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Science Celebrity Theme Crossword Puzzle December
5, 2021
This Science Celebrity themed crossword puzzle for December 12th contains no
fewer than 18 names of notable scientists and engineers (marked with an asterisk
*) known famously to folks like you who visit RF Cafe. It took quite a while
to design. Elsewise, only clues and words which are directly to RF, microwave, and
wireless engineering, optics, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and other science
subjects. As always, this crossword contains no names of politicians, mountain ranges,
exotic foods or plants, movie stars, or anything of the sort unless it/he/she is
related to this puzzle's technology theme (e.g.,
Reginald Denny or the
event in Siberia). The technically inclined cruciverbalists amongst us will appreciate
the effort. Enjoy!
Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of
RF Cafe is prohibited.
acr. = acronym, abbr. = abbreviation, pl. = plural, wds. = words
for larger image>
Across 1. Jules Antoine _________ described these
patterns created by feeding the horizontal and vertical axes of an o-scope *
8. Opposite of transmitted 16. Home state of Los Alamos lab (abbr.) 17. Type
of spread spectrum that does not use frequency hopping (abbr.) 20. Samuel Finley
Breese _____ developed an alphabet composed of dots and dashes * 21. Chemical
symbol for antimony 23. Aircraft tracking system 24. Unit of inductance (abbr.)
25. The great circle equidistant from the poles 28. Greek letter 29. European
equivalent to the U.L. 31. Unit of time (abbr.) 33. Amateur radio operating
mode for sharing real-time video (abbr.) 34. 3 MHz to 30 MHz 35. Johannes
_____ was the the German astronomer who formulated the three laws of planetary motion
* 37. 300 Hz to 3 kHz in audio (abbr.) 38. Data transmission pathway 39.
Type of data conversion device (abbr.) 41. 30 kHz to 300 kHz 42. Stock symbol
for Harris Communications 44. Software layer that allows a system to be programmed
via a defined set of commands (abbr.) 46. Pass-Fail ________, defining limits
for acceptance test 49. Intermodulation (abbr.) 50. Capacitor dielectric type
53. A common battery cell size 55. Engineering Change Order (abbr.) 56. MS's
server-side script engine for dynamically-generated web pages (abbr.) 57. Weight
(abbr.) 59. World's largest yearly convention of gadget and device manufacturers
(abbr.) 60. Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association 61. Lunar depressions
62. Official Space Shuttle designation (abbr.) 65. Automatic Testing, Evaluation &
Reporting (abbr.) 67. Bulk Acoustic Wave 69. Peak envelope power (abbr.)
71. Mass unit (abbr.) 72. Keeps wires from shorting together 75. One component
of a complex number (abbr.) 76. A class of subatomic particles that are composed
of quarks and take part in the strong interaction 77. Semiconductor and calculator
company (abbr.) 78. Niels Henrik David ____ invented of the pre-quantum atomic
model * 79. Chemical symbol for neptunium 80. Wireless local loop (abbr.)
81. Slang for when a professor hints at an exam problem (abbr.) 83. Automated
Test Equipment (abbr.) 85. MS's server-side script engine for dynamically-generated
web pages (abbr.) 86. Gallium nitride chemical symbol 87. Switch position
88. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 91. Polynomial of second order
94. International phonetic alphabet letter "P" 96. Stock symbol for Hewlett Packard
99. Chemical symbol for radium 100. An unlicensed radio band in the U.S. often
used for walkie-talkies (abbr.) 101. Chemical symbol for tantalum 102. Chemical
symbol for erbium 103. Harry _______ described sampling rate criteria for signals
* 105. Finite Element Analysis (abbr.) 106. Part of a FOR loop 108. Digital
Signal Processor (abbr.) 109. Filter type that blocks frequencies in a specified
band (abbr.) 111. Image file format name extension, (pl.) 113. 10E1 numerical
prefix (pl.) 115. Radio signals from the cosmos (abbr.) 116. Transmit Incremental
Tuning (abbr.) 118. Unit of length (abbr.) 119. Filter type that blocks upper
frequencies (abbr.) 121. Chemical symbol for praseodymium 122. Miniature RF
connector 123. Amateur radio enthusiast 125. Plural of locus 127. 24 hours
129. One port of an amplifier 131. Very small aperture terminal 133. Radio
frequency interference (abbr.) 134. Very large unit of apparent power (abbr.)
