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Triad RF Systems TA1205 -- 3-3.6 GHz, 10 W Class A Amplifier

Triad RF Systems Intros 3000-3600 MHz Broadcast Power Amplifier - RF CafeMay 31, 2017 - The new TA1205 is a GaN amplifier that operates at 3000-3600 MHz and offers an output power of up to 10 watts. It boasts a small form factor and light weight, while keeping a high power output which makes it ideal for ENG Broadcast applications where distance and mobility is key.

Triad RF Systems TA1205 specifications - RF Cafe





This class A, GaN module is designed for both military and commercial applications. It is capable of supporting any signal type and modulation format, including but not limited to 3-4G telecom, WLAN, OFDM, DVB, and CW/AM/FM. The latest device technologies and design methods are employed to offer high power density, efficiency, and linearity in a small, lightweight package.

About Triad RF System

Triad RF Systems, founded in 2010, designs and manufactures high-performance, high-power RF and microwave amplifiers operating at frequencies from 10 MHz to 20 GHz. The company focuses on delivering extremely high reliability and ruggedness when integrating its products within the confines of subsystems and systems - without sacrificing efficiency or linearity and adhering to stringent requirements for size, weight, and power. The company's products are employed in commercial and military applications, including terrestrial wireless and satellite communications, radar, electronic warfare, medical, digital video broadcast, and avionics systems.

Contact Info:

Triad RF Systems

Chris DeAngelis

11 Harts Lane, Suite I

East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Email: sales@triadrf.com

Web: www.triadrf.com

Phone: 1-855-558-1001

Copyright © 2017 Triad RF Systems, All rights reserved.



Posted June 2, 2017

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