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IEEE 5G Summit to Co-Locate with the 2017 International Microwave Symposium

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IEEE 5G Summit to Co-Locate with the 2017 International Microwave Symposium - RF Cafe

5G catches the wave to Honolulu and will focus on a system level view of next generation wireless

Honolulu – March 21, 2017 – Today the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) in partnership with the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) is announcing their collaboration on a special 5G Summit to be held June 5-6, 2017. The summit will feature industry experts representing both the hardware/systems and networking/services aspects for the upcoming 5G standard.

"5G is a leading topic in the industry right now and co-locating a summit with the world's largest RF & Microwave event is a great opportunity. IMS brings thought leaders from industry, academia and government together, representing all aspects of the 5G spectrum from MTT-S' focus on hardware and systems to ComSoc's networking and services focus," said Doug Zuckerman, consultant at Vencore Labs and member of IMS2017 5G Summit Committee (ComSoc).

The 5G Summit will feature a keynote presentation from Flavio Bonomi, founder and CEO of Nebbiolo Technologies, and Professor (Emeritus) Arogyaswami Paulraj of Stanford University. Bonomi will provide an overview of 5G and show the relationship between fog computing and networking as a key enabler of the technology whereas Arogyaswami will focus on the latest research in massive MIMO. A complete speaker list can be found here.

For an insider's view of 5G, the Summit includes the 5G Executive Forum, a two-hour session with executive leaders in the field that will be open to all conference attendees - concluding with a networking reception. Speakers include:

  • Dr. Sanyogita Shamsunder, Exec Director 5G Strategy/EcoSystem, Verizon
  • Dr. Vida Ilderem, Vice President of Intel Labs and Director of Wireless Communication Research
  • Dr. Bami Bastani, Senior Vice President for the RF Business Unit at GLOBALFOUNDRIES
  • Dr. Michael Stewart, CEO and a Co-Founder of Escape Communications, Inc.
  • Dr. Khurram P. Sheikh, CEO of Kwikbit
  • Dr. Mark Pierpoint, Vice President and General Manager of the Internet Infrastructure Solutions Group at Keysight Technologies, Inc.

"IMS is the place to learn and discuss the future of key technologies so it was a natural fit for an event like the 5G Summit," said Debabani Choudhury of Intel Labs and IMS2017 5G Summit Committee Chair (MTT). "Our 5G Summit speaker list is a testament to IMS being the place where thought leadership happens."

For the first time, IMS provides a platform for both the hardware/systems and networking/services aspects for the upcoming 5G standard to collide—featuring experts from companies like Verizon, a leader in 5G.

The 5G Summit, a convergence among IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) and IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), is in Honolulu June 5-6. It'll feature:

  • Keynotes from Flavio Bonomi, founder and CEO of Nebbiolo Technologies, and Professor (Emeritus) Arogyaswami Paulraj of Stanford University. Bonomi will provide an overview of 5G and show the relationship between fog computing and networking as a key enabler of the technology whereas Arogyaswami will focus on the latest research in massive MIMO.
  • A-list bench of speakers (full list here).
  • 5G Executive Forum: a two-hour session offering an insider's view of 5G with executive leaders in the field that will be open to all conference attendees—concluding with a networking reception. See the full speaker list, including Dr. Sanyogita Shamsunder, Executive Director of 5G Strategy/Ecosystem at Verizon, here.

Register for 5G Summit

Click this link to register for the 5G Summit and IMS2017. Early Bird registration for IMS2017 is available until May 8 for the discounted rate. Online registration continues in the advance registration phase from May 9 until June 2, followed by onsite registration.

About IMS

The International Microwave Symposium (IMS) is the annual conference and exhibition of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S). IMS features a large trade show with a large commercial exhibition featuring over 600 companies and a technical program offering technical sessions, interactive forums, plenary and panel sessions, workshops, short courses, application seminars, and a wide variety of other technical and social activities. The program will cover the latest microwave and RF advancements in emerging areas such as 5G, automobile radar, wearable electronics, the Internet of Things, wireless HDMI, medical applications, satellite communications, and more. For more information, visit www.ims2017.org or follow IMS2017 on Facebook and Twitter.



Posted March 29, 2017

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