1. MS database 5. Join a male and a female connector
9. Global System for Mobile Communications (abbr.) 10. Chemical symbol for manganese
11. 60 seconds 13. 1/100 meter (abbr.) 14. Exponent that returns the original
number 15. Type of graph with a circular grid 16. Chemical symbol for tantalum
18. Unit of energy (pl.) 19. Filter type that blocks frequencies in a specified
band (abbr.) 20. Chemical symbol for radon 21. Opposite of a LO 22. Type
of flip-flop 23. Battery vendor 26. Semiconductor lamp 29. One component
of a complex number (abbr.) 30. Difference in voltage between the surface of
the diffuse layer surrounding a colloidal particle and the bulk liquid beyond (2
wds.) 33. Chemical symbol for beryllium 34. Unit of length equal to 5.5 yards
36. Creating an electric coronal discharge 40. Mr. Piper's famous yellow airplane
42. Term indicating profitability of a company (abbr.) 43. Being exactly the
same in mathematics 45. Greek letter 47. 1/000 of an amp (abbr.) 50. Rms
current times rms voltage (2 wds.) 53. Pure carrier (abbr.) 55. Transmit Incremental
Tuning (abbr.) 56. Amateur radio operators trade this with each other after making
contact (2 wds.) 58. Centimeter (abbr.) 59. Type of logic gate 60. Upper
frequency (abbr.) 61. Electromagnetic (abbr.) 62. The Brits call it a valve
63. Chemical symbol for selenium 64. Control and monitoring board 67. Finite
Element Analysis (abbr.) 68. Read-only (abbr.) 69. Unit of angular measurement
equal to one ninetieth of a right angle 71. Test equipment (abbr.) 72. Personal
Handy Phone System (abbr.) 74. Physical unit by which power is measured 75.
Mr. Pascal's first name |
1. Chemical symbol for arsenic 2. Logic family
3. Using Earth's natural satellite as a passive reflector to establish a signal
path (abbr.) 4. Chemical symbol for tin 5. 1/000 of an inch 6. Association
of North American Radio Clubs 7. Another word for each complete winding of an
inductor 8. Radio signals from the cosmos (abbr.) 9. General Mobile Radio
Service (abbr.) 11. Chemical symbol for molybdenum 12. Ethoxyethane 13.
Frequency unit 15. Device used to make contact with a point to be measured
17. Part of CAD 19. Word used in describing 2-D and 3-D object dimensions; i.e.,
10 mm __ 25 mm 24. Its unit is the dalton (2 wds.) 25. "Pi" pad, "T" pad,
etc. 27. Set of poles 28. Precision approach radar (abbr.) 31. Chemical
symbol for niobium 32. Plural of locus 35. Device under test (abbr.) 36.
Chemical symbol for strontium 37. Type of e-mail address system (abbr.) 38.
Active Electronically Scanned Array (abbr.) 39. Electronics manufacturer with
"meatball" logo 41. Word used in describing 2-D and 3-D object dimensions; i.e.,
10 mm __ 25 mm 44. Low altitude earth orbit 46. Innovative Power Products,
Holbrook, NY (abbr.) 48. Chemical symbol for argon 49. Temperature-compensated
crystal oscillator (abbr., pl.) 51. A popular spreadsheet 52. International
phonetic alphabet letter "R" 54. Sent a telegram 56. Unit of liquid volume
57. Modulation type (abbr.) 58. Citizens Broadband Radio Service (abbr.) 60.
Field Programmable Gate Array (abbr.) 62. Transformer interwinding connections
65. On-the-air meeting of hams at a set time, day and radio frequency 66. BS__
- the degree held by many RF Cafe visitors 67. Finite Element Analysis (abbr.)
70. Modern battlefield technique (abbr.) 71. Chemical symbol for thallium
73. Chemical symbol for helium |