See Page 1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | of the August 2023 homepage archives.
Monday the 7th
A lot of people had love-hate relationships
with their television sets. Even high end models could be fussy, but the low end
ones like the ones my family had could be a constant pain in the posterior. We were
doubly cursed with being in a relatively poor reception area, with a lousy rooftop
antenna to boot. Mayo, Maryland was a tad southeast of midway between Washington,
D.C., and Baltimore. A public TV station was in Annapolis, but what youngster wanted
to watch anything they had to offer? Anyway, I can relate to many of the comics
that appeared in the 1960s and 1970s electronics magazines, like these from a 1960
issue of Radio-Electronics. I have personally tested vacuum tubes in drug stores,
and have contorted myself in the front seat of a car whilst installing an AM/FM
radio, tape player, or CB radio into or under the dashboard. What I have not done,
though, is hide in the back of a console type TV in order to sneak a smoke...
"With a focus on the future wave of microsystems
innovation, DARPA has selected 11 organizations to begin work on the Next-Generation
Microelectronics Manufacturing (NGMM) program. The Phase 0 effort will establish
foundational research to inform the next steps toward creating a domestic center
for fabricating
3D heterogeneously integrated (3DHI) microsystems. Selected teams are Applied
Materials, Inc., Arizona State University, BRIDG, HRL Laboratories, Intel Federal,
North Carolina State University, Northrop Grumman Space Systems, Northrop Grumman
Mission Systems, PseudolithIC, Raytheon Technologies, and Teledyne Scientific &
Imaging. 'We're confident these teams will help build a sustained path toward an
R&D ecosystem that provides the framework for future 3DHI innovation..."
These letters represent an unfriendly exchange
between The Electrical Experimenter editor Hugo Gernsback and Dr. K.G. Frank,
of the Telefunken System of Wireless Technology, of Germany. Gernsback correctly
accused Dr. Frank of engaging in espionage for Germany and against the United
States of America, during World War I at a time we were not officially at war
with the Axis powers. He was arrested and interred for the duration of the war for
sending out "unneutral messages" from the broadcast station at Sayville, Long Island,
New York. See "Radiobotage" in this month's (September 1941) editorial column. This
is part of the motivation for the FCC prohibiting amateur radio transmissions during
World War II...
Synzen, a global pioneer in communication
technology, is proud to announce the launch of four new additions to the enhanced
Constellation Class Antennas range. The latest offerings stand at the nexus
of design and technology, challenging and redefining the traditional antenna landscape
with compact, sleek, and intelligent designs. These newly launched antennas are
optimized to provide exceptional functionality with small ground planes in compact
devices. Enabling unparalleled connectivity across the spectrum, including 4G, 5G,
and NB-IoT ,Synzen is not just offering a product, but an entirely new way to connect
and communicate. Key Features of the New Constellation Class Antennas: Compact and
sleek design thoughtfully crafted to fit into various design structures, versatility
across spectrum offering unparalleled connectivity for 4G, 5G, or NB-IoT, ensuring
seamless communication no matter the location or device...
Stenode tubes were a big deal in the early
1930s, and were deemed capable of changing fundamentally the way high selectivity
receivers and transmitter preamplifiers would be designed. History had other plans
for RF circuit design. Note that both advertisements include the signature of Stenode
tube inventor Dr. James Robinson. The Stenode's success was dependent upon
being able to design a receiver circuit with the ability to "recreate" sidebands
from the carrier. That presents a dilemma mathematically since the information in
an ideal AM scheme is contained entirely in its sidebands. If the sidebands are
removed, that information is lost forever unless it is present somewhere else, like
on the carrier itself, which means pure amplitude modulation is not occurring. It
is commonplace to recover a suppressed carrier from the sideband(s), but recovering
the sidebands from a pure sinewave carrier is impossible...
Banner Ads are rotated in all locations
on the page! RF Cafe typically receives 8,000-15,000 visits each
weekday. RF Cafe
is a favorite of engineers, technicians, hobbyists, and students all over the world.
