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The Antique Wireless Association (AWA) is an organization that was founded in
1952 to preserve the history of radio communication and the development of
wireless technology. The AWA was established by a group of individuals who were
interested in collecting and restoring antique radio equipment.
The AWA's founders recognized the importance of preserving the history of
radio technology, which had played a critical role in the development of
communication and broadcasting. They also saw the need to create a community of
people who shared their passion for antique radios and related technology.
The AWA has grown significantly since its inception, and it now boasts a
membership of over 4,000 individuals from around the world. The organization is
headquartered in Bloomfield, New York, and has several chapters throughout the
United States and internationally.
The AWA is involved in a range of activities related to antique radio
technology, including the restoration and preservation of antique radios and
related equipment, the publication of research and articles related to radio
history, and the organization of conferences and events focused on antique radio
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