136. 1e-6 mA 137. Unit of inductance (abbr.) 138. Chemical symbol for silicon
139. Common shorthand reference for a capacitor 140. Unit of inductance (abbr.)
141. Radio Amateurs of Canada (abbr.) 142. James _____ Maxwell united electricity
and magnetism into the concept of the electro-magnetic field * 147. Logarithmic
ratio (abbr.) 149. Type of logic gate 150. Word used in describing 2-D and
3-D object dimensions; i.e., 10 mm __ 25 mm 152. Elemental compound used for
microwave frequency reference oscillators (abbr.) 153. In geometry, what is a
figure having ten straight sides called 155. S12 or S21 (abbr.) 157. Unit
of inductance (abbr.) 158. Colorado Springs military school (abbr.) 161. Chemical
symbol for gold 163. Rotate about the vertical axis 165. Airfoil shapers
167. Promotes the flow of electrical current 170. Karl Friedrich _____, after
whom the unit of magnetic field strength is named * 174. Chemical symbol for
strontium 175. Carrier-to-noise ratio (abbr.) 176. ___/IP scheme for networked
connectivity 179. Frequency Division Duplex 180. Chemical symbol for krypton
181. Using the moon as a passive reflector to establish a signal path; moonbounce
(abbr.) 184. Time delay (abbr.) 185. Electric enclosure standard organization
(abbr.) 186. Chemical symbol for helium 187. George ____________, Jr. backed
Nikola Tesla in "The Current Wars" against Mr. Edison * 188. Chemical symbol
for europium 189. The "I" in IP2 and IP3 (pl.) 193. One port of an amplifier
195. Nordic Mobile Telephone 196. Positive voltage lead color 197. Amateur
radio operators 198. Programmable Logic Device (abbr.) 199. Does a Ctrl+Alt+Del
202. The "O" in ROM 206. Base 16 number system (abbr.) 207. Galilean moon
209. Maximum Usable Frequency 211. Semiconductor lamp 212. 3 MHz to 30 MHz
213. Wire or cable connecting a radio to an antenna 215. Chemical symbol for
aluminum 216. Like the moon 218. Logical negation operator 219. 1/000 of
an inch 220. Part of this website's title 221. Multiplexer (abbr.) 222.
Measure of source / load mismatch (abbr.) 224. Chemical symbol for lawrencium
225. Product of power and time 227. ampere-hour (abbr.) 228. FCC's Universal
Licensing System (abbr.) 230. PC follower 231. Chemical symbol for lead
232. Resistive component of a capacitor's lumped element model (abbr.) 234. Guglielmo
Giovanni Maria _______, aka "Father of Radio" * 236. Equalizer (abbr.) 238.
The "A" in BGA 240. Electrical safety organization (abbr.) 241. Heinrich Rudolf
_____ is honored with the unit of frequency named after him * 244. Type of cryptographic
algorithm that takes a string and converts it to a numeric code 246. Chemical
symbol for polonium 247. Parabolic antenna-to-waveguide interface component
248. Ludwig Eduard _________ determined the constant equal to 1.3806503 × 10E-23
m2 kg s-2 K-1 * |
Down 2. Electrical component the stores energy
in a magnetic field 3. Miniature threaded RF connector (pl.) 4. Analog-to-Digital
(abbr.) 5. Java server pages (abbr.) 6. Workplace safety group (abbr.)
7. Unit of time (abbr.) 9. Electromagnetic (abbr.) 10. Solid of rotation whose
sides are the hypoteneuse of a right triangle 11. Chemical symbol for erbium
12. Prevent the direct physical transfer of signals from one point to another
13. Amateur radio operator who is qualified to administer Amateur Radio licensing
examinations (abbr.) 14. Satellite TV system 15. Type of matrix barcode used
with laser scanning(abbr.) 18. "Calling any amateur radio station" 19. Jean-Baptiste
Joseph _______ described this type of numerical transform used in electronics *
22. Chemical symbol for bismuth 25. 1.602E-19 Joules 26. 300 MHz to 3 GHz
27. Sound frequency in the human hearing range (abbr.) 28. Common computer peripheral
device (pl.) 29. Chemical symbol for copper 30. A keyboard key 32. Thomas
Alva ______ inventor the incandescent light bulb 36. Governmental agency that
monitors pollution (abbr.) 37. Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio _____ invented
the electric pile (battery) * 38. Circuit or equipment that is analyzed only
with regards to its external behavior (2 wds.) 39. Amateur Radio Association
(abbr.) 40. Common shorthand reference for a capacitor 41. The "L" in VLF
43. "Texting" (abbr.) 45. What is a number said to be if it is the square root
of a negative number 47. Last statement in a BASIC routine 48. Current-voltage
phase mnemonic 51. Type of current flow (abbr.) 52. Schema for computer or
device presentation to the operator (abbr.) 54. Its chemical symbol is Ar
58. Loose end of a cable 59. 10E-2 numerical prefix 62. Force a signal to
an insignificant level 63. Chemical symbol for thallium 64. Crystal filter
type (abbr.) 66. Part of a FOR loop 67. Light rays 68. Sir Charles __________
invented the bridge circuit used for accurate electrical measurements * 69. BlackBerry
or Palm for example (abbr.) 70. Type of e-mail address system (abbr.) 72.