With more than 17,000 pages in the Google search index, RF Cafe returns in
favorable positions on many types of key searches, both for text and images.
Your 728x90-px and 160x600-px Banner Ads are displayed on average 225,000 times
per year! New content is added on a daily basis, which keeps the major search
engines interested enough to spider it multiple times each day. Items added on the
homepage often can be found in a Google search within a few hours of being posted. If you need your company news to
be seen, RF Cafe is the place to be...
Providing full solution service is our motto,
not just selling goods. RF & Connector Technology has persistently pursued a management
policy stressing quality assurance system and technological advancement. From your
very first contact, you will be supported by competent RF specialists; all of them
have several years of field experience in this industry allowing them to suggest
a fundamental solution and troubleshooting approach. Coaxial RF connectors, cable
assemblies, antennas, terminations, attenuators, couplers, dividers, and more. Practically,
we put priority on process inspection at each step of workflow as well as during
final inspection in order to actualize "Zero Defects."
Sunday the 6th
This custom RF Cafe
electronics-themed crossword puzzle for August 6th contains words and clues
which pertain exclusively to the subjects of electronics, science, physics, mechanics,
engineering, power distribution, astronomy, chemistry, etc. If you do see names
of people or places, they are intimately related to the aforementioned areas of
study. Being that "F" is the 6th letter of the alphabet, it is used as the first
and/or last letter of many words in today's crossword puzzle - as well as in-between.
Those clues are marked with an asterisk (*). As always, you will find no references
to numbnut movie stars or fashion designers...
The website exists partly on the support
of its visitors by way of a small percentage earned with your purchases, which typically works out to less than
$20 per month. That does not even cover the domain registration and secure server
fees for If you plan to buy items via, please click on this link to begin your shopping
session from here so that I get credit for it. Doing so does not cost you anything
extra. Thank you for your support.
Anritsu has been a global provider of innovative
communications test and measurement solutions for more than 120 years. Anritsu manufactures
a full line of innovative components and accessories for
RF and Microwave Test and Measurement
Equipment including attenuators & terminations; coaxial cables, connectors &
adapters; o-scopes; power meters & sensors; signal generators; antenna, signal,
spectrum, & vector network analyzers (VNAs); calibration kits; Bluetooth &
WLAN testers; PIM testers; amplifiers; power dividers; antennas. "We've Got You
Friday the 4th
One of the interesting aspects of reading
through vintage magazines is finding current-at-the-time accounts of industry happenings
with people and companies still familiar to contemporary people in the realm. In
this June 1961 instance in Radio-Electronics magazine,
Dr. Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductors is mentioned. Most people
today associate him with the founding of Intel. The Microcircuit Flipflop was one
of Fairchild's early integrated circuits, housed in metal TO-5 and TO-18 cans. The
FCC had just approved a method of "stereo multiplex" on the FM radio band that facilitated
coexistence of monaural (mono) and binaural (stereo) broadcasts. Hard to believe
that was more than sixty years ago (I was three years old). Also, sadly, news of
Mr. Paul Crosley's - of radio, car, and home appliance fame - passing was announced.
Atmospheric effects on VLF, and use of ultrasonics for welding plastic also made
the editors' cut...
"The next
generation of SPICE is here.
QSPICE™ for analog and mixed signal simulation gives power designers the ability
to evaluate their designs with complete confidence in the results. Free to use,
QSPICE offers significantly better SPICE basics, supports vast amounts of digital
logic without performance penalties, and provides the speed and accuracy required
for reliable power-based simulation. QSPICE is easy to use, with an intuitive user
interface." I downloaded and installed QSpice (check for updates), then opened one
of the demo files as suggested (BodePlot.qsch). After figuring out that the right-most
round, green icon on the menu bar is the Run command, the simulation was started.
It took 141 seconds on my Dell OptiPlex desktop (i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz, 32 GB RAM).
Amp.qsch took a mere 8.3 ms. All the rest were less than 1 second, also, so
BodePlot.qsch is doing a lot of cranking! The user interface is not super, but it
beats the days back in the late 1980's in college typing out text-based netlists
and getting plots generated by extended text characters. Mr. Mike Engelhart
is given as the contact.
