Vector Network Analyzers - Get Started with the Fundamentals
February 19, 2019 - Rohde & Schwarz USA
(R&S USA) has published a white paper entitled, "An Introduction to EMC Amplifiers." This white paper describes
not only the basics of EMC amplifiers, but also intricacies, discusses parameters
and characteristics that have the greatest influence on amplifier performance. It
provides a technical overview of EMC amplifiers as well as a practical discussion
of how amplifier class, compression points, VSWR, foldback, etc. impact amplifier
performance in real-world scenarios.
Broadband amplifiers are necessary for generating the field strengths required
for most EMC radiated immunity tests. This whitepaper provides a brief overview
of the role of amplifiers in EMC testing as well as a discussion of the parameters
and characteristics which have the greatest influence on amplifier performance.
Over the last several decades electronic devices have played an increasingly
important role in almost every aspect of everyday life--they have become virtually
indispensable in business, industry, medicine, education and even in the home. All
of these devices have the potential to interfere with, or suffer interference from,
other electronic devices, either through radiated (over the air) or conducted (via
cables) emissions. These interference effects can range from relatively minor disturbances,
such as a barely perceptible audible buzz or visible flicker, to device failure
and even permanent damage. Given the rapidly growing number of electronic devices,
their often close proximity to each other, and their growing importance in our daily
lives, it is essential that efforts be made in order to identify, measure, and limit
or resolve interference between devices.
About Rohde & Schwarz
Founded more than 80 years ago, Rohde & Schwarz is one of the world's leading
manufacturers of information and communications technology products for
professional users. Initially focusing on RF engineering and RF applications in
test and measurement, radiocommunications and broadcasting, the company has
continually expanded its fields of activity over the past decades . In the
meantime Rohde & Schwarz has also become one of Germany's largest manufacturers
of IT security products.
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Posted February 22, 2019