Intermodulation distortion (abbr.) 73. Signal-to-noise ratio (abbr.) 74. Chemical
symbol for thallium 77. Medium for storing large amounts of digital data 82.
Ham's code for "Net is Free (not controlled)." 84. Semiconductor and calculator
company (abbr.) 86. Chemical symbol for gallium 89. A common battery cell
size 90. A common battery cell size 91. Semiconductor device type (abbr.)
92. Type of logic gate 93. Polish a crystal to an exact frequency 94. Substrate
for mounting components (abbr.) 95. What is the name of the curve traced out
by a point on the circumference of a circle being rolled along a straight line
96. Color quality 97. Ratio of circumference to diameter 98. ARRL's magazine
104. End of a soldering iron (pl.) 105. Small unit of capacitance (abbr.)
107. Georg Simon ___ has the unit of resistance named after him * 108. Keyboard
key 110. Slang for antenna 112. Joseph Ritter von __________ discovered of
the dark absorption lines in the sun's spectrum * 113. Type of current 114.
3 GHz to 30 GHz 116. Greek letter 117. Time delay (abbr.) 120. Chemical
symbol for plutonium 124. Powers pneumatic devices 126. Plug-in for computer
bus 128. Modulation type (abbr.) 130. Coefficient of temperature (abbr.)
131. Abbreviation for peak voltage 132. Amplifier linearity specification (abbr.)
133. Computer monitor cable type (abbr.) 134. Unit of frequency (archaic, abbr.)
135. Put into motion 143. Local Oscillator (abbr.) 144. Send Morse Code
145. Crystal filter type (abbr.) 146. Gustav Robert _________ developed a law
stating the sum of all currents into and out of a node is zero * 148. Bits per
second (abbr.) 149. Scheme to maintain proper frequency (abbr.) 151. 36 in.
(abbr., pl.) 152. Yttrium Aluminum Garnet 154. Chemical symbol for calcium
156. Geometric entity with only length 158. Summed 159. Upper frequency (abbr.)
160. Abbreviation for acknowledge (also a common word used by Bill the Cat) 162.
Chemical symbol for arsenic 164. ________ function, mathematically relates output
to input 166. Filter type that blocks frequencies in a specified band (abbr.)
168. Chemical symbol for neodymium 169. Type of shielded RF cable with two inner
conductors 171. User Datagram Protocol 172. Official Space Shuttle designation
(abbr.) 173. Integrate data onto a carrier wave 174. Phillip Hagar _____ developed
the eponomously named chart used to plot immittance * 176. Base of the decimal
number system 177. Power adding device 178. Period between radar transmitter's
output waveform (abbr.) 181. European Telecommunications Standards Institute
(abbr.) 182. Akin to an EE, CE, AE, etc. 183. Effective Radiated Power (abbr.)
190. Home state of Los Alamos lab (abbr.) 191. Chemical symbol for chlorine
192. Constellation : The bull 194. Opposite of set 197. One type of filter
construction used in the 500 MHz to 1.5 GHz range 200. Negatively charged elementary
particle 201. Digital transmission figure of merit (abbr.) 203. Chemical symbol
for neon 204. Yard (abbr.) 205. Measured 206. Amateur radio enthusiast
208. Switch position 209. Wire diameter unit (abbr.) 210. Facsimile 214.
Negation prefix 217. Digital Signal Processor (abbr.) 220. Greek letter
223. Unit of magnetic flux(abbr.) 226. BASIC program command 227. Type of
current flow (abbr.) 228. Schema for computer or device presentation to the operator
(abbr.) 229. Impenetrable physical barrier 230. Advanced Research Projects
Agency (abbr.) 232. Chemical symbol for europium 233. Below ELF 235. Chemical
symbol for nickel 237. ARRL's magazine 239. Ham-ese for Young Lady 241.
Chemical symbol for helium 242. Chemical symbol for rhodium 243. Chemical
symbol for zirconium 244. Chemical symbol for holmium 245. CPS |
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