This article was written in 1932, before
anyone had in-situ
empirical measurements of the ionosphere, since suitable instrumented sounding
rockets were not yet available. It had only been 30 years since Oliver Heaviside
and Arthur Kennelly first proposed their theory of the ionized layer that encompasses
the Earth. It turned out that the ionosphere is composed of multiple layers of ionized
regions whose intensities are dependent on solar surface activity, time of day and
night, time of year, and even on terrestrial events like large volcanoes. Large
network communications have been built so as not to be held hostage by atmospheric
conditions by utilizing land and ocean floor cables, land-based microwave towers,
and satellites. Military and amateur radio users still do a lot of communications
via sky waves that are profoundly affected by the ionosphere. Much has been learned
about the ionosphere in subsequent years, including an explanation for why the day
vs. night absorption and reflection phenomenon mentioned in this article occurs...
Axiom Test Equipment, an electronic test
equipment rental and sales company has published a new blog post entitled "Get
a Charge Out of Testing EV Batteries" that covers the different units that meet
the needs of large batteries used in modern EVs, specifically when it comes to testing
the battery's charge capacity and operating lifetime. It's important to note that
having access to suitable test equipment has played a major role in the development
of high-density DC electric power packs capable of adding many miles to the ranges
of modern EVs and HeVs. Battery packs for EVs are energy storage systems comprised
of many small cells. Each section of the battery pack contributes electric power
to the whole and all the sections are designed for high power and high reliability.
EV battery packs do degrade in performance over time, eventually losing the capability
to hold the original amount of energy during a recharge cycle. Testing an EV battery
for charge capacity is one way to understand its capabilities at that time and to
project its operating lifetime...
This Radio Service Data Sheet for the
Sparton Model 40 6-Tube T.R.F. Automotive Receiver is an example of the dozens
of similar schematic and alignment instruction sheets that have been posted on RF
Cafe over the years. They appeared in electronics industry magazines of the era
- Radio-Craft in this instance. Obtaining technical information on most things,
even readily available items, prior to the Internet era was often very difficult
- if not impossible. Service centers had what was need provided by manufacturers
and distributors, but if you wanted to find a part number or service data on a refrigerator,
radio, lawn mower, garage door opener, etc., and did not have the original paperwork,
you were usually out of luck. Nowadays a Web search will quite often get you what
you need thanks to people (like me) who go to the trouble of making the information
This assortment of custom-designed themes
by RF Cafe includes T-Shirts, Mouse Pads, Clocks, Tote Bags, Coffee Mugs and Steins,
Purses, Sweatshirts, and Baseball Caps. Choose from amazingly clever "We Are the World's
Matchmakers" Smith chart design or the "Engineer's Troubleshooting Flow Chart."
My "Matchmaker's" design has been ripped off by other people and used on their products,
so please be sure to purchase only official RF Cafe gear. My markup is only a paltry
50¢ per item - Cafe Press gets the rest of your purchase price. These would make
excellent gifts for husbands, wives, kids, significant others, and for handing out
at company events or as rewards for excellent service. It's a great way to help
support RF Cafe. Thanks...
RIGOL Technologies is transforming the Test
and Measurement Industry. Our premium line of products includes digital and mixed
signal oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, function / arbitrary waveform generators,
programmable power supplies and loads, digital multimeters, data acquisition systems,
and application software. Our test solutions combine uncompromised product performance,
quality, and advanced product features; all delivered at extremely attractive price
points. This combination provides our customers with unprecedented value for their
investment, reduces their overall cost of test, and helps speed time to completion
of their designs or projects.
Thursday the 3rd
"Cruciverbalist" is the faux-Latin word
(crux|cross + verbum|word) concocted for those who like to work crossword puzzles.
