Cost-effective V60-282 and V60-283 silicon germanium (SiGe) chip-based waveguide
Typical Applications
• High-speed, point-to-point 60 GHz links
• High-bandwidth wireless video streaming
• 802.11ad WiGig developments
• RFID, RADAR, radiometry, and remote sensing
• V60-282 complete millimeter wave transmitter
• V60-283 complete millimeter wave receiver
• Modular Integrated Waveguide (MIW) technology
• V-band 57 to 64 GHz license-free operation
• WR-15, UG-385/U flange
• 15 dBm typical output power
• Up to 1.8 GHz modulation bandwidth • I/Q analog baseband interface
• On-chip synthesizer covers 57 to 64 GHz
• 250, 500 or 540 MHz step size
• 71.4286 MHz clock for 250 MHz step size
• 142.8571 MHz clock for 500 MHz step size
• 154.2857 MHz clock for 540 MHz step size
• Power, control and signals on LHSM connector
• Temperature sensor
January 20, 2019 - Denver, Colorado - RF Superstore is an RF and microwave component supply outlet
created by Pasternack founder Murray Pasternack. The
V60-282 Transmitter and
V60-283 Receiver are advanced, highly integrated V-band waveguide
modules that meet the demanding high-speed, low-cost production requirements of
today's developers. These silicon-based 60 GHz waveguide modules utilize the license-free
V-band millimeter wave spectrum of 57 GHz to 64 GHz.
Low Cost, Easy Integration
The cost-effective V60-282 and V60-283 silicon germanium (SiGe) chip-based waveguide
modules are easy to integrate. The modules are small and light weight, each incorporating
an easy-to-use, multi-pin LSHM connector for power, reference clock, digital control
port, and baseband signals. The ability to attach standard components make these
60 GHz V-band modules practical for a wide range of millimeter wave configurations
and budgets.
Small and lightweight, the waveguide modules feature a unique chip to waveguide
transition that is compatible with the WR-15, UG-385/U waveguide flange interface.
This radio transmitter operates in the license-free frequency range of 57 to 64 GHz.
The waveguide module supports up to 1.8 GHz modulation bandwidth, which feature
an I/Q interface for baseband modulation. Typical power output of this waveguide
module is + 15 dBm. Potential applications of these waveguide modules include
multi-Gbps digital communications, HD video transmission, millimeter wave radar &
imaging, and ATE at 60 GHz. The
Model RFS-640000-V60-282 is priced at $1,099 and is available
for immediate shipment. A companion receiver waveguide module,
Model RFS-640000-V60-283, priced at $1,099 is also available.
A pair consisting of a transmitter & receiver is available at the special price
of $1,999 (RFS-640000-V60-PAIR).
About RF Superstore
The launch of RF Superstore in 2017 marked the return of Murray Pasternack to
the RF and Microwave Industry. As Founder and CEO of Pasternack Enterprises from
1972 to 1992, Mr. Pasternack fundamentally changed the way RF components were sold
throughout the industry. His signature catalog greatly simplified the ordering process
and became the industry standard for RF component sales.
Joining Mr. Pasternack is Jason Wright, Managing Partner of The Riverbend Company,
an investment group with service, manufacturing and distribution-related investment
holdings. Mr. Wright holds an MBA from Columbia Business School and has an extensive
background in finance, investments and international business having worked for
several leading investment banks in the U.S. and Internationally. As CEO, Mr. Wright
will manage the day-to-day operations of the business while working closely with
Mr. Pasternack to develop RF Superstore into a world-class supplier of RF and microwave
RF Superstore Jason Wright 3820 Revere Street Suite D Denver, CO
80239 Phone: (888) 443-3427 | USA & Canada
(303) 586-1111 | International Web: www.RFsuperstore.com
Posted January 21, 2019