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Radio Free Europe (RFE) is a broadcasting organization that was initially established
during the Cold War as a way to provide uncensored news and information to audiences
living in countries behind the Iron Curtain, particularly those under the influence
of the Soviet Union. The organization was funded and supported by the United States
The idea behind Radio Free Europe was to counter the state-controlled media in
communist countries and provide an alternative source of news and information. The
broadcasts aimed to provide accurate news, information about the world, and discussions
on topics that were often censored or distorted by the local governments.
The original broadcasts began in the early 1950s, and over time, Radio Free Europe
expanded its coverage and established additional services targeting specific countries
and regions. Some of the notable regions covered by Radio Free Europe included Eastern
Europe, the Balkans, the Soviet Union, and the Middle East.
After the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the
early 1990s, the focus and structure of Radio Free Europe evolved. The organization
shifted its emphasis from countering communist propaganda to supporting independent
journalism and providing accurate news and information in countries undergoing political
transitions and facing challenges to press freedom.
Radio Free Europe, along with its sister organization Radio Liberty, continued
to operate as part of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) until 2018, when
they were reorganized into a single corporate entity known as Radio Free Europe/Radio
Liberty (RFE/RL). RFE/RL continues to provide news, information, and analysis to
audiences in countries where press freedom is restricted or under threat.
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