It began appearing in the late 1970s. Accordingly, I propose "crucinumerist" (crux|cross
+ numerus|number); remember that you heard it here first (couldn't find it anywhere
on the Internet). This "Electronic
Numbers Puzzle," by frequent puzzle and quiz creator John Comstock, was published
in the May 1961 issue of Radio-Electronics magazine. Old-timers like yours
truly will probably have an easier time working it because some of the clues have
to do with over-the-air broadcast television and vacuum tubes. However, if you get
stuck, just look up the answer on the WWW (World Wide Web, for those too young to
recognize it ... <20). Bona fortuna ("good luck," in Latin)...
The Center of Telecommunication Technologies
is proud to announce immediate availability of
RadioPlanner version 3.0. Building on highly successful previous works, v3.0
facilitate planning, design, implementation, and maintenance of mobile and fixed
broadcast networks. RadioPlanner 3.0 is ideal software for Mobile Netwotrks:
5G (NR), LTE, UMTS, GSM, GSM-R, WCDMA | Public safety land mobile networks: P25,
TETRA, DMR, dPMR, NXDN; | Wireless IoT LPWAN networks: LoRa, SigFox | Precision
agriculture systems | Terrestrial radio and television broadcast networks: ATSC,
DVB-T, DVB-T2, ISDB-T, DTMB, DAB, DAB+ | Air-to-ground communication and radio navigation
systems operating in VHF, UHF, and microwave frequencies: UAV (Drone) Control, Air-to-ground
radio, ADS-B, VOR, DME. The Single User price is an amazingly low $599, which also
includes at no extra cost 1-year licenses both Indoor RadioPlanner and Antenna Pattern
Editor. CTT also offers their MLinkPlanner PtP and PtMP software planning tool for
microwave radio systems, as well as Antenna Pattern Editor universal software tool
to view, create, edit and convert antenna patterns and their EMF Planner tool for
EMF exposure modeling and analysis...
Potassium sodium tartrate (Rochelle
salt) was used in commercial speakers for a while in place of electromagnetic
driver coils. The relatively large mechanical deformation produced when subject
to an electric field made them attractive as coil alternatives because a separate
energization circuit was not required. The drawback, at least early on, was unavailability
of crystals large enough to drive anything other than a headphone size speaker cone.
This 1932 Radio-Craft magazine article tells of the time when a process was created
to grow large crystals from a seed, similar to how silicon, gallium-arsenide, and
other modern semiconductors are grown from seeds. According to author C.B. Scott,
it revolutionized the speaker industry - at least for a while. I don't know
if a 1930s' lawyer advised companies to place "Do not put in mouth" warning labels
on the speakers since, according to Wikipedia, Rochelle salts were also used as
Werbel Microwave presents an impressive
array of features in our latest offering. Werbel Microwave presents an impressive
array of features in our latest offering. With a wide frequency range spanning from
2 to 8 GHz, the
C-0208-10 directional coupler ensures versatility across various applications.
Enjoy exceptional coupling flatness, with a typical ±0.2 dB flatness that guarantees
precise performance. Experience remarkable directivity, reaching 27 dB up to
8 GHz, providing enhanced signal isolation. Benefit from excellent return loss,
reaching 28 dB up to 8 GHz, ensuring optimal signal reflection. Additionally,
our product allows for DC current to pass through from input to output, adding to
its versatility. From mobile to fixed satellite applications, as well as lab use,
WiFi, and radar, our solution meets the demands of diverse industries...
Once again I have given selflessly and freely
of my time and talent to make available resources to those seeking certain knowledge
regarding vintage radio circuits ;-) This time it is the Radio Service Data Sheet
for the
Howard Model 45 superheterodyne radio receiver featuring an AVH-style chassis
A.V.C. with A.V.C. (automatic volume control). The info was published in a 1932
edition of Radio-Craft magazine, one of Hugo Gernsback's many endeavors. An extensive
Internet search did not turn up any examples of surviving of the Howard Model 45
AVH. Please send me a note if you of one. Also, at the bottom of this page is a
complete list of all such schematics and tuning and repair data posted thus far...
