1. French scientist after whom the unit of
current is named (3 wds.) 11. Chemical symbol for polonium 12. Person
responsible for program spending (abbr.) 13. Stock symbol for Harris Communications
15. Sound frequency in the human hearing range (abbr.) 17. Airflow rate
(abbr.) 19. Stock symbol for Google 21. Part of a FOR loop 22. Sudden,
brief increase in wind speed 24. Greek letter (micro) 26. Tie a bundle
of wires together 27. Circuit that reduces interference (abbr.) 28.
Charged particle 30. Current-voltage phase mnemonic 32. Min-to-max voltage
of a waveform (abbr.) 33. Filter type that blocks frequencies below and
above a specified band (abbr.) 35. Chemical symbol for cadmium 36. Equalizer
(abbr.) 38. Government program to bring electricity to farms (abbr.)
40. Amateur Radio Direction Finding (abbr.) 42. A type of average 44.
RF connector type 45. Total radiated power (abbr.) 47. Chemical symbol
for antimony 48. Unit of inductance (abbr.) 49. Chemical symbol for
lead 50. S12 or S21 (abbr.) 51. Unit of time (abbr.) 52. Opposite
of I.D. 53. Unit of inductance (abbr.) 54. Chemical symbol for tantalum
55. Opposite of a LO 56. Unit of frequency (archaic, abbr.) 57. Internet
protocol (abbr.) 58. Analog-to-Digital (abbr.) 60. Facsimile 62.
Gallium nitride chemical symbol 63. 1E6 bits per second 65. Moon of
Saturn discovered in 1672 67. ___/IP scheme for networked connectivity
69. Chemical symbol for magnesium 70. Infrared (abbr.) 72. Type of component
package (abbr.) 73. One component of a complex number (abbr.) 74. Schematic
label for voltage supply node 76. Unit of resistance 78. 30 GHz to 300
GHz 79. Another name for a test lead 81. Radio signals from the cosmos
(abbr.) 83. Radio term for indicating the end of a transmission segment
85. Local Oscillator (abbr.) 86. 80 Down + ____ is this websites title
87. Engineering Change Notice (abbr.) 88. Write-Once (abbr.) 89. Fast
Fourier transform (abbr.) 90. Communication between stations by reflecting
the radio waves off of the ionosphere 92. Unix, Linux or Windows (abbr.)
94. A variation of the cubical quad with triangular elements (3 wds.) |
2. Chemical symbol for neptunium 3. Ph.D.
4. Type of current flow (abbr.) 5. CRT electron beam scan type (pl.)
6. Intermodulation (abbr.) 7. Moon of Saturn with retrograde orbit 8.
Unit of energy 9. Type of flip-flop 10. Entity created by virtue of
a changing electric current (2 wds.) 14. Tool used to attach electronic
components to a PCB (2 wds.) 16. Upper frequency (abbr.) 18. Unit of
length (abbr.) 19. Key feature in a high level overvoltage protection device
20. Amateur radio abbreviation for the Oceania region (abbr.) 21. RF connector
type 23. Chemical symbol for silicon 25. Schema for computer or device
presentation to the operator (abbr.) 26. Filter type that blocks upper
frequencies (abbr.) 29. On-the-air meeting of hams at a set time, day and
radio frequency (pl.) 31. Chemical symbol for calcium 34. International
phonetic alphabet letter "P" 37. Ham's code for "Your net frequency is
Low." 39. Chemical symbol for argon 41. Logarithmic ratio (abbr.)
42. Unit of inductance (abbr.) 43. Chemical symbol for niobium 46. Type
of e-mail address system (abbr.) 48. 300 MHz to 3 GHz 51. Substrate
for mounting component (abbr., pl.) 54. Temperature-compensated crystal
oscillator 55. Amateur radio enthusiast 56. Unit of length (abbr.)
57. Network department (abbr.) 58. ampere-hour (abbr.) 59. Go through
the process of planned creation 61. PC follower 64. Type of high frequency
diode (abbr.) 65. Positive voltage lead color 66. Type of current flow
(abbr.) 68. Quantum of energy or a quasiparticle associated with a compressional
wave 71. Greek letter 73. Term indicating profitability of a company
(abbr.) 75. European equivalent to the U.L. 77. 1e3 μV 80. __
+ 86 Across is this website's title 82. Test equipment (abbr.) 84. Modern
battlefield technique (abbr.) 86. Curly-Q type light bulb (abbr.) 89.
Chemical symbol for iron 90. Chemical symbol for holmium 91. Last stage
in a transmitter (abbr.) 93. Chemical symbol for tin |