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Pasternack Releases New Waveguide Phase Shifters for K to W Bands

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Pasternack Releases New Waveguide Phase Shifters for K to W Bands - RF CafeIrvine, California - Pasternack, a leading provider of RF, microwave and millimeter wave products, has launched a new line of waveguide phase shifters in sizes ranging from WR-42 to WR-10. Typical applications include instrumentation, test benches, product development and characterization.

Pasternack's new series of waveguide phase shifters is comprised of seven models that operate in the frequency range of 18 GHz to 110 GHz and in 7 waveguide bands from K to W band. They provide phase shift range from 0 to 180 degrees and 1 dB maximum insertion loss. These waveguide phase shifters are constructed of gold-plated brass waveguide material and feature UG flange-style per military standard. The micrometer allows for precision and repeatable phase settings. They are ideally suited for aerospace, defense, industrial, telecom, instrumentation and medical industries.

"These precision phase shifters continue the expansion of our waveguide product line which offers a wide range of products off-the-shelf and ready for delivery, as opposed to taking weeks or months between ordering and receiving," said Mark Blackwood, Product Manager at Pasternack.

Pasternack's waveguide phase shifters are in stock and ready for immediate shipment with no minimum order quantity. For detailed information on these products, please visit https://www.pasternack.com/pages/RF-Microwave-and-Millimeter-Wave-Products/waveguide-phase-shifters.html.

About Pasternack

Over the last 40+ years, a lot has changed in the RF and Microwave industries. However, some things remain the same, like Customers' demand for a reliable source of quality products supported by superior technical and customer service.

Since 1972, Pasternack has steadily grown by aligning its offerings to match the needs of our Customers. We maintain an inventory of more than 40,000 products that are always available which gives you access to products ranging from the rare, hard-to-find specials to the broadest array of industry standards.

Today, Pasternack is a global supplier of RF and Microwave components supported by a growing list of 19 International Distributors who service customers in more than 35 countries worldwide and partner with us in pursuit of our vision to be the world's most recognized and trusted provider of urgently needed RF/Microwave components and assemblies.

Pasternack continues its mission to provide the users of RF and Microwave components and assemblies the broadest and deepest selection of products available for same-day shipment worldwide.


Pasternack Enterprises, Inc.

17802 Fitch

Irvine, CA 92614

(949) 261-1920

Web: www.pasternack.com



Posted July 17, 2017


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