The first major new release of RF Cafe's
spreadsheet (Excel) based engineering and science calculator is now available -
Espresso Engineering Workbook™. Since 2002, the original Calculator Workbook
has been available as a free download. Continuing the tradition, RF Cafe Espresso
Engineering Workbook™ is also provided at
no cost, compliments of my generous sponsors. The original
calculators are included, but with a vastly expanded and improved user interface.
Error-trapped user input cells help prevent entry of invalid values. An extensive
use of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) functions now do most of the heavy lifting
with calculations, and facilitates a wide user-selectable choice of units for voltage,
frequency, speed, temperature, power, wavelength, weight, etc. In fact, a full page
of units conversion calculators is included. A particularly handy feature is the
ability to specify the the number of significant digits to display. Drop-down menus
are provided for convenience. Now that a more expandable basis has been created,
I plan to add new calculators on a regular basis...
Exodus Advanced Communications is a multinational
RF communication equipment and engineering service company serving both commercial
and government entities and their affiliates worldwide. Power amplifiers ranging
from 10 kHz to 51 GHz with various output power levels and noise figure
ranges, we fully support custom designs and manufacturing requirements for both
small and large volume levels. decades of combined experience in the RF field for
numerous applications including military jamming, communications, radar, EMI/EMC
and various commercial projects with all designing and manufacturing of our HPA,
MPA, and LNA products in-house.
Wednesday the 2nd
Schemes for transmitting newspapers via airwaves
and cable had already been around for a couple decades by the time this piece
appeared in a 1968 issue of Radio-Electronics magazine. Large publishers
like the New York Times, Atlanta Journal and Constitution, Los Angeles Times, Chicago
Tribune, etc., wanted the ability to sell subscriptions to entities and individuals
who desired time-sensitive information even more quickly than an overnight airline
flight could provide a hard copy. The vision would ultimately need to wait for the
advent of the Internet before widespread, affordable service would be available
- primarily because the original vision of producing hard copies of entire newspapers
at remote locations was (and still is) impractical. Color television was overtaking
B&W as being dominant in households, and a lot of effort went into improving
picture quality. A big problem was inconsistent hue and brightness between sets,
even those of the same make and model. The IEEE and others convened committees to
investigate and remedy the issue. Analog signals complicated the problems, but even
today's LED and LCD displays show a huge variation between monito
"NASA's quartet of
Starling CubeSats has successfully deployed from Rocket Lab's Electron kick
stage, marking a significant step forward in the field of satellite swarm technologies.
These cutting-edge spacecraft, designed to work in cohesion as a 'swarm,' have successfully
reached low Earth orbit and are set to commence their mission of testing advanced
technologies for autonomous maneuvering, networking, decision-making, and relative
positioning. The immediate task for the Starling swarm is to power up and establish
initial contact with the ground. This process may transpire overnight or within
the ensuing few days. The Starling mission, funded by NASA's Small Spacecraft Technology
program at the Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, and the Space Technology
Mission Directorate in Washington, aims to enable small satellites to cooperate
autonomously, without the need for real-time..."
the Service Maid" was a relatively short-lived feature in Radio-Craft magazine.
It began in early 1944 to bring deserved attention to the women who were left to
run their husband's or brother's or son's electronics service shops while they were
overseas securing the blessings of liberty for mankind. The sagas involved our heroine,
Sally, confidently and impressively attacking malfunctioning electronic equipment
in the stead of her father Gus Mason, who had volunteered his services as an instructor
of electronics for the military. Unlike in past episodes where she tackled complex
radio circuits for dashing military emissaries bringing equipment to her shop, this
one finds her troubleshooting the pickup circuit of a wealthy woman's phonograph.
Fortunately, electronics sharpshooter Corporal Dan happened to be visiting at the
time and lent a hand at finding the solution...
Withwave is a leading designer and developer
of a broad range of RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave test solutions and subsystems
with a focus on electromagnetic field analysis and signal processing. Withwave's
new W6 Series are complete line of high performance flexible microwave cable assemblies.
Specially, W602 Series have solid PTFE structure to achieve velocity propagation
of 70%. This series has excellent
RF performance up to 145 GHz with 0.8 mm connectors. Features include:
silver pated copper center and outer conductors (wire, braid, and tape), solid PTFE
jacket insulator, a 7 mm minimum bend radius, and an FEP jacket...
