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VNA Impedance Measurement for Power Distribution Networks

Copper Mountain VNA Impedance Measurements Webinar - RF CafeIndianapolis, January 15, 2019 - Copper Mountain Technologies' Steve Sandler will present a webinar on January 22, at 11 am EST, about VNA Impedance Measurement for Power Distribution Networks. Almost all modern circuits are sensitive to power quality, which to a large extent is a measurement of the power rail impedance. This is because flat impedance power rails result in much lower noise than power rails that aren't flat. In RF circuits the peaks generally result in increased phase noise, while in digital circuits the issues are related to the allowed voltage window for the ASICs. In high-speed transceivers, these peaks result in jitter, which is also related to phase noise. In analog circuits, the peaks can result in increased noise density and in analog to digital converters the peaks result in spurious responses. The power rail impedance is typically controlled by the careful selection of bulk aluminum or tantalum capacitors, ceramic decoupling capacitors, inductors, and ferrite beads.

The instrument of choice for these impedance measurements is a vector network analyzer and the most common and highest accuracy measurement is the 2-port shunt through technique, using a 2-port VNA. The VNA offers the excellent dynamic range and also wide bandwidth.

About Copper Mountain Technologies

Copper Mountain Technologies develops innovative RF test and measurement solutions for engineers all over the world. The company's headquarters is in Indianapolis with sales offices in Singapore and Miami. The company pioneered metrology-grade USB VNAs in 2011 and continues to push for innovation and change in the industry to ensure engineers have access to the best technology. CMT achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification in 2019. The calibration lab in the USA is accredited in accordance with the recognized international standard ISO/IEC 17025 (2017) and meets all requirements of ANSI/NCSL Z540-1994-1. All CMT VNAs include application and automation support, and years of our engineering expertise at your disposal.

Copper Mountain Technologies provides a broad range of USB vector network analyzers, calibration kits, and accessories for 50 Ohm and 75 Ohm impedance. CMT VNAs are used for RF and Microwave applications from 9 kHz to 110 GHz by engineers in industries like defense, automotive, materials measurement, medical, broadcasting, and telecommunications.

Copper Mountain Technologies' VNAs include an RF measurement module and a software application which runs on any Windows PC, laptop or tablet, connecting to the measurement hardware via USB interface. The user can take advantage of the latest OS, processing power, larger display, and reliable performance of an external PC, as well as lower total cost of ownership and simplified maintenance of the analyzer. The result is a faster, more effective test process that fits into the modern workspace in lab, production, field and secure testing environments. This creative approach made Copper Mountain Technologies a leader in the industry and earned them both the 2015 Frost & Sullivan Global Leadership in Innovation Award and the 2017 Product Leadership Award.


Contact Info

Copper Mountain Technologies

631 East New York Street

Indianapolis, IN  46202 | USA

Phone: 1-317-222-5400

Web: www.coppermountaintech.com



Posted January 16, 2019

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