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Visit Empower RF Systems at IMS 2017 Booth 1007 for Remote Live Demonstrations

Empower RF Systems
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By Paulo Correa, Empower RF Systems Chief Technical Officer

May 15, 2017 - Empower RF Systems is conducting remote live demonstrations of our broadband, high power 1 kW, 1 to 3 GHz amplifier, Booth 1007.

Visit Empower RF Systems at IMS 2017 Booth 1007 for Remote Live Demonstrations - RF CafeThe amplifier will be housed in Los Angeles and viewed in the Hawaii exhibit venue with live streaming video while remotely controlling the amplifier from the exhibit floor through a standard web browser. What you will see is a demonstration of remote operation of the Empower 2170 1 kW RF amplifier in a test setup that includes a signal generator, spectrum analyzer, external power meter, and load, simulating various test and modulation scenarios.

"Empower is bringing the element of portability to high power RF amplifiers with small size that allows these amplifiers to be conveniently shipped for offsite testing and moved around as needed within your test environment."

In addition to industry leading size / weight / power performance, the demonstration team will be exercising the system software that makes this a truly configurable amplifier with modes and features that include:

Selectable User Output Power Control

  • Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
  • Automatic Level Control (ALC)
  • Manual Gain Control (MGC)

Selectable Operating Modes

  • CW, FM, AM, CE
  • Digital Modulation
  • Multi-carrier / Multitone
  • Pulse Modulation
  • Gated Pulse

Built in Peak Detectors

  • Input and Output Detectors
  • Selectable Peak and RMS

This array of operational and power detection modes provides maximum flexibility and in our increasingly complex digital waveform environment. This is a power amplifier system that is designed and built around a flexible and future proof architecture.


List of Workshops: http://ims2017.org/exhibition/exhibitor-workshops

If you will be attending IMS 2017, we invite you to come see us at Booth 1007. We would be pleased to spend time with you discussing your test or operating scenarios, talking about our Company, and comparing notes on your application. If you are not able to join us at the show, please allow us to schedule a visit for you to our HQ facilities (10 minutes from LAX) or make arrangements for a "virtual tour" via web meeting to show you these products in operation.


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About Empower RF

Empower RF Systems is the technological leader in smart power amplifier solutions for EW, Threat Simulation, Radar, Communications, EMC and Product Test. Incorporating the latest semiconductor and power combining technologies with a patented architecture, we build the most sophisticated and flexible COTS system amplifiers in the world. Solutions range from tens of watts to multi-Kilowatt and include basic PA modules to intelligent scalable rack systems with AGC and ALC output modes. In addition to best-in-class SWaP, our Next Generation amplifiers have sophisticated RF detection to maximize efficiency for a variety of modulation schemes including QAM-xx, OFDM, Multi-tone, Pulse, AM, FM, and more.


Corporate Offices:

Empower RF Systems, Inc.

316 W. Florence Avenue

Inglewood, CA 90301

P: +1 (310) 412-8100

F: +1 (310) 412-9232





Posted May 20, 2017

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