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ADI takes the lead sponsorship position at EDI CON USA, supporting networking and training opportunities for engineers working in high-frequency and high-speed applications.

July 31, 2017 (Norwood, Mass.) - The Electronic Design Innovation Conference and Exhibition (EDI CON) USA, the first industry event to bring together RF/microwave and high-speed digital design engineers and system integrators, announced today that Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) is taking on the role of host sponsor of the exhibition and conference program at the Hynes Convention Center, September 11-13 in Boston, MA. Engineers from ADI will be presenting a short course, several paper sessions, and workshops on topics for high-frequency and high-speed electronic applications.

Dr. Thomas Cameron, CTO for the Communications Business Unit at ADI, and one of EDI CON USA's technical program co-chairs, is an invited speaker at the plenary session, which will be held on Tuesday, September 12th beginning at 10:30. As one of three presenters, Dr. Cameron will be speaking on, "5G Five Years From Now – How do we Get There?" With more than 30 years of experience in technology R&D for telecom networks, Cameron is currently working on the research and development of radio technology for 5G systems in both cellular and microwave frequency bands. As one of the technical co-chairs of EDI CON USA (he shares that role with Dr. Istvan Novak, Senior Principal Engineer at Oracle), he helped to steer the technical direction of the event, which includes 3-hour short courses (on Monday) as well as technical paper sessions, workshops, and panels (on Tuesday and Wednesday).

ADI will also serve as host of the Welcome Reception, which is being held on Tuesday September 12th from 5-7PM on the EXPO hall, featuring food and drinks for attendees who have either come for the entire day or those who are attending EDI CON USA after a day at the office. The exhibition hall will be home to more than 100 exhibitors, including hands-on demonstrations (such as the SI/PI Measurement Lab in the High-Speed Zone) and training and talks in the Frequency Matters Theater.

ADI engineers Del Jones and Michelle Viani will present a short course on Monday, September 11th entitled "Streamline Flexible System Designs with RF Data Converters." Technical papers from ADI engineers that will be presented on Tuesday and Wednesday include:

  • Challenges and Benefits of Implementing UWB Digital Pre-Distortion (DPD) in Cable Distribution Systems, Patrick Pratt
  • How Complex Modulation, Zero IF, and Advanced Algorithms Enable Next Generation Transceiver Radios, David Frizelle
  • Massive MIMO and "beamforming": The signal processing behind the 5G buzzwords, Claire Masterson
  • Transmit LO Leakage (LOL) – An Issue of Zero IF That Isn't Making People Laugh Out Loud, Frank Kearney

ADI's featured workshops will occur on Wednesday, September 13th from 1-4PM, and include:

  • All-Electronic Phased Array Design Challenges

  • Arrow's Arria10 SOC Data Acquisition Kit, Using Technology from Intel and Analog Devices
  • How ADI's MEMS Switches Solve Difficult Problems in RF Test Instrumentation and Automatic Test Equipment
  • Integrated DPD for Small Cell and Massive MIMO

EDI CON USA 2017 is supported by its primary media sponsors, Microwave Journal and Signal Integrity Journal. More information, including how to register for EDI CON USA 2017, is available at http://www.ediconusa.com. For future planning, EDI CON USA 2018 will be held at the Santa Clara Convention Center (Santa Clara, CA) on October 17-19, 2018.


EDI CON USA uniquely brings together RF, microwave, EMC/EMI, and high-speed digital design engineers and system integrators for networking, training, and learning opportunities. Attendees come to EDI CON USA to find solutions, products, and design ideas that they can put into immediate practice for today's communication, defense, consumer electronics, aerospace, and medical industries. Drawing attendees from both the analog and digital spheres, EDI CON enables designers to see techniques and technologies used in other applications that could be applied or adapted to solve their latest design challenges. The exhibition hall features product displays, demonstrations, interactive sessions, speed trainings, networking opportunities, and educational talks that address all aspects of design, simulation, test, and verification.

About the Organizers

EDI CON USA is organized by Microwave Journal, the Signal Integrity Journal, and the event planning division of their parent company, Horizon House. Microwave Journal, Signal Integrity Journal, and Horizon House also team with Microwave Journal China and ACT International (Hong Kong) to organize and produce EDI CON China (April 25-27, 2017 in Shanghai, China). An experienced and well-established organizer of targeted events, Horizon House additionally organizes European Microwave Week (EuMW) on behalf of the European Microwave Association (EuMA) and the M2M Zone at CTIA Super Mobility Week/Mobile World Congress Americas. To subscribe to Signal Integrity Journal, visit www.signalintegrityjournal.com

Event Contact:

Janine Love, Event Director +1-857-350-2216 jlove@horizonhouse.com Twitter: @tb_janine

Sales Contact:

Carl Sheffres, Publisher +1-781-619-1949 csheffres@mwjournal.com

Editorial Contacts:

North America: Pat Hindle +1 781-619-1946 PHindle@MWJournal.com Twitter: @pathindle

International: Richard Mumford +44 207 596 8787 RMumford@MWJournal.com




Posted August 1, 2017

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