1. International Telecommunications Union 5. Indium phosphide (abbr.)
8. Chemical symbol for gold 9. Greek letter (micro) 11. Front edge of
a wing (abbr.) 13. Sets of 5 work days 16. Chemical symbol for lanthanum
17. Powers pneumatic devices 19. FCC's Universal Licensing System (abbr.)
20. Newest buzz phrase for ubiquitous remote control and monitoring of everything
(abbr.) 21. 16 Down + ____, the world's best engineering website 23.
Organization requiring 25 years of amateur service for membership (abbr.)
24. First American to orbit the earth - John _____ 25. Electron beam particle
28. Electronic Variable Optical Attenuator (abbr.) 31. Ovenized crystal
oscillator (abbr.) 32. Bands between RF and baseband 34. Akin to EEs,
CEs, AEs, etc. (abbr., pl.) 35. Decimeter (abbr.) 36. Alloy of iron
and low percentages of carbon, manganese, chromium, etc. 38. Akin to an
EE, CE, AE, etc. 39. Opposite of a LO 40. A BPF specification (abbr.)
42. 1/000 of an amp (abbr.) 43. Negative temperature coefficient (abbr.)
45. Electrical safety organization (abbr.) 47. Mr. de Forest's first name
49. Computer monitor cable type (abbr.) 52. Unit of time (abbr.) 54.
Weight (abbr.) 55. Opposite of O.D. 56. Ratio of circumference to diameter
57. The system than converts common website names to IP addresses (abbr.)
59. Key feature in a high level overvoltage protection device 60. Base
of the binary number system 61. Input intercept point (abbr.) 62. Effective
frontal area presented to a microwave interrogation system (abbr.) 64.
Shortwave listener (abbr.) 66. Chemical symbol for scandium 67. Chemical
symbol for berkelium 68. Modulation type (abbr.) 70. Chemical symbol
for beryllium 71. Low Noise Amplifier (abbr.) 72. Cable termination
type 73. Switch position 75. Cyanide (abbr.) 76. Ham abbreviation
for "distant station" 77. Chemical symbol for zinc 78. Unit of resistance
80. Type of computer display (abbr.) 81. Internet address (abbr.)
2. Chemical symbol for tantalum 3. Archaic abbreviation for picowatt
4. Type of transistor (2 wds.) 5. International Microwave Symposium (abbr.)
6. Greek letter used for frequency 7. Perfect absorber of radiation (2
wds.) 10. Collection of electronic records (pl.) 12. Electronics Industry
Association (abbr.) 14. Chemical symbol for europium 15. 1,000 seconds
(abbr.) 16. The "L" in VLF 18. __ + 21 Across, the world's premier engineering
website 20. Multifunctional silicon devices (abbr.) 22. Enhanced Graphics
Adapter 23. Ham's code for "Entire net stand by." 26. Electronic warfare
defense (abbr.) 27. Mate to an RX 29. Abbreviation for minimum voltage
30. Original Equipment Manufacturer (abbr.) 32. Network department (abbr.)
33. Chemical symbol for selenium 36. Chemical symbol for silicon 37.
30 kHz to 300 kHz 39. The computer in 2001: A Space Odyssey 41. Mr.
Piper's famous yellow airplane 43. S-Parameter measurement instrument (2
wds.) 44. Damping at which no overshoot or undershoot exists (2 wds.)
46. Not reaching the steady-state voltage output 48. Modern battlefield
technique (abbr.) 50. Chemical symbol for gadolinium 51. 2-element,
1/2 wavelength radiating structure fed at the center (2 wds.) 53. Chemical
symbol for tin 56. Last stage in a transmitter (abbr.) 58. Official
Space Shuttle designation (abbr.) 59. World's first satellite navigation
system (abbr.) 63. Unit of volume (abbr.) 65. Unit of magnetic flux(abbr.)
67. Low- to mid- frequency RF connector 69. Multiplexer (abbr.) 74.
Unit of inductance (abbr.) 77. Chemical symbol for zirconium 79. Maximum
Usable Frequency 80. Describes the action of cleaving a crystal plane
84. Chemical symbol for iron 86. Intermodulation (abbr.) 88. 1/100 meter
(abbr.) 90. Type of logic gate 92. End of transmission (abbr.) 94.
Unit of energy 97. Performing a calculus function 99. That which has
mass and occupies space 101. Internet protocol (abbr.) 102. 1,000 seconds
(abbr.) 103. Short-lived voltage or current excursion 105. Adjust a
pot 107. A common battery cell size 108. Opposite of a LO 109. Ham's
code for "The net has traffic for you. Stand by." 111. Chemical symbol
for lutetium 113. Chemical symbol for radon 115. Digital transmission
figure of merit (abbr.) 116. 300 MHz to 3 GHz 119. World's largest yearly
convention of high tech gadget and device manufacturers (abbr.) 120. Chemical
symbol for platinum 122. Amateur radio abbreviation for the Oceania region
(abbr.) 123. Person responsible for program spending (abbr.) 125. Chemical
symbol for praseodymium 126. Unix, Linux or Windows (abbr.) 129. Peak
envelope power (abbr.) 130. Lowest power level capable of being demodulated
(abbr.) 132. Chemical symbol for erbium 134. Bandwidth (abbr.)
82. Minutes of Use (abbr.) 83. Type of secondary radar system (abbr.)
85. Chemical element abbreviated Sn 87. Chemical symbol for neon 88.
CPS 89. Galilean moon 91. Chemical symbol for manganese 92. Using
the moon as a passive reflector to establish a signal path; moonbounce (abbr.)
93. The design component of total product cost (abbr.) 95. Chemical symbol
for holmium 96. Slang for transmitter and/or receiver 98. Part of this
website's title 100. Semiconductor and calculator company (abbr.) 102.
Mass unit (abbr.) 104. Unit of time (abbr.) 106. Radio signal route
(pl.) 109. Type of matrix barcode used with laser scanning(abbr.) 110.
10 decibels 112. Anatech Electronics Inc., (abbr.) 113. Rádio Nacional
de Angola (abbr.) 114. A length of transmission line that is open or shorted
at one end 116. Balun with both ports unbalanced 117. Third planet from
the sun 118. Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (abbr.) 121. An ellipse has
two of them 124. On-the-air meeting of hams at a set time, day and radio
frequency 125. Permeability-tuned oscillator (abbr.) 127. Software engineering
tool (abbr.) 128. Chemical symbol for cesium 129. Geometric solid having
two ends which are similar, equal, and parallel rectilinear figures, and sides
which are parallelograms 131. Chemical symbol for manganese 132. BS__
- the degree held by many RF Cafe visitors 133. Logarithmic ratio (abbr.)
135. Effective Radiated Power (abbr.) 136. Measure of source / load mismatch