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Ideal for High-Performance Wireless Infrastructure Applications, the UltraCMOS® PE42823 RF Switch Delivers Exceptional Single-event Peak Power Handling in a Small Form Factor


About Peregrine Semiconductor

Peregrine Semiconductor Corporation, a Murata company, is the founder of RF silicon on insulator (SOI) and is a leading fabless provider of high-performance, integrated RF solutions. Since 1988 Peregrine and its founding team have been perfecting UltraCMOS® technology—a patented, advanced form of SOI—to deliver the performance edge needed to solve the RF market's biggest challenges, such as linearity. By delivering best-in-class performance and monolithic integration, Peregrine products are the trusted choice for market leaders in automotive, broadband, industrial, Internet of Things, mobile devices, smartphones, space, test-and-measurement equipment and wireless infrastructure. A Murata company since December 2014, Peregrine holds more than 240 filed and pending patents and has shipped over 3.5 billion UltraCMOS units. For more information, visit http://www.psemi.com.


Peregrine Semiconductor Corporation

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Web: http://www.psemi.com

Email: sales@psemi.com

Phone: 858-731-9400

Fax: 858-731-9499



Posted January 19, 2018

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