No doubt you've heard the old saying about
something happening "once in a blue moon," meaning rarely. A
blue moon
is the second full moon occurring in a given calendar month. The
time between new
moons is about 29½ days, so February can never experience a blue moon. Last
night, on August 1st, the
Full Sturgeon Moon
supermoon) graced the southern sky. I took
the photo above at around 9:30 pm EST; it was very yellowish due to atmospheric
dust (probably from Canada) - not apparent in this B&W rendering. A repeat performance
happens on August 31st, making that occasion a blue moon. The concept of a monthly
blue moon is a relatively recent thing, supposedly have begun with the March 1946
edition of
Sky & Telescope
magazine. A
is when the full moon happens at or near perigee in its orbit, placing it closest
to Earth and thereby appearing to be at its largest. Hopefully, the restoration
of my
Criterion RV-6 Newtonian telescope will be done in time for the Blue Moon.
This Radio Service Data Sheet covers the
[Montgomery] Ward 10-tube all-wave, high-fidelity superheterodyne, Series ODM
(Original Design Manufacturing) receiver. No specific model number is mentioned,
oddly, so I was not able to search for a photo of one. Most - if not all - electronics
servicemen had subscriptions to these magazines because they were a ready source
of not just these service sheets, but because of the extensive articles offering
advice on servicing radios and televisions. In fact, many electronics manufacturers
had a policy of supplying service data only to bona fide shops. A large list is
included at the bottom of the page of similar documents from vintage receiver schematics,
troubleshooting tips, and alignment procedures. They were originally published in
magazines like Radio-Craft, Radio and Television News, Radio News, etc. I scan and
post them for the benefit of hobbyists who restore and service vintage electronics
With more than 1000
custom-built stencils, this has got to be the most comprehensive set of
Visio Stencils available for RF, analog, and digital system and schematic
drawings! Every stencil symbol has been built to fit proportionally on the included
A-, B-, and C-size drawing page templates (or use your own page if preferred). Components
are provided for system block diagrams, conceptual drawings, schematics, test equipment,
racks (EIA 19", ETSI 21"), and more. Test equipment and racks are built at a 1:1
scale so that measurements can be made directly using Visio built-in dimensioning
objects. Page templates are provided with a preset scale (changeable) for a good
presentation that can incorporate all provided symbols...
Aegis Power Systems is a leading supplier
of AC-DC and
DC-DC power supplies for custom and special applications. Aegis has been designing
and building highly reliable custom power supplies since 1995. They offer a complete
line of switch mode power supplies and power converters for a variety of markets
including defense, industrial, aircraft, VME, and telecom. Supports military, aircraft,
EV, telecom, and embedded computing applications. Design and manufacture of custom
power supply solutions to meet each customer's exacting specifications. Please visit
Aegis Power Systems today. Manufactured in the USA.
Tuesday the 1st
Unless you design equipment which requires
overcurrent protection to insure the survivability of components within it, you
probably do not give much thought to selecting the correct type of fuse. Some people
don't even bother to replace a blown fuse with one of exactly the same type - or
even the same amperage. We've all heard stories of back in the screw-in fuse panel
days when a blown fuse would be replaced by a penny (although that could be a housewife's
tale since a penny seems too small to do the job - see what
ChatGPT said). The "How
Fuses Work" article from a 1961 issue of Radio-Electronics magazine
does a good job of reviewing plug, cartridge, and glass fuses, slow-blow, fast-acting,
and time delay fuses, high and low voltage fuses, and some specialty configurations
like the "grasshopper" fuse. Author Steckler also discusses properties of various
fuse types and for which applications they are best suited...
