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Safely produce consistent, optimum power from your laser diode

Wavelength Communications Intros Laser Diode Power Source - RF CafeSeptember 18, 2017 - The LDMOUNT is ideal for pump and communication diode lasers. The LDMOUNT from Wavelength Electronics is designed for optoelectronic modules in a 14-pin butterfly package that require up to 5A. With integrated heatsinking, built-in safety features, and easy connection to eight different high performance Wavelength controllers, the LDMOUNT can be used in a variety of applications, mounted on an optics table or to a chassis.

Features and Benefits

  • Capable of running lasers up to 5 A
  • Capable of running thermoelectrics up to 5 A
  • Compatible with 14-pin butterfly laser diode packages
  • Type 1 & Type 2 butterfly packages are supported with pre-soldered connection card
  • Other laser types supported with customer soldered Custom Butterfly Card
  • Zero insertion force (ZIF) socket holds laser diode
  • Laser interlock safety circuit
  • TEC Active/Bypass interlock safety circuit
  • Mounts to an optics table with standard 1/4-20 screw
  • Compatible with 8 Wavelength temperature controllers and laser drivers


Designed for 14-pin butterfly laser diodes with internal thermistors and Thermo Electric Coolers (TEC), the LDMOUNT is a laser diode mount with integrated heat sinking, and simple connections between the drivers and the diode laser. A zero insertion force (ZIF) socket holds the laser. Two 9-pin DSUB connectors enable TEC and laser driver control. Two basic butterfly laser diode types are supported. For any other pinout, the LDMOUNT-CU Card is available for hand wiring.

The LDMOUNT is designed for use with laser diodes that have the laser diode anode (LDA) grounded. As such, the laser diode cathode (LDC) is at a negative potential. The LDMOUNT is designed to operate at temperatures below 50°C. The user is able to change between the types easily by using the provided pre-configured connection card.


The LDMOUNT has several built-in safety features. These include a reverse bias protection diode across the laser diode, an interlock circuit for the laser diode current, and a TEC Active/Bypass switch to require active temperature control before laser current can be enabled.

About Wavelength Electronics

Wavelength Electronics solves problems for researchers and OEMs that use high precision laser diodes, quantum cascade lasers, and thermoelectrics. For 25 years, we have led the laser control industry by simplifying advanced control for demanding electro-optical applications. Laser safety is paramount and protection is built into every module. Quality manufacturing consistently delivers high performance reliable product when you need it. Team with Wavelength to beat your competition in performance and delivery.


P.O. Box 865

Bozeman, MT  59771

Phone:  406.587.4910

Fax:  406.587.4911

Web:  www.teamwavelength.com



Posted September 19, 2017

Temwell Filters
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