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Rohde & Schwarz: Measuring with Digital Storage Oscilloscopes Educational Note

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Measuring with Digital Storage Oscilloscopes

Rohde & Schwarz: Measuring with Digital Storage Oscilloscopes Educational Note - RF CafeThis educational note covers the theory and practice of digital storage oscilloscopes based on concrete measurement examples that address authentic everyday tasks. The theoretical portion of this paper begins with an explanation of the basic operating concepts for digital oscilloscopes, followed by a discussion of the most important parameters to be considered when setting up and performing the exercise measurements. The final portion of the theoretical section prepares the reader for the subsequent practical exercises containing detailed measurement tasks. These exercises are intended to demonstrate and reinforce the knowledge gained in the theoretical portion. The exercises build upon one another demonstrating measurement tasks that are encountered frequently by engineers in their daily work.

About Rohde & Schwarz

Founded more than 80 years ago, Rohde & Schwarz is one of the world's leading manufacturers of information and communications technology products for professional users. Initially focusing on RF engineering and RF applications in test and measurement, radiocommunications and broadcasting, the company has continually expanded its fields of activity over the past decades. In the meantime Rohde & Schwarz has also become one of Germany's largest manufacturers of IT security products.


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Posted August 4, 2017

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