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NI AWR 3rd Annual RF/Microwave PA Forum Presentations Now Playing on AWR.TV

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El Segundo, California – January 31, 2017


NI AWR 3rd Annual RF/Microwave PA Forum Presentations Now Playing on AWR.TV - RF CafeThe presentations recorded at the third annual RF/Microwave Power Amplifier (PA) Forum during European Microwave Week 2016 (EuMW 2016), featuring both NI AWR Design Environment and partner solutions, are now available for viewing on the AWR.TV YouTube channel.

The presentations include:

  • Professor Cripps' Keynote: Clipping Harmonic Contours - A New RF PA Design Tool
  • Source Pull and Device Performance
  • Circuit-Level Simulation with Poly-Harmonic Distortion (EPHD) Transistor Model
  • Load Pull in PA Design
  • MMIC Design
  • Design of High-Efficiency Amplifiers With Advanced Synthesis


The RF/ Microwave PA Forum playlist can be found on the AWR.TV YouTube channel.



About National Instruments

Since 1976, NI has made it possible for engineers and scientists to solve the world's greatest engineering challenges with powerful, flexible technology solutions that accelerate productivity and drive rapid innovation. Customers from a wide variety of industries–from healthcare to automotive and from consumer electronics to particle physics–use NI's integrated hardware and software platform to improve the world we live in.


Sherry Hess

Vice President of Marketing

AWR Group, NI

(310) 726-3000




Posted February 6, 2017

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