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Frost & Sullivan Applauds Copper Mountain Technologies for Its Robust USB VNA Solution

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CMT has introduced a range of solutions that meet customer demand for less expensive, smaller, more portable, and higher performing VNAs

Frost & Sullivan Applauds Copper Mountain Technologies for its Robust USB VNA Solution - RF CafeSanta Clara, California — August 15, 2017 — Based on its recent analysis of the universal serial bus (USB) vector network analyzer (VNA) industry, Frost & Sullivan recognizes Copper Mountain Technologies (CMT) with the 2017 Global Frost & Sullivan Award for Product Leadership. The imminent move of many Internet of Things (IoT) technologies from research to commercialization is expected to drive the demand for lower cost instrumentation over the next 5 to 10 years. CMT is well positioned to make the most of this opportunity with a strong and established USB VNA offering that is coupled with superior customer support spanning customer service, software development, and customization.

"CMT distinguishes itself from the competition by offering quality measurement VNAs that provide reliable results, yet are small, can be simply integrated into systems, and are more affordable than traditional analyzers," said Frost & Sullivan Industry Director Jessy Cavazos. "In addition, CMT places due emphasis on providing outstanding support to Tier II and Tier III customers that do not have the need or the means to afford high-end VNA solutions from incumbents."

The company has set up a dedicated team of engineers to respond to customer questions. Its software production team writes test and production automation software for running customers' entire test process, test results sorting and storage, work order generation, work order status recording, labeling, and part number assignments.

CMT has also increased its focus on customization in the past year. Because it does not have a computer inside the VNA box, it is not limited by a computer or screen size, dials, and buttons. CMT can easily move modules and PC boards, thereby changing the form factor, type, and location of connectors to meet specific customer requirements.

CMT has expanded its product portfolio of USB VNAs to include various models of different performance, size, and price points. Its portfolio of VNAs is comprised of:

1-port VNAs, also known as reflectometers or cable and antenna analyzers, with four models that range in frequency from 1 MHz to 18 GHz Compact, which scores high in form factor while still providing sufficient performance for many customers, includes six models ranging in frequency from 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz Planar, a full-size VNA product line that includes four models ranging in frequency from 100 kHz to 8 GHz Cobalt product lines—its flagship lines—which include 12 models ranging in frequency from 100 kHz to 20 GHz; the company also offers the CobaltFX system, which is a high-performing and affordable millimeter-wave solution up to 110 GHz.

Significantly, the company has a dedicated metrology group that focuses on temperature stability and measurement accuracy during the design phase of the instruments. This guarantees that solutions will perform as per the specifications.

CMT's current customer base primarily consists of companies involved in research activities. However, users are increasingly employing USB VNAs in the production and deployment space as IoT products move from the research and development to the manufacturing phase.

"The higher adoption of USB VNA is also driven by the rising costs of tests and customer awareness of the ways in which USB instrumentation can help them be more cost efficient," noted Ms. Cavazos. "CMT has optimally tapped this demand by partnering with companies in allied industries. This strategy has not only enhanced its value proposition to customers, but also set it up for future growth in the USB VNA industry."

Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents this award to the company that has developed a product with innovative features and functionality that is gaining rapid acceptance in the market. The award recognizes the quality of the solution and the customer value enhancements it enables.

Frost & Sullivan Best Practices awards recognize companies in a variety of regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in areas such as leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analysis, and extensive secondary research to identify best practices in the industry.

Read the full paper here: Frost & Sullivan Paper.pdf

About Copper Mountain Technologies

Copper Mountain Technologies develops innovative and robust RF test and measurement solutions for engineers all over the world. The company was created in 2011 and is based in Indianapolis, IN with a sales office in Singapore. Our innovative products and partnership approach enable RF and Microwave engineers to realize their potential through access to lab-grade instrumentation at affordable prices. Our world-class metrology and engineering resources work as an extension of your team.

Copper Mountain Technologies' VNAs include an RF measurement module and a software application which runs on any Windows PC, laptop or tablet, connecting to the measurement hardware via USB interface. The user can take advantage of the latest OS, processing power, larger display, and reliable performance of an external PC, as well as lower total cost of ownership and simplified maintenance of the analyzer. The result is a faster, more effective test process that fits into the modern workspace in lab, production, field and secure testing environments. This creative approach made Copper Mountain Technologies a leader in the industry and earned them both the 2015 Frost & Sullivan Global Leadership in Innovation Award and the 2017 Product Leadership Award

CMT engineers push the boundaries of convention when they develop VNAs. They use the latest available technologies and components, and continuously improve product selection and service. As an RF test and measurement leader, CMT contributes their technical and metrology expertise to solving your challenging problems. The goal is to help engineers and developers extend their reach by equipping them with cutting-edge test instruments that are highly accurate, small, lightweight, and affordable.

About Frost & Sullivan

Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, works in collaboration with clients to leverage visionary innovation that addresses the global challenges and related growth opportunities that will make or break today's market participants. For more than 50 years, we have been developing growth strategies for the global 1000, emerging businesses, the public sector, and the investment community.

Contact: Ana rriaga P: 210.247.3823 F: 210.348.1003 E: ana.arriaga@frost.com

Contact Info

Rebecca Wilson

Marketing & Communications Manager

Copper Mountain Technologies

631 East New York Street

Indianapolis, IN  46202 | USA

Phone: 317.222.5400

Web: www.coppermountaintech.com



Posted August 17, 2017

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