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Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)

Teledyne e2v Intros World's First K-Band DAC

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Data converters bringing the digital world into RF microwave range

Download our free white paper to learn some of the design secrets behind the EV12DS460.


"Microwave system designers are constantly on the look out to improve performance and attain higher operating bandwidths. Design simplification and the reduction of power, size and weight are also desirable; UWB data converters offer significant system simplification for multi-channel transmit paths. Many component developments have emerged over the last few years that help. However, few of these have the potential impact of a new digital-to-analog converter (DAC), the EV12DS460A. Indeed, the novel DAC claims to place complex bandwidth across a huge spectral range that includes the microwave K-band out to 26.5 GHz.

Initial details of a prototype monolithic microwave IC (MMIC) emerged during last year's European Microwave IC conference. Early indications showed a product capable of turning in solid X-band performance (8 to 12 GHz). Subsequently, detailed wide-band testing revealed that this DAC is capable of lot more than that. The part operates across eight Nyquist zones with a low noise floor and minimal spurious signal generation."

EV12DS460A - the world's first K-band capable Digital-to-Analog Converter. This ground breaking DAC provides an analog bandwidth extending beyond 7 GHz facilitating multi-band, direct digital synthesis up to K-band (26.5 GHz). A flexible 4:1 or 2:1 input multiplexer enables guaranteed sampling rates up to 6 GSps with the capability to operate at 7 GSps.

Teledyne e2V Intros World's First K-Band DAC - RF Cafe

EV12AS350 - Teledyne e2v's EV12AS350 is set to be the only 12-bit resolution ADC on the market that combines signal digitization at 5.4 GSps, input bandwidth in excess of 4.8 GHz and latency as low as 26 clock cycles with a noise of -150 dBm/Hz. Unlike other ADCs on the market, it will be free of non-harmonic spurs, creating a pure signal for coders to manipulate in a range of demanding applications.

Teledyne e2v's EV12AS350 12-bit ADC at 5.4 GSps - RF Cafe

About Teledyne 2ev

We partner with our customers to improve, save and protect people's lives. Our innovations lead developments in communications, automation, discovery, healthcare and the environment. We offer: RF Power solutions for: defense electronic countermeasures, Radar systems, Stellar satellite communications amplifiers, and missile control safety & arming devices Imaging solutions, including CCD & CMOS sensors and cameras, for space and earth observation imaging, and machine imaging. Semiconductor solutions for aerospace & defense, space and industrial markets requiring: lifecycle management, hi-rel microprocessors, high-speed data converters, high-reliability ICs with lifetime continuity of supply, manufacturing, assembly and test services. We employ approximately 1,650 people across 10 countries in Europe, America and Asia, have annual sales of £220m, and are listed on the London Stock Exchange.

Contact Info:

Darrek Porter

Director of Marketing

Teledyne Microwave Solutions

Office: (404)-368-9714

Mobile:  (404)-394-1347

E-mail: darrek.porter@teledyne.com



Posted August 22, 2017

Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)
Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs

Innovative Power Products (IPP) Directional Couplers