham abbreviation indicating contacts with all major land masses
161. Chemical symbol for neodymium 163. Printer resolution abbreviation 164.
Galilean moon 166. One component of a complex number (abbr.) 168. 300 MHz
to 3 GHz 170. Chemical symbol for einsteinium 172. 1/000 of an amp (abbr.)
173. The system than converts common website names to IP addresses (abbr.) 175.
Base of the decimal number system 177. Circuit that reduces interference (abbr.)
178. Wire diameter unit (abbr.) 180. Unit of resistance 186. Official Space
Shuttle designation (abbr.) 187. Ham's code for "What is the correct time?"
188. Line of Sight (abbr.) 190. Computer monitor resolution measure (abbr.)
191. Singulated piece of IC wafer 192. Digital voltmeter (abbr.) 193. The
cell band above DCN 195. Type of digital filter (abbr.) 197. Army-Navy specification
prefix 198. ________ _____ - Degrees of separation between two lines meeting
at a common vertex (2 wds., abbr.) 200. Chemical symbol for silicon 201. Akin
to an EE, CE, AE, etc. 203. Unit of liquid measure (abbr.) 205. Chemical symbol
for lithium |
See solution below