cool with a slight creepy factor built in is this
Go2 robotic "dog"
offered by Unitree. It is
a second generation model with lots of AI (GPT) upgrades. Go2, "a smart and improved partner," mimics
many features of a flesh and blood dog, but without some of the drawback like annoying
neighbors with barking, carrying fleas, dumping on the lawn, etc. Go2 might be the
logical choice as the new White House 1st Dog since it will never
bite Secret Service agents like all the recent GSD's tend to do. Go2 can be
ordered with upgrades like a dexterous mechanical arm, Go1 is available now,
and orders are being taken for
Go2. 360- by 90-degree hemispherical lidar, which has a minimum sensing range
of 0.05 meters for intelligent terrain navigation and obstacle avoidance. The Go2
can move at a 2.5 m/s (5.6 mi/hr) with a 7-kg (15 lb) payload, and operates
for up to 2 hours with a 8000 mAh battery. Be sure to watch the video...
2.1 GHz (5.6-inch, or 14 cm wavelength)
radio waves were an almost totally unexplored realm in 1930, with it and higher
frequencies being the domain of theoretical research laboratories. Signal generators
capable of producing much more than a few hundred megahertz were rare even in commercial
applications. As reported here, centimeter-length electromagnetic waves were "according
to the theories of Barkhausen and Kurz, [the] result of purely electronic vibrations,
whose frequency was determined only by the operative data of the tube and was not
dependent on any internal or external oscillation circuit." A half-wave receiving
antenna picked up the transmitted signal with a simple diode detector to enable,
after a couple stages of amplification, an audible signal. These are some of the
earliest experiments at radio frequencies (RF) with parabolic metallic reflectors
and polarization with a diffraction grid that could be rotated to set the polarization
Triad RF Systems' products and services
will be on display at numerous industry events throughout the season. Learn more
Triad RF Systems' latest CubeSat products at the upcoming Small Satellite Conference
held in Logan, Utah, from August 7th through the 10th, 2023. Please be sure to stop
by and visit our knowledgeable engineering and sales staff. We also have major news
regarding company partnerships, product announcements, and technical resources.
Triad RF Systems is a trusted global provider of RF amplifiers and subsystems for
CubeSat payloads and will be present at the conference to answer all your questions
about the solutions available for CubeSat communication and data challenges. As
a leading designer and manufacturer of custom CubeSat subsystems with extensive
flight heritage, we are trusted by major
NewSpace™ industry players, emerging CubeSat and Nanosatellite manufacturers,
and many other space mission industry players...
There does not seem to be anything particularly
stand-out-ish about the
Wells-Gardner Series 062 automotive superheterodyne radio. As was typical of
car radios in 1932 when this Radio Service Data Sheet appeared in Radio-Craft
magazine, the main electronics was housed in a chassis that got mounted in the trunk
or under a seat, and the controls either got mounted in or under the dashboard,
connecting tot he electronics via a cable. The "eliminator" option of the "eliminator
or battery" label presumably refers to an AC-to-DC power supply that can be used
either during maintenance or if the listener chooses to employ the radio in use
outside of a vehicle - or else has a very long extension cord ;-) No examples of
surviving Wells-Gardner Series 062 automotive radios could be found anywhere online.
As with all these radio data service pages, this one is posted for the benefit of
both researchers and for restoration types who need troubleshooting and alignment
RF Cascade Workbook is the next phase in the evolution of
RF Cafe's long-running series, RF Cascade Workbook. Chances are you have
never used a spreadsheet quite like this (click here for screen capture). It is a full-featured RF system
cascade parameter and frequency planner that includes filters and mixers for a mere
$45. Built in MS Excel, using RF Cascade Workbook 2018 is a cinch
and the format is entirely customizable. It is significantly easier and faster than
using a multi-thousand dollar simulator when a high level system analysis is all
that is needed. An intro video takes you through the main features...
Windfreak Technologies designs, manufactures,
tests and sells high value USB powered and controlled radio frequency products
such as RF signal generators, RF synthesizers, RF power detectors, mixers, up /
downconverters. Since the conception of WFT, we have introduced products that have
been purchased by a wide range of customers, from hobbyists to education facilities
to government agencies. Worldwide customers include Europe, Australia, and Asia.
Please contact Windfreak today to learn how they might help you with your current
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way to find anything on the website is to use the "Search
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- Christmas-themed