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Radiocrafts RF Module Offers Low Power Consumption for BLE together with 6LoWPAN or Wireless M-Bus for Internet of Things and Wireless Sensor Networks

Radiocrafts RC1885 Dual-Mode Radio Module for IoT Applications - RF CafeOslo, Norway - Radiocrafts AS, a leading provider of RF modules and wireless connectivity solutions, announced today a new dual mode radio module platform for Smart Metering, Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensor Networks applications. The module has a 2.4 GHz radio transceiver is addition to the sub-Giga Hertz transceiver that is available on the RC18x0 module that was announced by Radiocrafts in September. The RC1885 radio module platform is a surface-mounted ultra-low power RF module based on the CC1350 system-on-chip from Texas Instruments. The modules include a low power BLE compliant 2.4 GHz RF transceiver in addition to the sub-Giga Hertz transceiver that is compliant to IEEE 802.15.4g, Wireless M-Bus and many proprietary protocols. It is ideal for battery operated sensors in 6LoWPAN networks.

The BLE compliant 2.4 GHz transceiver enables applications where commissioning and network set-up can be done using a smart-phone. This removes the need for customer specific HMI (Human-Machine Interface), thereby reducing the system cost significantly.

The ultra-low power radio consumes only 5.5 mA in receive mode and 22 mA during transmission at 14 dBm. The high-performance radio is complemented with a powerful ARM Cortex M3 controller with up to 128 kB of Flash memory and 20 kB of SRAM. A 4 kB EEPROM, and additional 256 kB Flash is optional. The extra Flash memory can be used for over-the-air firmware download. 30 digital and analogue I/O makes it easy to interface sensors and actuators in control and monitoring applications. An advanced low power sensor co-processor is available for direct sensor interface. Using the new module together with the TI-RTOS from Texas Instruments is a powerful combination to build any end application. Part of the TI-RTOS is programmed in ROM, leaving more Flash memory to the application firmware. The modules are also supported by the open source operating system Contiki, through the CC1310 Contiki port.

The 2.4 GHz BLE compliant transceiver adds significant benefit to the new module platform. It is a complement to existing offerings for low power wireless solution where the RF modules are integrating more and more functionality. Dual mode radio combined with an ARM Cortex M3 microcontroller in a System in Package module opens up even more possibilities than before for battery operated Internet of Things and Wireless Sensor Network applications. The compact surface mount modules, which measure only 12.7 x 25.4 mm, are delivered in tape and reel packaging. Samples and Developments Kits are available now.

About Radiocrafts AS:

Radiocrafts is a leading RF module design and manufacturing company. Radiocrafts' standard RF modules provide compact, easy-to-use, low cost, low power and high performance RF solutions for a large number of wireless applications using license-free ISM bands. Using modules OEM manufacturers without RF design knowledge can easily add wireless technology into their design, reducing time-to-market, cost of design, test and compliance approvals. Radiocrafts also offers custom and application specific product development, supporting customers from initial project ideas to volume product delivery.

Media Contact:

Radiocrafts Embedded Wireless Solutions

Radiocrafts AS

Sandakerveien 64 NO-0484

Oslo, Norway

Tel: +47 4000 5195

Fax: +47 22 71 29 15

E-mail: sales@radiocrafts.com

Internet: www.radiocrafts.com



Posted November 28, 2017

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